[1] At length the king receiued aduertisement from his mother queene Elianor of his demeanor, and that there was great likeliehood of some commotion to insue, if spéedie remedie were not in time proui|ded. Wherevpon being then in Sicile,Walter the archbishop of Rouen sent into England he sent Wal|ter the archbishop of Rouen into England with commission, to ioine in administration of the king|dome with his chancellor the said bishop of Elie. But the archbishop comming into England was so slen|derlie interteined of the chancellour, and in effect so lit [...]e regarded, that notwithstanding his commission and instructions brought from the king,He is little re|garded of the lord chancel|lor. he could not be permitted to [...] any rule. But the chancellour deteinin [...] the same who [...]e in his h [...]ds, ordered all things at his pleasure, without [...] the archbish. [...] Rouen, or any other of counsell with him, except such a [...] it pleased him to [...] for the seruing of his owne turne.