[figure appears here on page 825]
An. reg. 1.
[...]. VVeſt.
[...]vve Seale [...]de.
An. Reg. 2. Mat. VVeſt.
A diſme graun|ted to the king and his brother
Nic. Triuet.
K. Edvvard his returne home.
[1] At this coronation were preſent Alexander Kyng of Scottes, and Iohn Earle of Britayn, with their wiues that were ſiſters to Kyng Ed|ward. The Kyng of Scots did homage vnto Kyng Edward for the Realme of Scotlande, in [page 786] like maner as other the kyngs of Scotlande; be|fore hym had done to other Kyngs of England auncetours to this Kyng Edwarde. At the ſo|lempnitie of this coronation there were let goe at libertie, catche them that catche myght, fiue hundred great horſes by the King of Scottes, the Erles of Cornwall,Caxton. Glouceſter, Pembroke, Warren, and others, as they were alighte be|ſide theyr backs. On ſaint Nicholas euen there chaunced ſuche an earthquake with lightning and thunder, and therewythall the appearing of the brẽning drake, and a blaſing ſtarre called a comete, that the people were brought into no ſmall feate vpon conſideration thereof. But nowe to the poynte of the hiſtorie.
[2] Kyng Edward at the fyrſte like a prudente prince choſe foorth of the wyſeſt
and worthyeſt men to be of his couſell, to purchaſe the loue of his
ſubiects, whoſe myndes were ſomwhat of|fended towardes his father (by reaſon
that he refuſed to keepe promiſe wyth
them, touchyng the reſtitution of gentle and fauourable lawes) Kyng Edwarde
ſhewed himſelfe ſo gentle to|wardes all degrees of men, that he ſeemed to
excede the reaſonable bonds of curteous huma|nitie, muche more than became
his royall eſtate. After this,
An. Reg. 3.
[1] This yeare the people payd a fifteenth to the Kyng of all theyr temporall goodes which was ſayde to be graunted firſte to his father.
Mat. VVeſt.
Bracton bishop of Hereforde departeth this lyfe. 1276
An. reg.
[2] Herewith the Kyng of Englande was ſo moued,M [...]. P [...]
that although the ſaid Llewellin made ſuite for peace and offered no
ſmall ſumme of moneye to haue the daughter of the Earle of Leyceſter his
fianced wife deliuered to hym, yet woulde not the Kyng by any meanes
con|ſent to that marryage nor receyue any money of hym, except he would
reſtore vnto the right owners ſuche landes as hee had inuaded and got into
his poſſeſſion, and further repayre ſuch Caſtels as hee had deſtroyed.
Herevpon grew no ſmall grudge betwixt the Welchemen and Engliſhemen, ſo that
to repreſſe the inuaſion of the enimies in the parties towards Briſtow,
Montgomerie and Cheſter, the king ſent three hundreth men at armes on horſe
backe. In the quindene of Paſche, the King departing from Weſtminſter,
haſted towardes Wales wyth a mighty power,
Mat. VV [...]
The Eſ [...] and the king bẽch, [...] to Sh [...]+bury.
An. Reg. 5. 1277.
[1] The Kyng appoynting [...] of his [...] ſign [...] [...] Lorde Robert de T [...], to take on othe for hym: and ancthoriſing the ſaide Robert, Autho [...] B [...] [...] de S [...]hampton [...] prouinciall of the f [...]ers preache [...]s, commiſſione is a [...] his behalfe to receyue the [...] the of the ſai [...] Lewe [...]. Which Llewelin ap [...]oynted [...] [...]+miſſioners for his parte. [...] [...]ap Ed [...] and Gron [...] H [...]lin, the whiche [...]iſſio [...] [...] wyth good [...]liberation [...] vpon [...] poyntes and articles of whyche the principall w [...] as followeth.
[1] [2] Firſt, that the ſaide Llewelin ſhoulde ſet [...] liberte all priſoners whiche hee helde in capti|uitie for the Kyng of Englandes cauſe [...]ty and without all chalenge. [...]e articles of [...]ment be| [...]wixt King [...]vvarde and [...]vvellin. Alſo to haue peace and the Kings of Englands ſ [...], he ſhulde giue vnto the ſaide king fiftye thouſand pound ſterling the dayes of the payment whereof to reſte in the Kyngs will and pleaſure.
[1] [2] [3] [4] Alſo yt the lande of the four Candreds with|out all contradiction ſhoulde [...] for euer to the King and his heyres; with all lands con|quered by the Kyng and his people, the Iſle of [...]ng [...] ye ex [...]epted,Angleſey. whiche Iſle was graunted to the Prince, to that he ſhulde pay for the ſame yerely the [...] of one thouſand marks, and fiue thouſand ma [...] for an income, and if the Prince [...] to dye without iſſue, then ye ſaid Iſle [...] again [...] the kings hands. Al|ſo that the Prince ſhall come to Rothelan or (R [...] [...] it is commonly called) there ſo the [...] to the Kyng; and before his cõming thithe [...], he ſhuld be aſſoyled and haue the inter|d [...] of his landes releaſed, and at his being a [...] Rothe [...] daye ſhall be appoynted hym by the [...]ing for his comming to London, there to doe [...]: And herevpon was order ta|ken for his [...] conduit, al [...] in his comming to [...], the [...]a [...], as to Lõdon Ther be that wryte that [...] appoynted to come vnto London, at the [...] the Natiuitie of our Lord. Alſo it wa [...] [...] couenanted, that all the homa|ges of [...]es ſhould remaine to the Kyng ex|cept [...] of [...] barons which inhabited neare vnto that [...] of Snowdon: for otherwiſe the ſaid [...] could not conueniently call him|ſelfe Pr [...]e, except he had ſome Barons vnder him [...] he ſhoulde reteyne the title and name of Prince ſo long as he liued, and after his decea [...]e the homages of thoſe fiue barons ſhoulde reu [...] to the Kyng and to his heyres for euer
[2] Moreouer the kyng graunted vnto the ſaide Llewlin,
N. Triuet.
Dauid Llevvel lines brother prouided for.
[1] [2] Alſo beſides this, the Prince ſhall as farre as in him may lie,Llevvellines brethren. pacifie his brethren, of the which he had put two in priſon, Owen and Roderik, the thirde named Dauid, eſcaping his handes, fled into England, and remained many yeares wyth King Edward, who receyuing him into his ſeruice,Dauid revvar|ded by Kyng Edvvard. made him knight in this warre, and gaue vnto him a caſtel at Denbigh in Wales, wyth landes to the yearely value of a thouſande markes, in recompẽce of thoſe poſſeſſions whi|che he ought to haue had in Angleſey, the which as before is ſaid, the king graunted vnto Llo|wellin for terme of his life, and after his deceſſe, to reuert vnto the Kyng and to his heyres. Moreouer,Dauid prefer|red in marriage. he preferred Dauid to the mariage of a loylie widowe, that was daughter to the Erle of Darby.The article cõ|cerning Ovven As concerning Owen, through the Kyngs fauour he was deliuered out of pri|ſon, by force of ye articles concluded at this pre|ſent by the comiſſioners, vnder this forme and maner: that vppon his being ſet at libertie, cer|tayne perſons appoynted by the Kyng ſhoulde make offer to hym, to choſe whether he would firſte compounde wyth his brother, and ther|vppon come to the Kyng, and beſeeche hym to allowe the compoſition, or elſe to put hymſelfe vnder the ſafe keeping of the King, till accor|ding to the lawes and cuſtomes of Wales, in the place where he did tranſgreſſe, iudgement ſhould be giuen of the matter: And if he were acquitte, then mighte hee demaunde his heri|tage if he thought it ſo expedient: and which of theſe two wayes he ſhuld choſe, the ſame ſhuld be made firme and ſtable in the kyngs preſence.
[5] All theſe articles with other additions, were accorded by the ſaide
commiſſioners at Aber|conwey, the Tueſday before the feaſt of ſaint Martin,
in the yere 1277. and letters of confir|matiõ made therof by the king, dated at Rut|lande the tenth
daye of Nouember, in the fifth yeare of his raigne. Alſo the ſaide Llewellin
by the name of Llewellin ap Griffyn, prince of Wales, with letters vnder his
ſeale, confirmed the aboueſaid articles on his behalf, for ye relea|ſing of
his right to the foure Cantredes & other things that ſhuld remain
vnto the king, whiche letters hare date at Abeacouwer, the [...] Tueſday in the ſaide yere 1277. Alſo the king releaſed vnto
the ſaid Llewellin, the ſaide him of .l.M. poundes and the ſaid ſumme of a
M. markes yearely to be payde for the Iſle of An|gleſey, as by his letters
dated at [...]tlãd ye ſaid tenthe daye of Nouember in the ſaide v. yeare of his
raigne more at large it appeareth. Yet neuertheleſſe by his letters dated at
Rutlande the ſaide .xj. of the ſaide moneth of Nouember, [...] is euident that he receyued of the ſaide Lle|wellin the [...]me of .ij.M. markes [...] the hands of Thomas Beke [...] of his [...]|robe.The [...]. Moreouer the K [...] in the weſt parte of Wales buylt at the [...] tyme a ca [...] of [...]|perdena [...], to kepe vnder ye rebell [...]ouſ [...] attempts of the Welcheman.
An. reg.
127 [...]
Llew [...] vviſ [...] to [...]
[4] Frier Iohn Pecchaut, whome the Pope had alreadye conſecrated Archbiſhop of
Canterbu|ry, being the xlvij. in number that had gouer|ned in that ſea, came
this yere ouer into Eng|land to ſupplie the roomth. Alſo Walter Gi [...]|forde, Archebiſhop of Yorke, departed this life, in whoſe place
ſuceeded Willyam Wick wa [...], the .xxxvij. Archbiſhop there.
[...] Synode at [...]ading. The archbiſhop of Canterbury held a Synode at Reding
about the latter ende of Iuly in the whiche he renued the conſtitutiõs of the general coũſell, as thus. That
no eccleſiaſticall perſon ſhuld haue aboue one benefice to the which
belõged cure of ſoule, and agayne that all thoſe that were promoted to any
eccleſiaſticall liuing ſhoulde receyue the order of prieſthoode wythin one
yeare after his being promoted therto. Moreouer this yere the Kyng tooke
order for the amending of his mo|ney and coyne, which in that ſeaſon was
fouly clipped, waſhed, & coũterfeted by thoſe nough|ty men the Iews, and other, as before you haue
partely hearde. The King therefore in the oc|taues of the Trinitie ſente
forth commaunde|ment to all the ſherifes within the lande, that ſuche mony
as was coũterfeted, clipped or wa|ſhed, ſhoulde not be currant from
thenceforth: and furthermore hee ſente of his owne treaſure good mony and
not clipped, vnto certaine cities and to thus in the realme, that exchange
might he made wyth the ſame till newe money were ſtump [...]. And about the thirde day of Auguſt the [...] exchange was made of the newe money [...]
