[1] [2] ¶But now for the better vnderstanding of the cause of such quarelling as fell out betwixt the Eng|lishmen and the Sicilians, yée shall vnderstand that a little before the arriuall of the kings of England and France in those parts, king William of Sicile was departed this life, leauing no issue behind him. Whervpon the lords of the Ile elected one Tancred to their king, a bastard sonne of Roger sometime king of that land, and grandfather to this last decea|sed king William. This Tancred though he recei|ued king Richard verie courteouslie: yet he great|lie trusted him not, bicause he demanded the dowrie of his sister quéene Ioane, wife to the late king Wil|liam to be restored, whereas he had not readie mo|nie to discharge it.