[1] [2] Moreouer, through the kings request, pope Cele|stine this yeare made the archbishop of Canturbu|rie legat of all England by his buls directed to him,

Pope Cele|stine.

The archbish. of Canturbu|rie is made y^ [...] popes legat.

bearing date at his palace in Rome called Lateran the fifteenth kalends of Aprill, in the fourth yeare of his papasie. Furthermore, the pope wrote to the English cleargie, giuing them to vnderstand that he had created the said archbishop of Canturburie his legat, commanding them so to accept him: by vertue of which letters,A trinitie of offices in vni|tie of person. the archbishop Hubert being now both archbishop of Canturburie, legat of the apostolike sée, and lord chéefe iustice of England, appointed to hold a councell at Yorke, and therefore gaue knowledge by the abbat of Binham in North|folke, and one maister Geruise, vnto the canons of Yorke, and to the archbishops officials of his purpo|sed intention.