[1] [2] Moreouer, the king being thus established in the estate of the kingdome, did not forget his iournie which he had promised into the holie land, but with all diligence made his prouision, and namelie he sought to gather monie to furnish his charges, and so there|vpon leuied a tax, engaged, sold, and let to farme his lands, tols, customs, and other his reuenewes with certeine counties and offices, so that he made an ex|ceeding summe of monie. Matt. Par. He also found, that Ra|nulfe de Glanuille lord chéefe iustice, and other of the head magistrates had not behaued themselues vp|rightlie in the administration of their offices; so that he both deposed the said lord cheefe iustice as is afore|said, and almost all the shiriffes and their deputies within the realme of England, putting them to gree|uous fines for their offenses and transgressions, and so by that meanes he got no small deale of monie.