[1] ¶ It is recorded by writers, that when such lords of Almaine as came ouer with him, saw the great riches which the Londoners shewed in that trium|phant receiuing of their souereigne lord and king, they maruelled greatlie thereat, insomuch that one of them said vnto him;
Surelie oh king, your people are wise and subtile, which doo nothing doubt to shew the beautifull shine of their riches now that they haue receiued you home, whereas before they seemed to bewaile their need and pouertie, whilest you re|mained in captiuitie. For verelie if the emperour had vnderstood that the riches of the realme had bin [page 142] such, neither would he haue beene persuaded that England could haue béene made bare of wealth, nei|ther yet should you so lightlie haue escaped his hands without the paiment of a more huge and intollera|ble ransome.