[...]ings, but yet the olde money went all this yeare togyther wyth the
newe, & then was the olde wyne generally forbidden, [...]
[...]dement giuen by publike procla|mation, [...] thenceforth it ſhould no more be allow to [...]
[...]an [...]: and here with alſo half pence [...] had [...]ne ſtamped in the meane time, he g [...]e to come abroade the ſame daye [...] money was thus prohibited. The [...] Roger [...]rline kept a great feaſt at [...] iuſtes and triumphes of an [...] Knyghts and as many Ladyes, to the [...] Lords, Knyghtes, and gen|tlemen from dyuers co [...]y [...] and [...]andes to ſhew proſe of their [...] practiſe of war| [...]
[...]tates and [...]eriſes. In the meane ſeaſon king Edward ſtanding in need of
An. reg. 8. 1280.
Nic. Triuet. Polidore. Abingdon.
A shift to get money.
[1] The Kyng vnderſtoode into what hatred of his people by this meanes hee was fallen, and therefore to auoyde ciuill diſſention and war that mighte thereby enſue, he left off his begun practiſe: ſo that the thing which generally ſhuld haue touched and bene hurtfull to all men, was nowe ſodeinly ſtayed by the manhood and con|ragiouſe ſtoutneſſe only of one man, the forſaid Earle.
[1] A Synode at Lambeth.The archebiſhoppe of Canterbury helde an other Synode at Lam [...]heth, in the whiche hee receyued and confirmed the orders and conſti|tutions decreed and eſtablyſhed by the Legates Otho and Othohone, in councels by them kept here within this Realme, adding diuers other of his owne: and in the ſame councell hee went aboute to adnihilate certayne Liberties belon|ging to the crowne, as the taking knowledge of the right of Patronages and the Kings pro|hibitions In placitu. de catallu, and ſuche like, which ſeemed merely to touche the ſpiritualtie: but the Kyng by ſome in that coun [...] [...] [...]ode the Archebiſhoppe openly; and wy [...] [...] [...]es ſtay to hym from concluding any [...] that mighte pre [...] his [...]oyall liberties [...] prerogatiues.A p [...] Kyng Edward helde a Par|liament at London, in the which he [...]|ded a fifteen [...] of the Clergie, why the [...] before he has got of the tempora [...].Th [...] [...] The [...]|biſhoppe of Yorke was conſent at the [...] it gra [...]e this fifteenth to bee payde of the [...]+gie wythin his dioceſſe in twoo year [...] the Archebyſhoppe of Canterbury helde of, and re|quired reſpite and the nexte p [...] [...] to [...]e houlden after G [...]ſter,The [...]+ [...]hop of [...]+ter [...]. and then has g [...] vnto the Kyng the diſ [...]es of all his Clergie for three yeares, that at ſome poynt hee might be different from the Archebiſhoppe of Yorke.
[1] In the ninthe yeare of Kyng Edward raigne,
An. reg.
128 [...]
The [...] VVa [...] Dauid [...] th [...] of [...] and [...] co [...]
[1] [2] Whyleſt theſe thinges were a doing, Da|uid brother to Llewellin Prince of Wal [...] forgettyng the greate benefites whiche hee had receyued at the handes of Kyng Edward, be|came his aduerſarie, and cauſed his ſaid [...] the prince of Wales with a greate [...] of other noble men of that country to rebell: and to encourage them the ſooner to attempt the warre, he beginneth the firſte exploite himſelfe,The La [...] C [...] [...] takyng the ſaide Lorde Roger Clifforde, (a right worthie and famous Knight) in his ca|ſtell of Hawardine, vppon Palme ſondaye, the [figure appears here on page 896] ſaide Lorde being in no doubte of any ſuche matter. Diuers Knyghts and other that were in the ſame caſtell at that time and made reſi|ſtance were ſlaine. After this the foreſaid Da|uid retourned to his brother, the Prince, and therwith aſſembling an army, they went bothe togyther and beſieged the caſtell of Rutlande.The Ca [...] Rut [...]land [...] [...]+ſieged. Kyng Edward at the ſame time being in the parties aboute Saliſburye, where he kept hys Eſter at the Vies, ſent out Commiſſioners to leuie an army, and commaunded ſuche men of warre as he had then in a rediues, to haſt foorth [page 791] to the reſcue of the caſtell of Rutlande. And [...] the meane time, [...]e caſtell of [...]p [...]. the caſtell of Lamperdenaut was taken by Rice an Malgone and Griffyth ap Meridocke. Alſo diuers other caſtells were taken by other of the Wel [...] nobilitie.
[1] Moreouer about this time by the labour and ſute of Iohn the Archebiſhoppe of
Canterbury, E [...]tricke de Mountfort,
[...]icke de [...]fort ſet [...]bertie. whiche had bene [...]|teyned in priſon (ſith that hee was firſte taken togither with his
ſiſter at the Aſle of Sillie [...]
the Briſtowmen) was now ſet at libertie
and permitted to retourne into Fraunce. The ſaid Archebiſhop [...] of Canterburye was ſent into Wales to perſwade Llewellin and his
brother wyth the other rebels vnto peace and quietnes,
[...]vvellin and [...]r the [...]lche rebels [...]rſed.
[...]n. reg. 10.
[...]e kyng en| [...] into [...]ales.
[1] The Earle of Glouceſter ma|keth vvarre on the vvelchmen.In this meane time in an other parte of the countrey the Earle of Glouceſter wyth an ar|mye, made ſore warre to the Welchemen, and neare vnto the Towne called Lantilaware, tought a ſore with [...] wyth them, in the whiche many of the Welchmen beeing ſlaine, the Erle loſte alſo fiue Knyghtes vppon his partye, as Wyllyam Valence the yonger: beeing one of that number, who was the Kynges couſin.
[1] [2] [3] The Erle of Gloceſter then departing from thence, Llewellin the Prince of Wales entred into the country of Cardigan and Stradwye, deſtroying the landes of Rice ap Meridocke, which nowe helde wyth the Kyng againſte the ſaide prince.An. reg. 11. At length, prince Llewellin go|ing towardes the land of Buelth wyth a ſmall company,Llevvellin in|no [...]eth the kings friendes. lefte his maine army behinde hym a|lofte vpon the top of the mountaine near to the water called Waye, and he had ſet a number of his people to kepe the bridge of Orewin: and ſo the Welchemen kept on the one ſide, and ſhe Engliſhemen on the other,The Lorde Gifforde and Mortimer. of whome were ca|pitaines the Lorde Iohn Gifforde and the lorde Edmunde Mortimer, the whiche preceyuing the Welchemen that were ready to defend the bridge, and a great hoſte of them vpon the top of the mountain, they conſuited togither what they were beſt to doe. At length by the coura|gious exhortation of one Helias W [...] they drewe on the one hand alongeſt the [...] where was a ſadde paſſable in deede, [...] [...] not wythout daunger: but yet the Engliſh|men by the conducte of the lande Hellas, [...] are by the ſame foorde ſo that it dare the [...] long after of Helias waye. And ſo the Welch|men that kept the bridge (perceyuing the Eng|liſhmen to be got ouer vnto that [...]) fled, wh [...] vppon the re [...]e of the Engliſhe armye [...] ouer at the Bridge, whereof roſe a gre [...]e noiſe, whiche Llewellin lurking not there o [...] might well heare, but yet at the [...] he coulde not bee brought to thinke that by any poſſible meanes the Engliſhmen were gone [...] that ſide of the water. At lengthe yet [...]|uing it to be true, her drew backe towardes [...] heigth of the mountaine agayne, but beeyng diſcourted by one Stephen de F [...]on,Prince [...] de|nied by ſome [...]es Swarde, hee was ſo [...]+rowly pu [...]ed of the ſame Stephan, that [...] was ouertaken muſt [...]ne. Stephan nor [...]|wing whome he had ſlain, [...], the whiche was howe mounting vp the [...] ioyne with the [...]ch army that [...] ſtill [...]| [...]ing for the [...]me of theyr prince Llewellin, (thoughe in vaine) yet they manifeſtly aboue by theyr tackle, diſ [...]ging plentie of aro [...] and dartes at the Engliſhmen as they came vp to|wards [figure appears here on page 792] them, & the engliſh archers which were mingled amongſt the horſmen, payd them home again with their ſhot, ſo that finally the engliſh horſmen, winning the top of the hill, ſlew ma|ny of them ſtanding ſtoutly at defence, and put the reſidue to flight. Stephen Sward that had ſlain Llewelin, after the victorie was atchieued rode to the dead body which he had ſlaine in the beginning of the batail, and vpon view taken of him perceued who he was, of which good hap the engliſhmen wer very ioyful.Llevvellyns [...]es preſented to the kyng. His head was herewith cut off, which the Lord Edm. Morti|mer tooke with him vnto Rutlande (where the king as then was lodged) vnto whome he pre|ſented it: and the king ſent it vnto Londõ, ap|pointing that there ſhuld be an Ime crown ſet vpon it, in tokẽ that he was a prince, and ſo be|ing adorned, a horſman carried it vpon the end of his ſtaffe throughe Cheape ſide, holding it as he rode on height that all mẽ might ſee it, [...]l he came to the toure, & ther it was pight vp aloft vpon one of ye higheſt turrets, remaining there, a long time after,A [...] fulfilled and ſo was the prophecy ful|filled which was told to him by an olde womã taken for a ſouthſayer, of whom he required to know how he ſhuld ſpeede in this warre, wher|vnto ſhe anſwered, that he ſhuld boldly go for|warde in them, for he ſhould ride with a crown on his head throughe Cheape ſide: & ſo by ye de|ceaueable propheſie, he was deluded & brought to diſtruction. The encoũter wherin the Wel|chemen wer vãquiſhed (as before ye haue herd) chaũced on the Friday before S. Lucies day. King Edwarde being certified thus of the vi|ctorie, ſtreighte wayes marcheth forth with his people, and appoynteth at euery paſſage cer|taine bandes of ſouldiours to lye in wayte for the enimies. Alſo at the foote of the hylles [page 793] he [...] Horſemen, and mo [...]th vp the [...] himſelf, with [...] army. There [...] [...]e Gaſcoignes, which the Lord Iohn [...] had brought with him out of their coun|trey ſerue the Kyng, whiche [...]ned manye Townes, [...]e Gaſ| [...]es purſue [...] Welchmẽ [...]ly. and ſlew great numbers of ye Welch|men, all [...] came in their way and finally, they giuing an aſſaulte to Sno [...]on Caſtell, wanne a by fyne [...].
