[1] [2] About the same time, or not long before, whereas there had beene long contention betwixt the kings of England, Rog. Houed. The king and the earle of Tholouse a|greed. and the earles of S. Giles for the earle|dome of Tholouse, king Richard by way of aliance fell now at an appointment with the earle Raimond that held those lands: for whereas the countesse Con|stance wife to the said Raimond earle of Tholouse and aunt to king Philip was now departed this life, king Richard concluded a mariage betwene the said earle and his sister Ioane quéene of Sicile, some|time wife to William king of Sicile, so that being thus ioined in aliance with the said earle of Tho|louse on the one side, Matt. Paris. The earle of Flanders a|lied with K. Richard. he procured a league also with Baldwine earle of Flanders on the other, vnto whome he gaue fiue thousand markes in reward, vpon condition, that he should couenant not to grow to any agréement with the French king without his consent. Likewise Reginold the earle of Bolongne, Iacob. Meir. Les annales de France. that was sonne to the earle of Chasteau Martine, ali|ed himselfe with them against the French king, and so did Baldwine earle of Guines with diuerse other.