[1] [2] There liued in the daies of this king Richard,Baldwine & Hubert arch|bishops of Canturburie men of worthie fame amongst those of the cleargie, Bald|wine archbishop of Canturburie, and Hubert who succeeded him in that sée, also Hugh bishop of Lin|colne, a man for his worthinesse of life highlie to be commended. Moreouer, William bishop of Elie, who though otherwise he was to be dispraised for his ambition and pompous hautinesse, yet the king vsed his seruice for a time greatlie to his profit and ad|uancement of the publike affaires. Also of learned men we find diuerse in these daies that flourished here in this land, as Baldwine of Deuonshire that came to be bishop of Worcester in this kings time, and after his deceasse, he was aduanced to the go|uernment of the archbishops sée of Canturburie, he wrote diuerse treatises, namelie of matters pertein|ing to diuinitie. Iohn Bale. Daniell Morley well seene in the Mathematicals, Iohn de Hexam, and Richard de Hexham two notable historicians, Guilielmus Ste|phanides a moonke of Canturburie, who wrote much in the praise of archbishop Becket. Beside these, we find one Richard, that was an abbat of the order Premonstratensis, Richard Diuisiensis, Nicholas Walkington, Robert de Bello Foco, an excellent philosopher, &c. ¶ See Bale in his third Centurie.