In this meane tyme, the Welchmen, when they ſawe themſelues encloſed, and ſtopped from all wayes [...]ap [...], after the menn [...] of w [...]de beaſtes, [...]e into the th [...] woddes and ca [...]es, ſome of them make ſhift to get downe through the ſleepe and broken cockes, and ſome of them ſeeking to eſcape by flight, fall into their enimies handes, and are eyther ſlayne or taken, and a|mongſt theſe, aboute Midſommer, was Dauid taken, togither with his wife, his [...] ſonnes, and [...]uch [...] brought to the [...]ng, who ſent their firſt vnto Rutland [...] [...]e to be [...]f [...]ly kept, K. Edward hauing ſubdued the Welchmen that inhabited in the Mountaynes, went about all the Countrey to [...]onqu [...] the re|ſidue, aſſembling all his many togither, and then purſuing his aduerſaries, made great ſlaughter of them one [...]che ſide,Wales deui|ded into ſhires. ſo that there were ſlayne a|boue three thouſand in [...] hauing the coun|trey at his will, he gaue vnto the Engliſh Lords Townes in the middeſt of Wales, and deuided the countrey into Shires, ordeined Sherifes, and other officers as then were vſed in Englande. At A [...]re now hee builded a ſtrong Caſtell, where before, was an houſe of white Monkes, the whi|che hee remoued to the Vale royall in Cheſhire,The Vale Royall buile by K. Edward the firſte. where he builded a fayre. Abbey of the Ciſteaux [figure appears here on page 793] order, and endowed it with greate landes and re|uenewes. He alſo made and fortified the Caſtell of Car [...]aruan faſt by Snowdon, and reputed a|gayne the Towne of Lambaterwh [...], otherwiſe called Abre [...]wich, which Lewline had before bea|ten downe. Alſo, he placed Engliſh garriſons in the Caſtels and holdes by the Sea ſides, & made Engliſhmen Lords of the groundes and poſſeſ|ſions belonging to the ſame. Rees a Bonan one of the chiefeſt and mightieſt Captaynes of all Wales, which during the warres, had done more diſpleaſure to the Engliſhemen, than any other, in ſpoyling their confynes, and making greate ſlaughters vpon them, vnderſtanding nowe doth of the deathe of Prince Lewline, and the takyng of his brother Dauid, and alſo, perceyuing hym|ſelfe purſued on each ſide, at length, yeelded hym|ſelfe and his complices, [...]s a Bouan [...]deth hym| [...]e vnto K. [...]rde. vnto Humfrey de Bo|un Erle of Hereforde, who ſtraight wayes ſente him to the Kyng, and the Kyng ſente him to London, there to be kept priſones in the Tower.
Thus Kyng Edwarde, hauing broughte the rebellion Welchman vnder his correction, hee appoynted his generall [...]tenaunt there, the Lorde Robert Tiptoch, and when hee had ſet all things in good order, about [...]lnias he came to Shreweſbury,A Parliament at Shreweſbu|rie. where at a Parliament by hym there holde [...], the foreſayde Dauid (that was brought [...]ither) as chiefe procurer of all thys warre, was condemned of treaſon,Dauid con|demned of treaſon. and was af|terwarde extented, according to iudgement pro|nounced againſte him, that is to witte, hee was hanged drawen and quartered.He is execu|ted. His head was ſent to London, and ſet vp by the head of his bro|ther Lewline. His quarters were deuided, and ſent to be ſet vp on the gates of four of the chiefeſt Cities of England. During theſe warres,Nic. Triuet. the King had of the Temporaltie, the thirtith parte of all their goodes, and of the Spiritualtie, the twentith parte, towardes the maintenance of the [page 794] ſame warres.
The ſame yeare alſo after Michaelmas, the Kyng helde a Parliamente at Acton Barnell, wherein, thoſe ſtatutes were ordeyned, whiche vnto this day beare the name of the place where they were made.
An. reg. 12. 1284 Edward the ſecond borne.
Abingdon.Alſo this yeare, in the Quindene of Sainte Michaell, the Iuſtices Itinerantes began to goe their generall circuites.
On Eaſter day,A [...] day [...] which fell this yeare the [...] of Aprill, beeing alſo leape yeare, in [...]|ning about the riſing of the ſunne, the el [...] was ſhadowed with ſuche darkeneſſe and [...]|neſſe of aire, that it ſeemed to waxe night [...] and ſuddainely roſe an horrible tempeſt, [...] hayle and rayne, and after of ſnow, that [...] all the Earthe, and then followed ſuche [...] and lightning, that men were maruellouſſe a|maſed therewith, conſidering it ſeemed to [...] a|gainſt the nature of the ſeaſon, for vn [...] in A|prill ſhall ye heare any ſuch thunder. At [...] yet it brake vp, and the element recouered [...] [...]|cuſtomed cleereneſſe.
In the thirtenth yere of his raigne,
An. reg.
12 [...]
The King then leauing his Court of Chan|cery at Briſtowe, with his children, came to Lõ|don,Ambaſſadors from the French kyng. where he had not bin almoſt of three yeares before. Heere came meſſengers to him from the Frenche King, requiring him to come in perſon, with a certayne number of men of warre, to ayde him in the warres againſt the King of Aragone, as of right he ought to doe, by reaſon of the Du|chie of Guyenne which he held of him.
William the Archbyſhop of Yorke de| [...]lled. Iohn Romane Archbiſhop [...] Yorke. [...]on Col| [...] Ox| [...].
Aboute this ſeaſon, was Marton Colledge in Oxforde founded by Walter Marton that was Lord Chauncellour of England, and a [...]r By|ſhoppe of Rocheſter. King Edwarde ſeaſed the [...]tiſes and liberties of London into hys [...]es, and diſcharged the Maior then beeing Gregory Rokkeſley, & appointed for Cuſto and Guardein of the Citie, one Stephen Sandwich, the which from the day of the cõuerſion of Saint Paule, till the Monday following the Purifica|tion of our Lady, continued in that office & was then diſcharged, and Sir Iohn Breton Knighte charged therewith for the reſidue of the yeare.
There is no certain knowledge left in records, why the Kyng tooke ſuche diſpleaſure with the Citie, ſaue that the Mayor, the ſayde Gregory Rokkeſley, as the ſame went, tooke bribes of the bakers, and ſuffred them to ſell bread, lacking ſixe or ſeauen ounces of weight in a peny loſe.
[1] The new worke of the Church of Weſtmin|ſter, to the ende of the quiar, begun as before is ſhewed, in the thirde yeare of Kyng Henry, was this yeare fully finiſhed.
[3] The nineteenth of Marche,The de [...] the Sco [...] Kyng. dyed Alexander Kyng of Scotlande by a fall whyche he
caught as hee ranne a ſtirring horſe: hee left no iſſue be|hinde hym, nor
any certain knowne heire to ſuc|ceede hym, by reaſon whereof enſued greate
[page 795] burne to that Realme (as in the Scottiſh
hiſto|rie, may more at large appeare.) The manner of whoſe death, as in
Richard Southwell I fynde it reported, I haue thought good briefly to touch,
for that in recitall thereof, hee ſomewhat diſa|greeth from the Scottiſh
[...] South. There went (ſaith he) a common ſpeeche through
Scotlande all this yeare, before the Kynges deathe, that the ſame nineteenth
of Marche, ſhoulde the daye of Iudgement be: and herevpon, as the ſayd king
ſate at dinner in the Caſtell of
Edenburgh, ha|uing a diſhe of excellente good Lampreys before him, he ſent
part thereof vnto one of the Lordes that ſate at ſome other table, not farre
from him, and willed him by the Gentleman that bare it, to be merrie, and to
haue in minde, that this was the day of doome: the Lorde ſente him thankes
a|gayne, and prayed the meſſenger to tell the king merily, that if this were
the day of doome, they ſhould riſe to iudgemente ſpeedily with their
bel|lies filled with good meates and
drinkes. After that they had dyned, and nighte began to drawe on, hee tooke
his Horſe, and onely accompanyed with three Gentlemenne, woulde needes ride
to Kingorne, where the Queene his new wife then lay, and before he coulde
get vnto Innerkenin it was darke nighte, ſo that hee tooke there two guides
to leade him the way, but they hadde not ridden paſt two miles, but that the
guides hadde quite loſt the way, ſo that they were driuen to gyue their horſes libertie to beate it out
them|ſelues: but herewith, the King being feuered from his company, how he
ruled his Horſe it is harde to ſay, but downe he was throwen, and
immedi|ately died with the vehement fall which he thus caught, eyther
headlong down one of the cliffes, or otherwiſe, and thus he came to his
ende, on a monday being Saint Cuthberts euen the nyne|tenth of March (as
before is noted) after he hadde, raigned ſixe and thirtie yeares &
nine monethes, as the ſame Southwell
writeth, who alſo con|trary to that which Hec. Boc. writeth, affirmeth, that
ye ſame day was ſo tempeſtuous with wind, ſnow, hayle and raine, that hee,
and many other that thẽ liued and felt it, durſt not vncouer theyr faces in
going abrode againſte the bitter Nor|thren winde, that droue the ſnow and
ſleete moſt vehemently vpon them. And although that ſuche foule weather
might haue ſtayed him frõ takyng his iorney in that ſort, yet he made no
accompte thereof, as hee that was
accuſtomed to ride as wel in foule weather as faire, and ſpared neyther for
tempeſt, waters, nor craggie rockes, thick nor thinne, for al was one to
him, oftentimes takyng his iourney in diſguiſed apparell, accompanyed only
with one ſeruaunt. But to returne vnto the doings in England. This yeare,
the Kyng tooke eſcuage fortie ſhillings of euery Knightes fee, to|wards the
charges of his laſt warres in Wales. A Parliamente was holden at
Weſtminſter, at the which were made ye ſtatutes called Addica|menta
Gloceſtriae, or rather the ſtatutes of Weſt|minſter the
An. reg. 14.
Thomas Pi|wileſdon a Citizen of London.
[1] The Iewes in one nyghte were generally apprehended, and putte in priſon,1286 through all the parties of Englande, and ſo kept in durance, till they hadde fyned at the Kynges pleaſure.
[1] It is reported, that the commons of Eng|lande graunted to the Kyng, the fifte parte of theyr moueables, to haue the Iewes baniſhed out of the land: but the Iewes to put the Engliſhmẽ from their purpoſe, gaue to the Kyng greate ſummes of money, whereby they tarried yet a whyle longer.
[1] King Edward went ouer into Fraunce vpon the fiue and twentith of May,
N. Triuet.
The Kyng paſſeth ouer into Fraunce.
An. reg. 15. 1287.
[1] The Kings mother Queene Eleanor thys yeare forſooke the world,Rich. South. and tooke vppon hir the habite of a Nunne at Ambreſbury, but yet ſhee ſtill reteined and enioyed hir dower by the Popes authoritie and diſpenſation.
[1] Aboute this time, a Squire called Chamber|laine, with his complices, ſet fire in the merchãts boothes, at Saint Butholpes fayre, [...]riſtow faire robbed. and whyleſt the Merchauntes were about to quench the fire, the ſayde Squire and his complices ſet vpon he ſayd Merchaunts, ſlewe many of them, and r [...]|bed them of their goodes.
[1] This yeare,Vari [...] twi [...] Lord P [...] Tip [...] [...] fell variance betweene the Lo [...] Payne Tiptoft, Wardeine of certayne Caſt [...]es in Wales, and a Welch Knight called Sir Ric|ap Meridocke, ſo that ſundry ſkirmiſhes were foughten betwixt them, and men ſlayne on both ſides, to the great diſturbance of the Countrey.
