[1] King Richard being returned into England, and vnderstanding both how the French king made warre against him in Normandie, and that the state of England was not a little disquieted, by the pra|ctise of his brother earle Iohn and his complices, spe|ciallie by reason that diuerse castels were defended by such as he had placed in them, he thought good with all speed to cut off such occasions as might bréed a further mischéefe. Wherevpon he first went to No|tingham,The king go|eth to Noting+ham and win|neth the castel. and within thrée daies after his comming thither (which was on the daie of the Annunciation of our ladie) he constreined them that kept the castell there in his brothers name, to yeeld themselues sim|plie vnto his mercie, Rog. Houed. after they had abidden diuerse assaults, by the which euen the first daie the vtter gates were burnt, and certeine defenses destroied, which they had made before the same.