[1] King Richard held his Christmasse this yeare at Roan, and Hubert the archbishop of Canturburie le|gat of the apostolike sée, named lord chéfe iustice of England, was about the same time in the marshes of Wales at Hereford, and there receiued into his hands the castels of Hereford, Bridgenorth and Lud|low, remoouing those that had the same in kéeping, and appointing others in their roomes.Moonks pla|ced againe in the church of Couentrie. Afterwards comming by Couentrie, he placed the moonks a|gaine in the cathedrall church of that citie, by com|mandement of pope Celestine, and chased out the se|cular canons, which the bishop Hugh Nouant had brought into the same church when he remooued the moonks.