[1] The cauſe of this warre, roſe chiefly, for that the ſaid Lord Tiptoft, & the Lord Alane Plu [...]|net, the kings Steward in Wales, would ha [...] cõſtreined the ſaid Rees to appeare at counties & hundreds, as the vſe in other parts of Wales thẽ was, contrary to ſuch liberties as he had obteined of the K. as he pretẽded. But when the K. wrote vnto the ſame Rees, requiring him to keepe the peace, til his returne (at what time, he promiſed to reforme al things in due & reaſonable order) Rees hauing already put armour vpõ his back, would not now encline to any peace, but to reuenge hys cauſe, aſſẽbled a great multitude of Welchmẽ,N. Triuet. with whoſe help hee brente and deſtroyed many Townes in Wales, ſo that the King being then [figure appears here on page 796] beyond the ſeas, ſent vnto the Erle of Cornwal, whom in his abſence, he had appointed his Lieu|tenant ouer England, requiring him to ſende an army of mẽ into Wales, to reſiſt the malice and riottous attemptes of the Welchmen. The Erle ſhortly therevpon prepared an army, and wente with the ſame into Wales, or as other write, the Biſhop of Elie, ye Lord Prior of Saint Iohns, the Earle of Glouceſter, and diuers Barons of the land went thither, and chaſing the ſaid Rees, diſperſed his army, and ouerthrewe and raſed his caſtells, but by vndermining and reuerſing the walles of the Caſtell of Druſlan, with the fall therof, the Baron Stafford, and the Lord Wil|liam de Monchency, with many other Knightes and Eſquiers, were oppreſſed, & bruſed to death.
[1] This yeare, the Kyng at Blankfort in Geſ|coigne, tooke vpon him the Croſſe, purpoſing eſt|ſoones to make a iorney againſte Gods enimies.
[1] In the winter of this yeare, great flouds chã|ced by reaſon of the exceeding abundaunce of raigne that fell and the Sea alongſt the North|eaſt coaſtes from Humber to Yermouth, brake into the land, ouerflowing the ſame by the ſpace of three or foure leagues in breadth, as the author of the Chronicle of Dunſtable affirmeth,Chron. [...] ouer|throwing buildings, and drowning vp mẽ and cattaylle, that coulde not auoyde the daunger, by the ſuddayne commyng in thereof, name|ly, about Yermouth, Dunwiche, and Gippeſ|wiche [page 797] Likewiſe in the Mers lande of Lin|colneſhire, it did paſſing greate hurte, bringing al the Countrey into water. This chanced in the very night of the beginning of this yeare, to wit in the feaſt of the circumciſion of our lord, and in December it, brake out againe in Northfolke, and Suffolke, wher it did much harme, namely about Yermouth.
[...]n. reg. 16.
[...]ron. Dunſt.
[...]n. reg. 17. 1289
[...]n. Marl.
[...]e tempeſt [...]ayle. [...]. Higd.
[3] The King, after he hadde remained a three yeares, two moneths, and fifteene
dayes in Gaſ|coigne, and in other parts there beyond the ſea, he returned
into Englãd the fourth day of Auguſt, & vpõ the euen of our Ladys
day ye Aſſumptiõ, he [page 798] came to London, where he
was moſt ioyfully re|ceyued, & ſo came to Weſtminſter: wher ſhortly
after, were preſented vnto him many greeuous complayntes and informations,
againſt dyuers of his Iuſtices, as ſir Thomas Weyland, Adam S [...]erton, and others, the which were had in exa|mination, and therevpon,
found giltie of manye treſpaſſes and tranſgreſſions, in ſo much, that it was
giuẽ him to vnderſtand, yt there were amõg them that had giuen conſent to
the cõmitting of murders &
robberies, & wittingly had recepted the oſtendors.Chron. Dunſt. Wherevpõ, the K. cauſed ſtraight en|qulite to be
made by an inqueſt of 12. ſubſtantiall perſonages,Thomas Weyland Lord chiefe Iuſtice of the kings
benche. who found by verdict, that Thomas Weyland Lord chiefe
Iuſtice of the kings bẽch, had cauſed a mu [...] her to be done by his ſeruants, and after ſuccoured and maynteyned
them: wherevpon, he was by the kings officers arreſted, but eſcaping their
hãds, he tooke Saintuarie in ye Church of ye Friers minors at S. Edmonde
ſou|rie, & was admitted into their
habite, but within 40. dayes after, order was giuen by the K. that
no kind of vittayles ſhould bee ſuffered to be con|uey into that houſe, ſo
that all the Friers came forth, except three or four, & at length,
he was cõ|ſtreyned to take vpon him a lay mans apparell, and comming
foorth, was deliuered to the hands of Robert Malet knight,Robert Mal|let. who had before, the cu|ſtody of him, &
now hauing him againe, brought him to the Tower of London. At length, he was
put to his choyſe of three wayes, which
ſoeuer of them he would take, that is, whether to be tryed by hys peeres, or
to remaine in perpetuall priſon, or to abiure the Realme: he choſe the laſt,
and ſo bare footed, and bare headed, bearing a Croſſe in his hand, hee was
conueyed from the Tower to Douer, where taking the Sea, hee tranſported to
the further ſide of the Sea hys goodes, mouable and vnmouable,William Brampton. Roger Leice|ſter. beeing confiſcate
to the Kinges cofers. Wil. Brampton, Roger Leiceſter, Iohn Luneth, aſſociates of ye ſaid Thomas,
& I [...] of ye kings bench: Alſo, Roberte Lithbury [...]|layn, & maſter of ye rolles, being accuſed of [...]|ful iudgemẽts and other treſpaſſes were cõm [...] to priſon within the Tower, and at length [...] much adoe, eſcaped with paying their fyues, ſo yt hee whiche payed
leaſt, gaue a thouſand ma [...] Moreouer, Salomon of Rocheſter,Solomon [...] Ro [...] T [...] S [...]
[...] Walter [...] R [...] de H [...]g [...]. Tho [...] Sudington, Richard de Boylande, & Walter de Hopton, Iuſtices
Ieimerantes, were like wiſe [...] ſhed, & for ye ſemblable offences, put to their [...] Sir Rauf de Hinghã a Iuſtice alſo, to whom [...] ye kings abſence, the ordering of ye Realme chiefly apperteyned,
being accuſed of diuers tranſgre [...]|ons, & cõmitted to ye tower, redeemed his offence for an
infinit ſumme of money.Adam de S [...], chiefe [...]
Adam de S [...]|ton, Lord chiefe Baron of the eſchecker, being cõ|uicted of many
hainous crimes, a man plentifully prouided both of temporall poſſeſſions,
and eccle|ſiaſticall reuenewes, loſt all hys temporal ly|uings and
34. thouſande markes in ready c [...], beſide other mouables, in cattaile, iewels & [...]|ture of houſhold, which were all confiſked, & for|feyted
wholly: and it was thought, he was g [...]tly dele, yt he eſcaped with life, & ſuch ſpiritual liuings
as to him remained. Henry Bray eſcheator,Henry [...]
& the Iudges ouer the Iewes, were reported to haue
cõ|mitted many greeuous offences, but for money they bought their peace. To
conclude, there was not found any amõgſt al ye Iuſtices and officers
cleere & voyde of vniuſt dealing,Iohn de
Me|tingham, [...] Elias de [...]|kingham. except Iohn de Metingham, & Elias de
Bekingham, who only among ye reſt, had behaued themſelues vprightly. Whẽ
therfore, ſuch greeuous complayntes were exhibited to ye K. he appoynted
the Earle of Lin|colne, ye Biſhop of Elie and others, to heare euery mans
complaint, and vpon due examinatiõ and triall, ſee them aunſwered
accordingly as right & equitie ſhuld require. In the 18.
yere of his raigne,
An. reg.
129 [...]
[1] [...]e ſtatutes Weſtmin| [...] the third [...]bliſhed.The foure yeare, was a Parliamente holden at Weſtminſter, wherein, the ſtatutes of Weſt|maſter the third were ordeyned. It was alſo de|creed, that all the Iewes ſhoulde auoide out of that land in conſideration whereof, a fiftenth was graunted to the King, and ſo herevpon, were the Iewes baniſhed out of all the Kings dominiõs, [...]e Iewes [...]iſhed out Englande. and neuer [...]hence, could obteyne any priuiledge to returne hither againe. All their goodes not mo|ueable, were confiſcate, with their railties and ob|ligations, but all other, theyr goodes that were moueable, togither with their coyne of golde and ſiluer, the King licenced them to haue and con|deigh with them: A ſort of the richeſt of them, be|ing ſhipped with their treaſure in a mightie falle ſhippe which they had hired, when the ſame was vnder ſay [...]e, and gote downe the Thames to|wards the month of the riuer beyonde Quindo|rowe, the maſter Mariner bethoughte him of a wile, and cauſed his menne to caſt ancre, and ſo rode at the ſame, till the Shippe by ebbing of the ſtreame, remayned on ye drie ſands. The ma|ſter herewith entiſed the Iewes forth with him to walke a land for their recreation, and at lẽgth, when he vnderſtoode the tide to be comming in, he gote him backe to the ſhippe, whether he was drawen vp by a corde. The Iewes made not ſo muche haſt as he did, bycauſe they were not ware of the daunger, but when they perceyued how the matter ſtoode, they cried to him for helpe: but hee [...] the, that they ought to crie rather to Moy|ſes, by whoſe conduct their father paſſed through the redde Sea, and therefore, if they would can to him for helpe,Iewes drow|ned. hee was able ynough to help them out of thoſe raging flouds whiche nowe came in vpon them: they cried indeede, but no ſuccour ap|peared, and ſo they were ſwallowed v [...] in wa|ter. The maſter returned with the Shippe, and tolde the King howe hee had vſed the matter, and had both thanks and reward, as ſome haue writ|ten, where other affirme,Chro. Dun. and more [...]uely as ſhould ſeeme, that diuers of thoſe marr [...]rs whi|che deal [...] ſo wic [...]y againſte the Iewes, were hanged for their wicked practiſe, and ſo receyued a iuſt rewarde of there [...]dulente and miſche|uous dealing. But now to the purpoſe.
[1] In the foreſayde Parliamente, the Kyng de|maunded [...]yde of money of the Spiritualtie, for that (as he pretended) h [...] meane to make a ior|ney into the holy lande,The eleuenth part a eccleſi|aſticall reue|newes, graun|ted to the K. to ſuccour the Chriſtians there: wherevppon, they graunted to him the ele|uenth parte of al their moueables. He receiued the money aforehande, but letted by other buſineſſe at home, he went not foorth vpon that iorney.
[1] In the ninetenth yeare of King Edwarde, Queene Eleanor Kyng Edwardes wife
dyed vpon Saint Androwes euen at Herdeby,
An. Reg. 19. The deceaſſe of Q Eleanor.
