[1] The emperor sendeth to the king.About this time the emperour sent to king Ri|chard, requiring him in no wise to conclude any peace with the French king, but rather to inuade his dominions, promising to aid him all that he might. But king Richard, Anno Reg. 7. to vnderstand further of the em|perours mind herein, sent ouer his chancellour the bishop of Elie vnto him in ambassage.The bishop of Elie is sent to the emperour. In the meane time the warre was still continued betwixt him and the French, by the which they were com|monlie put to the worse, and king Richard inuading their borders, did much hurt in wasting the coun|tries on each side. The French king was at one time so narrowlie chased, that as he would haue passed a bridge that laie ouer the water of Saine, he was in danger of drowning by the fall of the same vnder him, but yet at the length he escaped, and got to the further side.