[1] [2] Moreouer, at the same time he caused his two bre|thren, earle Iohn, and Geffrey the elect archbishop of Yorke to take an oth not to returne into England during the terme of thrée yeares next insuing, with|out his consent and licence first had. This he did, fore|séeing what might happen, prouiding as it were a|gainst such practises as his brethren might happilie attempt against him. But yet his mother quéene E|lianor procured him to reuoke that decree immediat|lie, least it might seeme to the world, that hir sonnes should stand in feare one of another. And so the earle of Mortaigne was licenced to returne into Eng|land at his pleasure,Earle Iohn licenced to re|turne into England. swearing an oth at his depar|ture to obeie the kings beheast, and truelie to serue him, according to the dutie of a good and loiall sub|iect. The bishop of Elie lord chancellour and cheefe iustice of England was also sent backe hither into this realme, to set forward things behoouefull for the kings iournie.