[1] [2] [3] About this time, and on the morrow after the na|tiuitie of saint Iohn Baptist, R. Houed. The bishop of Elie. the bishop of Elie lord chancellour arriued in England, not shewing him|selfe in any statelie port (for he tooke vpon him nei|ther the dignitie of chancellour nor legat, nor yet of iustice) but onelie as a simple bishop and messenger sent from the king. The quéene mother, the archbishop of Rouen, and such other as had gouernment of the land, hearing of his comming, met him at saint Al|bons, where he shewed to them the emperours let|ters, conteining the agreement made betwixt him and king Richard, and withall appointed certeine lords & barons to go with him at his returne backe to the king, as Gilbert bishop of Rochester, Sifrid bishop of Chichester, Bennet abbat of Peterborow, Richard earle of Clare, Roger Bigot earle of Nor|folke, Geffrey de Saie, and diuerse other. It was also ordeined at this same time, that the monie ga|thered towards the paiment of the kings ransome should remaine in custodie of Hubert bishop of Sa|lisburie, Richard bishop of London, William earle of Arundell, Hameline earle of Warren, and of the Maior of London, vnder the seales of the quéene mother, and of the archbishop of Rouen.