[1] Thus Iaph being deliuered out of the enimies hands,Cephas. K. Richard fell sicke. king Richard fell sicke at a castell called Ce|phas, and so remained there certeine daies, till he had recouered his health. In which meane time the Soldane Saladine seeming to lament his [...]ase, sent vnto him certeine of his councellors to common with him of peace, declaring that although he well vnderstood that king Richard ment shortlie to re|turne into his countrie, and that after his departure out of the east parts, he could with small adoo recouer all that the christians yet held within the holie land, he would neuerthelesse in respect of king Richards high prowes; and noble valiancie, grant a peace for a certeine time, so that not onelie Ascalon, but also all other such townes and places as the christians had fortified or woone since the conquest of Acres should be raced, as touching their walles, bulworks, gates, and other fortifications.