[1] In euery Towne and place where the corpes reſted by the way, the Kyng cauſed a Croſſe of cunning workmanſhippe to be erected in remem|brance of hir, and in the ſame, was a picture of hir engrauen.
[figure appears here on page 800]
[1] Charing croſſe and other erected.Two of the like Croſſes were ſet vp at Lon|dõ, one at Charing, & the other in Weſt Cheape.
[1] Moreouer, he gaue in almes euery wedneſday whereſoeuer hee wente, pence a peece, to all ſuche poore folkes, as came to demaund the ſame.
[1] 1291Aboute the ſame time, bycauſe that the Kyng ſhoulde bee the more willing to goe into the holy land as he had promiſed to doe, hauing money to furniſh him foorth, the Pope graunted vnto hym the tenth of the Church of Englãd,The tenth of ſpiritall re|uenewes grã|ted to the K. Scotlãd and Ireland, according to the true value of all the re|uenewes belonging to the ſame for ſixe yeares. He wrote to the Biſhops of Lincolne and Win|cheſter, that the ſame tenth ſhould be layde vp in Monaſteries and Abbeyes, til the King was en|tred into the Sea, called Mare Maggiore, forwardes on hys iorney Eaſtwardes, and then to be payde to his vſe. But the King after|wards, cauſed the collectors to make payment to him of the ſame tenth gathered for three yeares, and layde vp in Monaſteries, although he ſet not one fote forward in that iorney, as letted through other buſineſſe.
[1] [2] [3] Alſo, by reaſon of the controuerſie whiche de|pended as then betwixt diuers perſons, as com|petitors of the Crowne of Scotland, he went in|to the North partes, & kept his Eaſter at New|caſtell, and ſhortly after, called a Parliamente at Northampton, where by the aduice of the Pre|lates and other of his councell, learned in both the lawes, vpon knowledge had by ſearch of records, and Chronicles of aunciente time, bee cauſed all the Prelates and Barons of Scotland to be cal|led afore him, and there in the Pariſh Church of Norham, hee declared vnto them his right to the ſuperioritie of the Kingdom of Scotland [...] [...]+quiring of them, that they woulde recogniſe [...] ſame, proteſting, that he would defende the [...] of his. Crowne, to the ſhedding of his own bl [...] that a true certificate & information might come to light of his title and rightfull clayme, vnto the direct and ſupreme dominion, ouer the Realm [...] Scotland. He had cauſed verily all the Hiſtories, Chronicles and monumẽts that were to be [...] within Englãd, Scotlãd & Wales, to be ſo [...] vp and peruſed, yt it might be knowen, what right he had in this behalfe wherevpon, it was fo [...] by ye Chronicles of Marianus the Scot Wil of Malmeſ. Roger Houeden, Henry Huntington Rauf de Diceto, & others, yt in the yere of our lord 910. K. Edwarde ſurnamed Senior, or the elder ſubdued to him the kings of Scottes & Welchmẽ alſo, that in the yere 921. the ſame people choſe the ſaid Edward to be their King and patrone. And likewiſe, in the yeare 926. Athelſtane King of England, vanquiſhed Conſtantine K. of Scot|land, and permitted him yet to raigne vnder him. Moreouer, Edred ye brother of Athelſtan and [...] of Englãd, ouercame the Scottes and Northũ|bers, yt which ſubmitted themſelues to him and ſware to him fealtie. Alſo Edgar K. of England vanquiſhed Kineth the ſonne of Alpine Kyng of Scotland, who ſware fealtie to him. Likewiſe Cnute K. of Englãd and Denmarke, in the ſix|tenth yere of his raigne ouercame Malcolme K. of Scottes, and ſo became K. of four kingdoms, England, Scotland, Denmarke and Norway. Furthermore, that bleſſed K. Saint Edwarde, gaue ye kingdome of Scotland vnto Malcolme the ſonne of the K. of Cumberlande, to holde the ſame of him. Again, Willi. Baſtard the Normã Conquerour, in the ſixth yere of his raigne van|quiſhed Malcolme K. of Scotland, & receyued of him an oth of fealtie. Alſo, Wil. Rufus did [...] like vnto Malcolme K. of Scottes, and to two of his ſonnes that ſucceſſiuely raigned ouer that realm. Alſo, Alexander ſucceeded his brother Edgar in the Kingdome of Scotland, by conſent of Kyng Henry ye firſt. Alſo, Dauid K of Scotlande, dyd homage to K. Stephen, and Wil. K. of Scottes, did homage to Henry, the ſon of K. Henry ye ſe|cond, whẽ in his fathers life time, he was Crow|ned, and againe, to Henry the father, in the twẽ|tith yeare of his raigne, as by an agreemẽt made betwixt thẽ two, it doth appere. Alſo, Ro. Ho [...]ed. ſaith, that Willi. K. of Scotland, came to his ſo|ueraigne Lord K. Henry into Normandy, and likewiſe to K. Richard, & moreouer, to K. Iohn, at Lincolne, doing to them his homage. Alſo, in the Chronicles of S. Albons it is found, that A|lexander King of Scotlande married at Yorke Margaret the daughter of K. Hẽry the third in ye 35. yeare of his raigne, and did to hym homage.
[1] [page 801] And further when king Edwarde himſefle was crowned at Weſtminſter, in the yere of our Lorde .1274. being the ſeconde of his raigne, the laſt deceeſſed king of Scotlande, Alexander the third of ye [...]ame, did homage vnto him at Welſt, the morow after the coronatiõ. All which homa|ges and fealthes thus done by ſundrie kings of Scotland vnto ſundrie kings of England, were directly and moſt manifeſtly proued to bee done for the Realme of Scotlande, and not onelye for the landes whiche they helde of the kings of Englande within Englande, as the Scottiſhe wryters woulde ſeeme to colour the matter. But things being then freſh in memorie, no ſuch ca|uillation might be auerred. And ſo herevpon king Edwardes tytle being ſubſtantially proued, [...]g Edwarde [...]guiſed for [...]rior lorde [...]otland. he was recogniſed ſuperiour Lorde of Scotlande, of all them that pretended tytle at that tyme to that kingdome, by wrytings the [...] made and con|firmed vnder theyr ſea [...]s, the which being writ|ten in French conteyned as [...] followeth. [...] Copie of Charter.
A Tousi ceulx, qui ceſte preſente lettre verrunt ou orrunt, Florence Counte de Holland, Robert de Brus ſeigneur du Val Danand, Iohn Bailol ſeig|neur de Gallaway, Iohn de Haſtings ſeigneur de Abergeuenne, Iohn Comin ſeigneur de Badenaugh Patrique de Dunbar Count de la Marche, Iohn de Veſey pur ſon perẽ, Nichol de Seules, & Guilaum de Ros, ſalux en deu.
Come nous entendons d'ouer droyt en reaume d' Eſcoce, & c [...]lle droyt munſtrer, chalãger, & auerer deuant celuy, que plus de poor, iuriſdiction, & reeſon, euſt de trier noſtre droyt, & le noble prince Sire Edward, par la grace de dien, [...]ey d' Angleterre, nous a enforme per bonnes & ſuffiſaunt reeſons, que aluy apent, & auer doyt la ſouerein ſeigneurie, du dict reaume d' Eſcoce, & la cogniſaunce de oir, trier & [...]erminor noſtre droyt. Nous de noſtre propre volũtaté, ſanz nulle manior [...] de force ou deſtreſſe, voluns, [...]ions, & grantons de receiuré droyt deuaunt luy, come ſou [...]rein ſeigneur de la terre. Et voluns in lemeins & promettons, que nous auerons, et tendrons, ferme, & eſtable ſ [...] fait, & que celui emportera le realme, a qui droyt le durra deuant luy. En teſsimogne de ceſte choſ [...], nous auonsmis nos ſeaules a ceſt eſcript.
Fait & donné a Norham, le Mard [...] prochein apres la Aſ|cention. L'an de grace .M.CC. nouante, preme rei [...].
VVhich in Engliſh is as followeth
TO all them that theſe preſent letters ſhall ſee or beare. Florence Earle of Holland, Robert le Bruce Lorde of Annandale, Iohn Comyn Lorde of Badenaw, Patrike de Dunharre Erle of Marche, Iohn de Balliol Lord of Galloway, Iohn Haſtings Lorde of Abergeuenny, Iohn de Veſey in ſtead of his father, Nicholas de Sules and Walter Ros, ſende greeting in our Lorde.
Whereas wee intende to haue right in the king|dome of Scotlande, and intende to declare, cha|lenge, and prone the ſame before him that hath the beſt authoritie, iuriſdiction and reaſon to exa|mine our right, and that the noble Prince the Lorde Edwarde, by the grace of God King of England, by good and ſufficient reaſons hath in|formed vs, that the ſuperior dominion of Scot|land belongeth to him, and that he ought to haue the knowledge in the hearing, examining, and de|fining of our right, we of our free willes without all violence and conſtrayne, will, conſent, and graunt, to receyue one right before him, as the ſu|perior Lord of the lande: We will alſo and pro|miſe, that we ſhall haue and holde his deede for fyrme and ſtable, and that he ſhall haue the king|dome, vnto whom before him beſt right ſhall aſ|ſigne the ſame. In witneſſe whereof we haue to theſe letters put our ſeales:
Yeuen at Norham, the Tueſday next after the feaſt of the Aſcenſion of our Lorde in the yeare .1291.
[1] The recogniſing therefore made of the ſupe|rioritie and ſubmiſſion of graunt to receyue that which before the king of England ſhould by law he defined, the ſayde king requyred to haue the Caſtels, and the whole lande deliuered vnto hys poſſeſſion that by peaceable ſeyſ [...]e thereof had, his right of ſuperioritie now recogniſed by theyr letters and wrytings, might be the more manifeſt and apparant to the whole world. They ſtreight way agreed to the kings requeſt, and wrytings thereof were made and confirmed wyth theyr Seales, being written in Frenche. The tenour whereof enſueth.
[1] [2]1.9.1.
A Tousi ceulx, que ceſte preſente lettre verrunt on [...]rront. Florence Counte de Holland, Robert de Brus ſeigneur du Val Danaund, Iean de Baillioll Seigneur de Gallawey, Iehan de Haſtings ſeigneur de Abergeuenny, Iehan Comin ſeigneur de Ba|denaw, Patrique Dunbar Counte de la Marche, Iean de Veſcy, pour ſon pere, Nichol de Seules, & Guilaume de Ros, ſaluz en dieu.
