[1] Whilest these things were in hand, there was mi|nistred to the English men occasion of displeasure for as it oftentimes chanceth (where an armie is) cer|teine of the vnrulie souldiers within Messina vsed [page 125] themselues somewhat riotouslie, wherevpon the citi|zens offended therewith, got them to armour, and chased all the souldiers out of the citie. King Ri|chard who laie in campe without the walles néere to the citie, was so highlie displeased herewith, that he caused his men to arme themselues, and to prepare ladders and other necessarie things to assault the ci|tie: but by the mediation of the French king & cur|teous excuse of king Tancred (alledging the fault to rest onelie in a sort of rude citizens, whom he promi|sed to punish) the matter was taken vp, and staied for a time, till at length it was perceiued, that the Sicilians subtilie went about to feed king Richard with faire words, till he should be readie to set for|wards on his iournie, and so should the matter passe without further punishment.