[1] [page 156] Unto his brother Iohn he [...]ssigned the crowne of England, and all other his lands and dominions, cau|sing the Nobles there present to sweare fealtie vnto him. His monie, his iewels, and all other his goods mooueable he willed to be diuided into thrée parts, of the which Otho the emperor his sisters sonne to haue one, R. Houed. his houshold seruants an other part, and the third to be distributed to the poore. Finallie, re|membring himselfe also of the place of his buriall, he commanded that his bodie should be interred at Fonteuerard at his fathers feet, but he willed his heart to be conueied vnto Rouen, Matth. Paris. and there buried, in testimonie of the loue which he had euer borne vn|to that citie for the stedfast faith and tried loialtie at all times found in the citizens there. His bowels he ordeined to be buried in Poictiers, as in a place na|turallie vnthankefull and not worthie to reteine any of the more honorable parts of his bodie.