[1] [2] When the French king was throughlie infor|med of the first point, through counsell of the earle of Flanders and others, he pacified himselfe, and was contented to release the king of England of his faith giuen by oth for the contract made with his sister A|lice: in consideration of which releasement and de|liuerance, the king of England couenanted to giue yearelie to the French king two thousand marks of starling coine for the terme of fiue yeares togither: and at his returne home, it was agreed, that he shuld also deliuer vnto the French king his sister the said ladie Alice, with the towne of Gisors, and all other things which the French king had granted to him with his said sister. On the other part, the French king granted, that the dutchie of Britaine should apperteine to the dominion of the dutchie of Nor|mandie, so as the duke of Britaine should be accomp|ted the liege man of the duke of Normandie, and that the duke of Normandie should answer the French king for both the dutchies, as well of Bri|taine as Normandie. These agréements were rati|fied and confirmed with solemne oths receiued, and charters giuen vnder their hands and seales, vpon the 30. of March.