[1] But now to returne vnto the further dooings of king Richard before his departure out of England towards his iournie into the land of Palestine, com|monlie called Holie land, it is said, he made such sale of things apperteining to him, as well in right of the crowne, as otherwise, that it séemed to diuerse he made his reckoning neuer to returne againe, in so much that some of his councellours told him plaine|lie, that he did not well in making things awaie so freelie,K. Richard setteth things on sale. Ran. Higd. Wil. Paruus. to the dishonoring of his maiestie, and preiu|dice of his successour; vnto whom he answered, that in time of néed it was no euill policie for a man to helpe himselfe with his owne, and further ioined hereto these words,

that if London at that time of néed would be bought, he would surelie sell it, if he might méet with a conuenient merchant that were able to giue him monie inough for it.