[1] [2] King Richard as then remained at Saleru, and hearing that his nauie was gone towards Messina,They arriue at Messina. he departed thence on the thirteenth day of Septem|ber, and hasted forth towards Messina, passing by Melphi and Cocenza, and so at length comming to Faro de Messina, he passed the same,K. Richard arriueth at Messina. and on the 23. day of September arriued at Messina with great noise of trumpets and other instruments, to the woonder of the French king and others that beheld his great puissance and roiall behauiour now at his comming. The same time he went vnto the French kings lodging, to commen with him of their busi|nesse: and immediatlie the French king tooke the sea, in purpose to haue passed forward on his iournie but by contrarie wind he was staied and kept backe within the hauen, wherevpon both the kings deter|mined to winter there, and in the meane time to pro|uide themselues of all things necessarie for their ior|nie, against the beginning of the next spring. On the 30 of September he receiued his sister the quéene of Sicile, the widow of William late king of that Ile, whome he placed in a strong fortresse, which he tooke the same day, and left therein a conuenient garison of men of armes and demilances for the safegard of the place and of his said sister.