[1] It chanced, that in a skirmish Hugh de Chan|mount was taken prisoner,Hugh de Chaumount taken prisoner one that was of the French kings priuie councell, and king Richard ap|pointed him to the kéeping of Robert Ros, who char|ged one of his seruants named William de Spinie with the custodie of him. But the said Hugh corrup|ting his kéeper the foresaid William with rewards, (whereof it is said,
escaped out of the castell of Bonneuille, where he was within ward,Robert Rosse put to his fine for an escape. to the great displeasure of king Richard, who caused Robert Ros to paie for a fine, the summe of twelue hundred marks, which the priso|ner should haue paied for his ransome: and further, commanded William de Spinie to be hanged for his disloiall dealing.Ouid in 3. Art am. ep. 16. —acceptissima semperMunera sunt, author quae preticsa facit)