[1] Herevpon king Richard, hauing left a garrison of souldiers in Nouencourt, came to raise the eni|mie from his siege, & setting vpon the Frenchmen, there began a sharpe fight: but the Englishmen being wearie with trauell of their passed iournie, and hauing rashlie entred into the battell, were not able to indure the Frenchmens violence, so that (not without great losse) they were constreined to re|tire with swift flight, or (to saie the truth) to run a|waie a maine pase. The French king hauing thus chased his enimies, returned to assault Albemarle, woone the castell by force, and the towne by composi|tion, permitting the garrison there to depart with all their armour. This doone, he ruinated the castell flat to the ground. Rog. Houed The earle of Leicesters offer for his ransome. Robert earle of Leicester offered to the French king a thousand marks sterling for his ransome, and to quite claime to him and his heires for euer all the right which he had to the castell of Pascie, with the appurtenances, and to get a confir|mation thereof for him both of the pope, and of the king of England: but for that the warre still lasted, the French king tooke a respite in answering this offer, neuerthelesse afterwards in the yeare next in|suing, he tooke it, and so the earle was set at libertie.