[1] [2] Wherefore he tooke the oth, and the Nobles of his countrie with him, and therewithall released the English pledges, remitted the monie that yet remai|ned behind of his portion aforesaid, and immediatlie therewith died. After his deceasse, bicause certeine pée [...]es of the countrie withstood the performance of the premisses, his bodie laie eight daies longer aboue ground than otherwise it should haue doone, for till such time as all the pledges were perfectlie released, it might not be buried. Also Baldwin de Betun ap|proching neere to the confines of Austrich, when he heard that the duke was dead, returned with the two ladies vnto his souereigne lord king Richard. Th [...]s (as ye haue heard) for feare of the censures of the church were the pledges restored, and the residue of the monie behind released.