Come nous aions o|trie, & graunte, de noſtre bonne volunté, & comu|ne aſſent ſans nulle deſtreſſe, a noble prince Sire Ed|ward, par la grace de dieu, rey de Angleterre quil come ſouerein ſeig. de la terre de Eſcoce puiſſe oir trier, & terminer nos chalenges, & nos demandes, que nos enten dons monſtrer, & auerrer pur noſtre droyt en la reaume de Eſcoce, & droyt receiuer de|uant luy, come ſouerein ſeigneur de la terre, promet|tons [...]a lemains que ſon fait auerons & tendrons forme & eſtable, & qu' il emportera le reaume, a qui droyt le durra deuant luy. Mes pour ce que lauandict roy de Ang. ne puiſt nulle manier conu|ſance faire ne a coplier ſauns iugement, ne iugement doit eſtre ſauns execution, ne execution ne peult il faire duement ſauns la poſſeſsion, & ſeyſine de meſ|me la terre, & de chaſteaux. Nous volons, otrions, & grantons, qu il come ſouereine ſeigneur, a par|faire les choſes auant dictes, ait laſeyſine de toute [page 802] la meſme terre, & de chaſteaux de Eſcoce, tant que droyt ſoit feit & perfourme, as demandans en tiel maniere, que auant ceo qu il eit le ſeyſine auant dict face bonne ſeurte, & ſuffiſante as demandants & as gardiens, & a la commune du reaume d' E|ſcoce, a faire la reuerſion de meſme le royalme, & de chaſteaus, oue toute la royauté, dignité, ſeignou|rie, franchiſes, couſtumes, droitures, leys, ſages, & poſſeſsions, & t [...]nz manieres des apurtenances, en meſme le eſtate, quils eſt [...]ient quant la ſeyſine luy fuſt bailleé, & liuereé a celuy que le droyt empor|tera par iugement de ſa royaute, ſauue au roy den|gliterre le homage de celuy, qui ſerra rey. Yſsint que la reuerſion ſeit feit dedans les deux moys apres le iour que le droyt ſera tricé & affirmé. Et que les yſſues de meſme la terre en le moyne temps reſceus, ſoient ſauuement mis en depos & bien gardees par la main le Chamberleyn d' Eſcoce que ore eſt, & de celuy qui ſerra aſsigne a luy de par le rey deng|literre, & de ſous leur ſeaus ſauue renable ſuſti|nance de la terre, & des chauſtiaux & des mini|ſtres du royaume. En teſtimoigne de ceſtes choſes a|uandicts, nous auons mis nos ſcaules a ceſte eſcript.
Fait & donne a Norham le Mercredie prochein a|pres l'Aſcention l'an de grace, 1291.
The Engliſh whereof is thus.
[1] [2]1.9.1.
The Copie of the ſeconde charter tou|thing the poſ|ſeſsion of the lande.
TO all thoſe which theſe preſent writings ſhal ſee or heare, Florence Erle of Hollãd, Robert de Bruce lord of Annãdal, Iohn de Balliol Lord of Galloway, Iohn Haſtings Lorde of Aberge|uennie, Iohn Comin Lord of Badenaw, Patrik de Dunbarre Earle of Marche, Iohn de Veſey inſteade of his father, Nicholas de Sules, Wil|liã de Ros, ſend greeting in our Lord.
Bycauſe that of our good wil and common aſſent without all conſtraint, we do conſent and graunt vnto the noble prince the Lorde Edwarde, by the grace of God king of England, that he as ſuperior Lorde of Scotland, may heare, examine, define & deter|mine our claymes, chalenges, & petitions, whiche we intend to ſhew and proue for our right, to bee receyued before him as ſuperior Lord of the land, promiſing moreouer, that we ſhall take his deed for ſleme and ſtable, and that he ſhall inioy the kingdome of Scotland, whoſe right ſhall by de|claration beſt appeare before him. Where as then the ſayde king of England cannot in this maner take knowledge, nor fulfill our meanings with|out iudgement, nor iudgement ought to be with|out execution, nor execution may in due forme be done without poſſeſſion and ſeyſine of the ſayde land and Caſtels of the ſame, we will, conſent, and graunt, that he as ſuperior Lord to perform the premiſſes may haue the ſeyſine of all the land and Caſtels of the ſame, till they that pretend ty|tle to the crowne be ſatiſfied in theyr ſute, ſo that before he be put in poſſeſſion and ſeyſine, he finde ſufficient ſuretie to vs that pretende tytle, [...] the Wardens, and to all the comunaltie [...] kingdome of Scotland, yt he ſhal reſtore the [...] kingdome with all the royaltie, dignitie, [...]rie, liberties, cuſtomes, rightes, lawes, vſages [...]ſeſſions, and all and whatſoeuer the app [...]ces, in the ſame ſtate wherein they were [...] the ſeyſine to him delyuered, vnto him to [...] by right it is due, according to the iudgement [...] his regalitie, ſauing to him the homage of [...] perſon that ſhall be king: and this reſ [...] be made within two Moneths after ye day [...] which the right ſhall be diſcuſſed and eſtab [...] the iſſues of the ſame lande in the meane [...] ſhall be receyued, layd vp, and put in ſafe [...] in the handes of the Chamberlaine of Scot [...] which nowe is, and of him whome the [...] Englande ſhall to hym aſſigne, and thys [...]der theyr Seales, [...]ing and allowing the rea|ſonable charges for the ſuſtentation of the la [...]e, the Caſtelles and [...]s of the Kingdome. In witneſſe of all the which premiſſes, we haue [...] to theſe letters ſet our Seales.
Yeuen at Nor|ham the Wedneſday nexte after the feaſt of the Aſcention of oure Lorde, in the yeare of grace. 1291.
[1] Theſe two letters the King of England [...] vnder his priuie Seale vnto diuerſe Monaſteries within his realme, in the .xix. yeare of his raigne, that in perpetuall memorie of the thing thus paſ|ſed, it might be regiſtred in their Chronicles.
[1] And thus by the common aſſent of the chie|feſt of the Lordes in Scotlande, king Edwarde receyued the lande into his cuſtodie, tyll by due and lawfull tryall had, it myght appeare who was rightfull heyre to the crowne there.
[3] The homage or fealtie of the Nobles of Scot|land was expreſſed in wordes as
The [...] tenor of [...] homage.
By|cauſe that all wee are come vnto the allegiance of the noble Prince Edwarde King of Eng|lande, wee promiſe for vs and oure heyres vpon all the daunger that wee may incurre, that wee ſhall bee faythfull, and loyally holde of hym a|gaynſte all manner of mortall menne, and that wee ſhall not vnderſtande of any domage that may come to the king, nor to his heyres, but wee ſhall ſtay and impeache the ſame to our powers. And to this we binde our ſelues and our heyres, and are ſworne vpõ the Euangeliſts to performe the ſame. Beſide this, we haue done fealtie vnto our ſoueraigne lord the ſaid king in theſe wordes eche one by himſelf: I ſhall be true and faythfull; and fayth and loyaltie I ſhall beare to the King of Englãd Edward and his heyres, of life mem|ber and worldely honour agaynſte all mortall creatures.Maiſter [...]phe [...] of R [...] The King hauing receyued as well the poſſeſſions of the Realme, Caſtelles, Manours, and other places belongyng to the [page 902] crowne of Scotlande, [...]dens of [...]ealme of [...]and ap| [...]ted by K. [...]arde. he committed the gouern|ment and cuſtodie of the realm vnto the Biſhops of Saint Andrewes and Glaſgo, to the Lordes, Iohn Cumyn, and Iames Stewarde, who had put him in poſſeſſion, to that vnder him they [...]o the ſame, in maner as they had done before. But in diuerſe Caſtels hee placed ſuch Captaynes as he thought moſt meeteſt, to keepe them to hys vſe, till he had ended the controuerſie, and placed him in the kingdome, to whome of ryght it be|longed.
[1] He alſo willed the Lordes of Scotland to elect a ſufficient perſonage to bee Chancellour of the Realme, [...] Biſhop of [...]eſſe elec| [...] chancellor [...]otlande. which they did, naming Alane Biſhop of Catneſſe, whom the king admitted, ioyning with him out of his Chapleynes named Walter Armundeſham, ſo that on the .xij. of Iune, vpon the greene ouer agaynſt the Caſtell of Norham, neare to the ryuer of Tweede, in the Pariſhe of Vpſetelington, before Iohn Ballioll, Robert Brute, the Biſhops of Saint Andrewes, and Glaſgo, the Lordes Cumyn and Steward, war|dens of Scotlande.He receyueth his ſeale. The Biſhop of Cathneſſe re|ceyued his Seale, appoynted him by the king of England, as ſupreme Lorde of Scotlande, and there both the ſaid Biſhop,He is ſworne. & Walter Amonde| [...]ham were ſworne truly to gouerne themſelues in the office.
[1] The morow after were the Wardens ſworne and with them as aſſociated Brian Fitz Alam,The wardens ſworne. and there all the Earles and Lordes of Scotland that were preſent ſware fea [...]tie vnto king Ed|warde, [figure appears here on page 902] as to theyr ſupreme ſoueraine Lorde, and withall, there was peace proclamed, and publike Edictes ſet forth in the name of the ſame King, intituled ſupreme Lorde of the realme of Scot|lande. The reſidue of the Scottiſhe Nobilitie, Earles, [...] Scottiſh [...]ilitie doth [...]e to king [...]arde. Barons, Knightes, and other, with the Biſhops and Abbottes, vpon his comming into Scotland, ſware fealtie eyther to himſelfe in per|ſon, or to ſuch as he appoynted his deputies to re|ceyue the ſame, in ſundrie townes and places ac|cording to order giuen in that behalfe. Suche as refuſed to doe theyr fealtie, were attached by their bodies, till they ſhoulde doe their fealties, as they were bounden. Thoſe that came not, but excu|ſed themſelues vpon ſome reaſonable cauſe, were heard, and had day giuen vnto the next Parlia|ment: but ſuch as neyther came, nor made any reaſonable excuſe, were appoynted to bee diſtray|ned to come.
[1] The Biſhop of Saint Androwes, and Iohn Lorde Comyn of Badenoth, with Brian Fitz Alain, were aſſigned to receyue ſuch fealties at Saint Iohns towne. The Biſhop of Glaſgo, Iames Lorde Stewarde of Scotlande, and Ni|cholas Segraue were appoynted to receyue them at Newcaſtell of Arc. The Earle of Souther|land, and the Sherife of that Countrey with his Baylifes, and the Chatellain of Inuerneſſe were ordeyned to receyue thoſe fealties in that Coun|tye, the Chattelain firſt to receyue it of the ſayde Earle, and then he with his ſayd aſſociates to re|ceyue the ſame of others. The Lorde William de Saintclare, and William de Bomille, were appoynted to receyue fealtie of the Biſhoppe of Whitterne, and then the ſayd Biſhop with them to receyue the fealties of all the Inhabitantes of Galloway.
[1] Amongſt other that did theyr homage to the king himſelfe, was Marie Queene of Man, and Counteſſe of Stratherne, vpon the .xxiij. day of Iuly, the king being then in Saint Iohns tow [...], otherwiſe called Perth.
[1] To conclude, he was put in full poſſeſſion of the Realme of Scotlande, and receyued there homages and fealties (as before ye haue hearde) as the direct and ſupreme Lorde of that lande.
