[1] [2] At length, king Richard remembring himselfe of his mother quéene Elianor, Matt. Paris. who had béene separated from the bed of hir husband for the space of sixtéene yeares, and was as yet deteined in prison in Eng|land, wrote his letters vnto the rulers of the realme, commanding them to set hir againe at libertie,The kings mother set at libertie. and withall appointed hir by his letters patents, to take vpon hir the whole gouernment of the kingdome in his absence. The quéene being thus deliuered, and hauing now the cheefe authoritie & rule in hir hands, rode in progresse about the realme, to sée the estate thereof; and as she passed from place to place, she shewed gladsome countenance to the people where|soeuer she came, dooing also what she could to plea|sure them, that she might thereby win their good willes to hir, and to hir sonne: but speciallie remem|bring by hir late experience and tast thereof, what an irksome & most gréeuous thing imprisonment was, she caused the gailes to be opened, and foorthwith set no small number of prisoners at libertie by the way as she passed through the countries, according to the verse of Virgil,

Non ignara mali miseris succurrere disco.