[1] [2] [3] King Richard being aduertised of his comming, hasted foorth to méet him, and giuing the onset vp|on him, forced him to flee vnto Gisors, where at the entring of the bridge there was such preasse, that the bridge brake, so that amongst other, the king him|selfe with his horsse and all fell into the riuer of Geth,King Philip almost drow|ned. and with much adoo was releeued, and got out of the water, no small number of right hardie and valiant gentlemen being taken at the same time, which put themselues forward to staie the Englishmen, till the king was recouered out of that present danger. To conclude,Seuen score saith R. Houed. there were taken to the number of an hundred knights, and two hundred barded horsses, besides seruitors on horssebacke, Matth. Paris. R. Houed. and footmen with crossebowes. Amongst other prisoners these are na|med, Matthew de Montmorancie, Gales de Ports, Iollen de Bray, and manie other also innumerable. King Richard hauing got this victorie, wrote let|ters thereof vnto the archbishops, bishops, abbats earles and barons of his realme, that they might praise God for his good successe.