[1] [page 804] This done, and euery thing ordered as ſeemed moſt expedient, King Edwarde returned into the South parties of his realme to be at his mo|thers buriall,The kings mo+ther deceaſed. that in this meane tyme was de|parted this lyfe. Hir hart was buried in the church of the gray Friers at London, and hir bodie at Ambreſburie in the houſe of the Nunnes.
[1] After the funerals were ended, king Edwarde returned into the north parties againe: he ſtayed a while a Yorke, and during his abode there, Rees ap Meridoc, (of whom ye haue heard before) was by order of law condemned and executed.
An. reg. 20.
Nic. Triuet.
[1] [2] But nowe touching the Scottiſhe affayres. At lẽgth the king comming into Scotland, gaue ſummonce to al thoſe that claymed the Crowne, to appeare before him at the feaſt of the Natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptiſt next enſuing, yt they might declare more at large by what right they claimed the kingdome. Herevpon when the day of theyr appearance was come, and that king Edwarde was readie to heare the matter, hee choſe out the number of xl. perſons, the one halfe Engliſhmen, and the other Scottiſh men, which ſhoulde diſ|cuſſe with aduiſed deliberation and greate dili|gence the allegations of the competitors, defer|ring the finall ſentence vnto the feaſt of S. Mi|chael next enſuing, the which feaſt being come, after due examination, full triall, & aſſured know|ledge had of the right,Iohn Ballioll obteyneth the kingdome of Scotlande. the kingdome by al their aſ|ſents was adiudged vnto Iohn Balliol, whiche deſcended of the eldeſt daughter of Dauid king of Scotland, Robert le Bruce, betwixt whom and the ſame Balliol at length (the other being ex|cluded) the queſtiõ and triall only reſted, was deſ|cended of the ſeconde daughter of king Dauid, though otherwiſe by one degree he was nearer to him in bloud.Nic. Triuet. Thus writeth Nicholas Triuet. Albeit other affirme, that after long diſputation in the matter,Polidor. by order of king Edward, there wer appoynted .lxxx. auncient and graue perſonages, amongſt the which were .xxx. Engliſh men, vnto whome (being ſworne and admoniſhed to haue God before their eyes) authoritie was giuen to name him that ſhould be king. Theſe .lxxx. per|ſons, after they had well conſidered vnto whome the right apperteyned, declared with one voyce, that Iohn Balliol was rightful king King Ed|ward allowed their ſentence, and by his [...]+tie confirmed, vnto the ſame Iohn, the poſſeſſion of the kingdome of Scotlande, with con [...] that if he did not gouern that Realme with [...]+ſtice, then vpon complaint, the king of Englande might put vnto his hande of reformation, [...] was bounde to doe by hys ryght of ſuperior [...] that in him was inueſted.
[1] Herevpon king Edwarde awarded forth [...] writ of deliuerie of ſeyſine at the fute of the ſande Ballioll,Out of my booke of cordes [...] St. [...] vnto William and Robert, Biſhops of Saint Androwes and Glaſgo to Iohn [...]de Cumyn, Iames Lorde Steward of Scotlande and to the Lorde Brian Fitz Alain, worden [...] of Scotlande, commaunding them to deliuer vnto the ſayde Iohn Balliol the ſeyſme and poſſeſſion of that realme, ſauing the [...] and debts [...] to him of the iſſu [...] & profites of the ſame realme, vnto the day of the date of the writ, whiche was the .xlx. day of Nouember, in the .xx. yeare of his raigne.
[1] Alſo there was another writ made, and [...]|ted to ſuch as had the keeping of the Caſtell [...] in their handes, in forme as followeth.
EDwardus dei gratia rex Angliae,The C [...] the [...] the de [...] of the [...] dominus Hi|berniae, dux Aquitaniae, & ſuperior dom [...]m regni S [...]tiae,
delecto & fideli ſuo Petro Burdet, Cõ|ſtabulario caſtri de Berwike ſalutem.
Cùm Iohannes de Baliolo nuper in Parliamente nostre apud er| [...]icum ſuper Tuedam, veniſset coram nobis, & [...]ti|uiſſe [...] praedictu regnũ Scotiae ſibi per nos adiudi [...]ri, & ſeiſinam ipſius regni, vt propinquiori ha [...]di Margaretae filiae regis Norwegiae domina Sco [...]a, iure ſucceſsionis liberari, ac nos, auditis & intel|lectis petitionibus, & rationibus diligenter exi|minatis, inuenerimus prafatum Iohannem de [...]|liola eſſe propinq [...]orem haredem praedictae Marga|retae, quo ad praedictum regnum Scotiae abtinendum propter quod ide regnum Scotiae, & ſeiſinam eiuſ|dem, ſaluo uire noſti [...], & [...]eredũ noſtrorũ cùm v [...]|luerimus inde loqui, pradicto Iohanni reddidm [...]: tibi mandamus quòd ſeiſinã praedicti caſtri de [...]er|vico cum omnibus pertinentijs ſuis, vna cum alij [...] omnibus rebus tibi per cyrographũ traditis, ſecundũ quod in praedicti caſtri tibi commiſſa cuſtodiares hu|iuſmodi recepiſſi, ſine dilatione praefato Iohanne de Balliolo, vel attornat, ſu [...] has litteras deferẽtibus, deliberari facias.
Teſte meipſo apud Bervicum ſuper Tuedã .xix. die Nouembr [...] Anno regni noſtra .xx.
The ſame in Engliſh is thus.
EDward by the grace of god, king of Englãd, lord of Ireland, duke of Aquitaine, and ſuperi|or lord of the realme of Scot.
to his welbeloued & faithful ſeruant Peter Burdet Coneſtable of the Caſtell of Berwike, ſendeth greeting.
Where Iohn de Ballioll late in Parliamente hol|den at Berwicke vppon Tweede, came [page 805] before vs, and demaunded the ſayde Realme of Scotlande to be adiudged to him by vs, and ſea|ſine of the ſame realme to bee to him deliuered as next heyre to Margaret daughter to the king of Norway, Ladie of Scotlande by right of ſuc|ceſſion. We hauing heard and vnderſtoode the ſame petitions and reaſons beeing diligentlye wayed and examined, we finde the ſayde Iohn Ballioll to be next heyre vnto the ſayde Marga|ret, as to obteyne the ſayde kingdome of Scot|lande, wherevpon wee haue deliuered vnto him the ſayde kingdome of Scotlande, and the ſeyſin thereof, ſauing the right of vs and our heyres, when it ſhall pleaſe vs to ſpeake thereof. Wee therfore commaund you, that you deliuer vp vn|to the ſayde Iohn Ballioll, or to his attourneys, that ſhall bring with them theſe our preſent let|ters, the ſeyſine of the ſayde Caſtell of Barwike, with all the appurtenances, togither with all o|ther things to you by Indenture deliuered accor|dingly as you did receyue the ſame, with the cu|ſtodie of the ſayde Caſtle to you committed: and this without delay.
Witneſſe our ſelfe at Ber|wike vpon Tweed, the .xix. day of Nouember, in the .xx. yeare of our raigne.
[1] In the ſame forme of wordes were writtes awarded forth, to all and euery other the keepers of Caſtels and Manors belonging to the crowne of Scotlande, and being at that time in king Ed|wards handes, the names of places and the per|ſons that had them in cuſtodie onely chaunged.
[1] [2] [...] Seale [...]ken.The ſame day alſo in the Caſtel of Berwike was the Seale broken which had bene appoyn|ted to the gouernors during the time that the realme was vacant of a king. It was broken in|to foure partes, and put into a purſe to bee reſer|ued in the treaſurie of the king of Englande, in further and more full token of his ſuperioritie and direct ſupreme dominion ouer the Realme of Scotland. Which things were done in preſence of the ſayd Iohn Balliol then king of Scotland, Iohn Archbiſhop of Dublin. Iohn Biſhoppe of Wincheſter, Anthonie Biſhoppe of Dureſme, William Biſhop of Ely, Iohn Biſhop of Car|leil, William Biſhop of Saint Andrewes, Ro|bert Biſhop of Glaſgo, Marke Biſhop of Man, and Henrie Biſhop of Aberdene, with diuerſe o|ther Biſhoppes, beſides Abbottes and Pri|ors of both Realmes, Henrie Earle of Lyn|colne, Humfrey Earle of Hereforde, Roger Erle of Norffolke, Iohn Erle of Buchquane, Doue|nalde Earle of Mar, Gylbert Earle of Angus, Patrike Earle of Marche, and Maliſius Earle of Stratherne, with the .xxiiij. Auditors of Eng|lande, and the .lxxx. Auditors of Scotland, chap|laynes. Alſo Henrie de Newmarke Deane of Yorke, Iohn Lacie Chancellour of Chicheſter, William de Grenefielde Chanon of Yorke, and Iohn Ercurie Notarie, and many other.
[1] Iohn Ballioll beeing thus created King of Scotlande, on the .xx. day of Nouember, in the Caſtell of Norham, did fealtie vnto king Ed|warde for the kingdome of Scotlande in maner as followeth.
This heare you my Lorde Edward king of Englande,The forme of the fealtie of Iohn Ballioll. ſoueraigne Lorde of the Realme of Scotlande, that I Iohn de Ballioll K. of Scot|lande, which I holde and clayme to hold of you, that I ſhall be faythfull and loyall, and owe faith and loyaltie to you, I ſhal beare of life and mem|ber, and of earthly honor, agaynſt all people, and lawfully I ſhal acknowledge and do the ſeruices which I owe to doe to you, for the Realme of Scotlande aforeſayde. So god me helpe and his holy Euangeliſts.
[1] Hereof alſo hee made letters patents witneſ|ſing that he had thus done
fealtie vnto king Ed|warde, which letters hee ſealed and deliuered in
preſence of William biſhop of Saint Andrews, Robert biſhop of Glaſgo, Iohn
Erle of Bouch|quane, William Earle of Ros, Patrike Earle of Marche, Walter
Earle of Men [...]eth, Iames lord Stewarde of Scotlande, Alexander de Ergay, Alexander
de Ballioll Lorde of Caures, Patrike de Graham, and William de Saintclere.
This done, king Edwarde appoynted Anthonie Bi|ſhop of Dureſme, and the lord
Iohn Saint Iohn to paſſe with the Ballioll into Scotlande, and there to put
him into the corporall poſſeſſion of the ſame realme of Scotlande, whiche
they did,
An. reg. 21. Iohn Ballioll crowned king of Scotland.
[1] The ſolemnitie of which coronation beeing ended, he returned into Englande, and comming to Neweaſtell vpon Ti [...]e, where king Edward that yeare kept his Chriſtmaſſe, he there did ho|mage vpon Saint Stephens day vnto the ſayde king Edwarde in fourme of wordes as follo|weth.
