[1] [2] The French king tooke the towne of Diep,The warre [...] begun afresh. which king Richard had latelie repared, and burned it, with the ships that harbored [...] the hauen: after this, com|ming to Isoldun, he wan the towne and besieged the castell But king Richard aduertised thereof, came with quicke spéed (making of thrée daies iournie but one) and entred into the castell of Isoldun to defend the same against his aduersaries:The has [...] which king Richard made and foorthwith there resorted such numbers of men vnto him, when they heard how he was besieged, that the French king doubting how to retire from thence in safetie, made suit first to haue licence to depart, and after when that would not be granted, he required at the leastwise to talke with the king of England about some agréement.