[1] Here is to be remembred, that before king Ri|chard arriued at the siege, he incountred on the sea a mightie great ship called a Drommond, which one Saphaldine the brother of Saladine a prince of the Saracens had sent, Matt. Paris. Nic. Triue [...]. Saphaldine, the brother of Saladine. to refresh them with vittels. This ship king Richard caused féercelie to be assailed with his gallies, and at length bowged hir with all the vittels and prouision within the same, as wild|fire, barels of firie serpents, armour and weapons of sundrie sorts, besides all the mariners and men of warre, except such as were taken to mercie and sa|ued aliue, being about 200 in the whole, whereas there were aboord the same ship 500 men of warre, as some write, though other haue but 800. Matth. Paris N. Triue [...].