[1] [2] There is a towne in that countrie called Chalus Cheuerell,Chalus Che|uerell. R. Houed. into which the said vicount retired for safegard of himselfe, and then gaue the townesmen a great portion of treasure, to the end they should de|fend him and his quarell for the rest. King Richard still following him, as one that could not auoid his fatall ordinance, hasted into the confines of Limo|sin, fullie determining either to win the towne by force, if the inhabitants should make resistance, or at least wise, to get into his hands the preie, which he so earnestlie pursued. At his first approch he gaue ma|nie fierce assaults to the towne, but they within ha|uing throughlie prouided aforehand for to defend a siege, so resisted his attempts,K. Richard besiegeth Chalus. that within thrée daies after his comming, he ceassed to assaile the towne, meaning to vndermine the walles, which otherwise he perceiued would verie hardlie be gotten, conside|ring the stoutnesse of them within, and withall, the naturall strength and situation of the place it selfe.