[1] Whilest these things were in dooing, there came into France legats from the said Clement, to mooue the two kings to make all the spéed possible towards their iourneie, bicause of the great danger wherein things stood in Palestine, requiring present helpe. Herevpon king Richard (his men and prouision be|ing readie) commanded that his ships should set for|ward, Polydor. King Richard set forward on his iourneie. Rog. Houed. & to coast about by the streicts of Giberalter|re to come vnto Marseilles, where he appointed to méet them, and so with a chosen companie of men he also set foorth thitherwards by land, and comming to Towrs, receiued the scrip and staffe as a pilgrime should, at the hands of the archbishop there.