[1] Furthermore, whilest the truce yet lasted, king Richard sailed ouer into England, Matth. Paris. The king re|turneth into England. He granteth the English men licence to iournie. where he caused turneis to be exercised in diuerse places, for the bet|ter training vp of souldiers in feats of warre, that they might growe more skilfull and perfect in the same, when they should come to the triall of their forces, whereby he raised no small summes of monie for granting license to his subiects so to tournie. E|uerie earle that would tournie, paid to him for his li|cence twentie marks, euerie baron ten marks, and euerie knight hauing lands, did giue foure marks, Rog. Houed. Fines paid for licence to exercise tur|nements. and those that had no lands two marks, to the great damnifieng of the people; hauing learned the com|mon lesson, and receiued the ordinarie rule follow|ed of all, and neglected of none; namelie,

—opus est nummis vel morte relictis,M [...]l. Pal [...]n suo cap.
Vel sorte inuentis, vel quauis arte paratis,
Quippe inopem mala multa pati contingit vbi,
Nec sine diuitijs fas cuiquam ducere vitam
Foelicem, &c.