[1] Herevpon king Richard, after he had beene priso|ner one yeare, R. Houed. King Ri|chard relea|sed out of cap|tiuitie. six weekes, and thrée daies, was set at libertie on Candlemasse day (as most writers agrée) and then with long and hastie iournies, not kéeping the high waies, he hasted foorth towards England. It is reported that if he had lingred by the way, he had béene eftsoones apprehended. For the emperour be|ing incensed against him by ambassadors that came from the French king, immediatlie after he was set forward, began to repent himselfe in that he had suf|fered him so soone to depart from him, and herevpon sent men after him with all speed to bring him backe if they could by any meanes ouertake him, meaning as then to haue kept him in perpetuall prison.