[1] The same yeare also the moonks of the house of the holie Trinitie,The moonks of Christes church send to the pope, complaining of their arch|bishop. otherwise called Christes church in Canturburie, exhibited their complaint vnto pope Innocent, that their archbishop Hubert (contrarie to his order and dignitie) exercised the office of high iustice, and sate in iudgement of bloud, being so in|cumbred in temporall matters, that he could not haue time to discharge his office touching spirituall causes: wherevpon the pope sent vnto king Richard, admonishing him not to suffer the said archbishop to be any longer troubled with temporall affaires,The pope sen|deth to the king. but to discharge him thereof, and not to admit any spiri|tuall person from thencefoorth vnto any temporall administration.