[1] About the same time he got the fauour of them of Champaigne and of the Britons, Les annales de France. and William Crespine also was constreined to deliuer vnto him the castell of Auge, but the French king recouered it by siege, whilest king Richard entring into Aluer|gne wan diuerse castels there, to the number of ten out of king Philips hands. Anno Reg. 9. In the meane time the earle of Flanders made sore warre against the French king for his part, and training the same king within streits, so that he was almost inclosed on ech side, he constreined him to agrée to such composition as pleased the same earle to appoint, but afterwards the French king refused to stand to the couenants of that agréement, and so the warre continued betwixt them as before.