[1] The same day also the kings sisters and the ladie Berengaria with the residue of the kings nauie en|tred the hauen of Limezun. In the meane time the king of Cypres (hauing escaped from the battell) got togither his men which were fled and dispersed sun|drie waies, and incamped within six miles of king Richard, threatning that the next day he would eft|soones giue battell: which when king Richard vnder|stood, he caused his people to be armed the next mor|ning long before day, and so comming by guides vn|to the place where the Cypriots with their king were lodged,King Richard with a cami|sado vanqui| [...]heth the Cy|priots, & cha|seth them out of their campe. Iohn Textor. suddenlie they assailed them yer they had a|nie warning of his marching towards them, by rea|son whereof they were slaine like beasts in great numbers. Howbeit, their king and a few otherī€­ esca|ped and fled away naked, hauing no time to put on their apparell, his treasure, horsse, armour and stan|dard were taken, which standard king Richard strait|waies determined to send vnto saint Edmunds shrine, and so did.