[1] [2] [3] [4] The said canons and officials well considering of the popes letters, which were deliuered vnto them by the messengers, signified for answer, that they would gladlie receiue him as legat of the apostolike sée, but not as archbishop of Canturburie, nor as their pri|mat. Herewith he came to Yorke vpon saint Bar|nabies daie being sundaie, and was receiued with [page 148] procession. On the morrow after, he held a court of plees of the crowne, of assises, and such other matters touching the king. On the next day being Tues|day, he entred into the monasterie of saint Maries in Yorke, and deposed the abbat, bicause of his infir|mitie of bodie, at the request of the moonks, but the abbat appealed to the popes consistorie. Then he as|sembled the cleargie in the church of Saint Peter in Yorke,A synod hol|den at Yorke. and there held a synod for reformation of things amisse in the church, and amendment of man|ners in the cleargie so that diuerse decrées were made, the which for bréefenesse we [...] to speake of in particular. This yeare also, the said archbishop [...] throughout the realme of England to receiue an oth of obseruing the kings [...], and to sweare that they should not be robbers, nor abbettors of ro [...]bers, nor in any wise consenting vnto them, but should doo what in them might lie to [...] offendors, and to discouer them to the kings officers to be apprehended, and to pursue them vpon hew and crie to the vttermost of their powers, and those that withdrew themselues from such pursuit; should be apprehended as partakers with the offendors.