[1] [2] My Lorde,The forme of the king of Scots homage. Lorde Edwarde king of Eng|lande, ſuperior Lorde of Scotlande, I Iohn de Balliol king of Scotlande, do acknowledge and recogniſe mee to be your liegeman of the whole Realme of Scotlande with all the appurtenan|ces and whatſoeuer belongeth thereto, the which kingdome I hold and ought of right and cl [...]me to holde dy inheritance of you and your heires kings of Englande, and I ſhall beare fayth and loyaltie to you and to your heires kings of Eng|land, of life, of member, and earthly honor, againſt all men, which may liue and die. This homage in forme aforeſayde did king Edwarde receyue, his owne and others right ſaued.
[1] Then did the king of Englande without de|lay,1293 reſtore vnto the ſayd Iohn Balliol the king|dome [page 806] of Scotlande with all the appurtenances.
[1] Richarde Bagley.This yere, as one Richard Bagley an offi|cer of the Sherifes of London, led a priſoner to|wards the gayle, three perſons reſeued the ſayde priſoner, and tooke him from the officer, the which were purſued & taken, and by iudgement of lawe thẽ vſed,The offenders loſt their hãds. were brought into weſt Cheape, & there had their hands ſtriken off by the wreſtes.
[1] A great ſnow and tempeſt of winde in May.The .xiiij. day of May fell a wonderfull ſnow, and therwith blew ſuch an exceeding winde, that great harme was done thereby in ſundrie places of Englande.
[1] The Archbi. of Canterbury deceaſeth.The ſame yeare died Frier Iohn Pecham Archbiſhop of Canterbury, and then was Robert of Winchelſey elected Archbiſhop, the .xlviij. in number that had ruled that ſea.
[1] About the middle of September following, the Erle of Bar a Frenchman,The kings daughter ma|ried to the Erle of Bar. maried the ladie Ele|nore the kings daughter in ye towne of Briſtow.
[1] [2] This yeare wheate was ſolde at London for two ſhillings a buſhel. This yeare alſo the warre was begonne betwene the kings of England and Fraunce.War betwixt England and Fraunce. For whereas king Edwarde had fur|niſhed forth ſixe ſhippes of warre, and ſent them vnto Burdeaux for defence of the coaſtes therea|boutes, two of them as they ſayled alongeſt the coaſt of Normandie,Two Engliſhe ſhips taken. and fearing no burt by e|nimies, were taken by the Norman fleet, and di|uerſe of the Mariners hanged.
[1] The Lorde Robert Tiptoſt that was Admi|rall of the Engliſh fleete, aduertiſed hereof, got togither a great number of ſhippes, and directed his courſe with them ſtreight towardes Nor|mandie and finding no ſhips of the Normans a|brode in the ſeas,The Lord ad|mira [...]l of Eng|land ſetteth vpon the Nor|man ſhippes. vpon a deſire to be reuenged en|tred the mouth of the ryuer of Same, and ſet vp|on the Norman ſhippes that lay there at anere, fiue many of the Mariners, and tooke ſixe ſhips away with him, and ſo returning to the Sea a|gaine, caſt ancre not farre off from the land [...] prouoke the Frenchmen to come forth with [...] fleete to giue battail. And as he lay there at an [...] it chaunced that certaine Norman Shipp [...] fraught with Wine, came that wayes as they returned out of Gaſcoigne. The Lorde Tiptoſt ſetting vpon them, tooke them with little a doe, and ſleaing neare hand the thirde part of all the Mariners ſent the ſhips into England.
[1] [2] The Frenchmen to reuenge this act, prepare a nauie, and furniſhing the ſame with ſouldiers went forth to the Sea to encounter the Engliſh men: but ere they met, Meſſengers were ſent to and fro, the Engliſh men accuſing the French|men of truce breaking, and the Frenchmen again requiring reſtitution of their goodes taken from them by violence. And now foraſmuch as thys buſineſſe had bin moued raſhly betwixt the Eng|liſh men and the Normans, without any com|miſſion of their Princes, their mindes there|fore were not ſo kindled in diſpleaſure, but that there had beene good hope of agreement betwixt them, if Charles Earle of Valoys the Frenche kings brother (being a man of a [...]ote nature,Charles [...] of Vi [...] cureth [...] betwixt [...] land [...] and deſirous of reuenge) had not procured hys bro|ther to ſeeke auengemente: by force of armes. Wherevpon the French fleete made towardes the Engliſh men, who mynding not to detract the battel, ſharply encoũter their enimies in a certain place betwixt England & Normãdy, where they had layde a great emptie ſhip at an ancre, to giue tokẽ where they ment to ioyne. There were with the Engliſh men both Iriſhmen & Hollanders, & with the Normans there were Frenchmen and Flemings, & certain veſſels of Genowayes. The fight at the firſt was doubtfull, & great ſlaughter made, as in the meeting of two ſuch mightie na|uies muſt needes enſue.The Ea [...] men v [...] by ſea. In the end yet the victory fell to the Engliſhmen, & the French ſhips put to [figure appears here on page 806] [page 807] chaſe and ſc [...]tred abrode. The number of ſhips loſt is not recorded by ſuch wryters as make re|port of this conflict, but they write that the loſſe was great. King Philip being aduertiſed of this diſcomfiture of his fleet, was ſore diſpleaſed, and as though he would proceede agaynſt king Ed|ward by order of law, he ſummoneth him as hys liegeman to appeare at Paris, [...]ng Edward [...]mored to [...]eate at [...]is. to anſwere what might be obiected agaynſt him, but withall by|cauſe he knew that K. Edward would not come to make his appearance, he prepareth an army.
[1] [...]rd earle [...]ancaſter [...] to the [...]ch king.In the meane time K. Edwarde ſendeth his brother Edmond Erle of Lancaſter to be his at|torney, & to make anſwere for him before all ſuch Iudges as might haue hearing of the matter: but the Iudges meaning nothing leſſe thã to trie out the truth of the cauſe, admit no reaſons that the Erle could allege in his brothers behalf, & ſo pro|nounce K. Edward a rebel & decree by areſt, [...]ng Edward [...]emned in [...] French [...]gs Court. that he had forfeyted all his right vnto the Duchie of Guienne. Theſe things thus done, he ſendeth pri|uy meſſengers vnto Burdeaux, to procure the ci|tizens to reuolt frõ the Engliſhmen, [...]old de [...]le ſent in| [...] Gaſcoigne [...] an army. & appointed the Coneſtable of France the L. Arnold de Neall to follow with an army, who cõming thither ea|ſily brought thẽ of Burdeaux vnder the French dominion, being alredy minded to reuolt through practiſe of thoſe that were lately before ſent vnto them from the French king for that purpoſe.
[1] After this, the ſaid Coneſtable brought the peo|ple neare adioyning vnder ſubiection, partly mo|ued by the example of the chiefe and head Citie of all the Countrey, and partly enduced thervnto by bribes and large giftes.
[1] The Engliſh men that were in the Countrey, after they perceiued that the people did thus reuolt to the French king, withdrew incõtinently vnto the townes ſituate neare to the ſea ſide, but eſpeci|ally they fled to a towne called the Rioll, which they fortifie with all ſpeed. Thus ſayth Polidor.
[1] [...] Triuet.Nicholas Triuet writing hereof, declareth the beginning of this warre to be on this maner. The Engliſh Marchants being diuerſly vexed vpon the ſeas, made cõplaint to the K. for loſſe of their marchandice. [...]ie eare of [...]olne. The king ſent the Erle of Lincoln Henrie Lacie vnto the French king, inſtantly re|quiring, that by his aſſent there might ſome way be prouided with ſpeed by them and their counſel, for ſome competent remedie touching ſuch har|mes and loſſes by ſea as his people had ſuſteined. In the meane time whileſt the Earle tarieth for anſwere, a nauie of the parties of Normandy cõ|teyning two .C. ſhips and aboue being aſſembled togither, that they might the more boldly aſſayle their enimies and the more valiantly reſiſt ſuche as ſhould encounter them ſailed into Gaſcoigne, determining to deſtroy all thoſe of their aduerſa|ries that ſhould come in their way. But as theſe Norman ſhips returned back with wines, glory|ing as it were that they had got ye rule of the ſea onely, to themſelues, they were aſſayled by .lx. Engliſh ſhips, which toke them, and brought thẽ into Englãd the Fryday before Whitſunday: all the men were eyther drowned or ſlaine, thoſe on|ly excepted which made ſhift to eſcape by boates. The newes hereof being brought into France did not ſo much moue the K. & the counſel to wonder at the matter, as to take therof great indignation.
[1] There were appointed Ambaſſadors to go in|to Englãd, the which on the behalf of the French [figure appears here on page 807] king, might demaunde of king Edward reſtitu|tion of thoſe ſhips and goodes thus taken by hys ſubiects, and conueyed into his realme, without all delay, if he mynded to haue any fauour in the French Court touching his affayres that belon|ged to his Countrey of Gaſcoigne.
[1] The king of England hearing this meſſage,The Biſhop of London ſent with an anſwer vnto the french king. tooke therein deliberation to anſwere, and then ſent the Biſhop of London, accompanied wyth other wiſe and diſcreete perſons into Fraunce, to declare for aunſwere vnto the French King and his Counſayle as followeth, that is: Where as the King of Englande, hath his regall Courte without ſubiection to any man, if there were therefore anye perſones that founde themſelues hurt or endomaged by hys people, they myght come to hys Court, and vppon declaration of theyr receyued iniuries, they ſhoulde haue ſpeedie iuſtice, and to the ende they might thus do with|out all daunger, whoſoeuer mynded to com|playne, hee woulde giue vnto them a ſafecon|ducte to come and goe in ſafetye through hys lande: But if this way pleaſed not the Frenche King, then he was contented that there ſhoulde bee Arbitratours choſen on bothe ſydes, the whiche weighing the loſſes on bothe partyes, might prouide howe to ſatiſfie the complaynts: and the King of Englande woulde for hys parte enter into bondes by obligation to ſtande to and abyde theyr order and iudgement herein, [page 808] ſo that the French king would likewiſe be bound for his part and if any ſuch doubt fortuned to a|riſe, which could not be decyded by the ſayde ar|bitrators, let the ſame be reſerued vnto the kings themſelues to diſeaſſe and determine, and the king of Englande vpon a ſufficient ſafeconduct had, woulde come ouer to the Frenche King, if he woulde come downe vnto any ha [...]n towne neare to the Sea coaſt, that by mutuall aſſent an ende might be had in the buſineſſe: but if nei|ther this waye ſhoulde pleaſe the Frenche king nor the other, then let the matter bee committed to the order of the Pope, to whom it apperteyned to nouriſh concorde among Chriſtian Princes, of bycauſe the Sea was as then voyde let the whole Colledge of Cardinals or part of them take order therin, as ſhould be thought neceſſarie, that ſtrife and diſcord being taken away and re|moued peace might again flouriſh betwixt them and their people, as before time it had done.
[1] The French counſaile weyed nothing at all theſe offers, & would not ſo much as once vouch|ſafe to giue an anſwere vnto the Engliſh Ambaſ|ſadors earneſtly requiring the ſame. Finally, the French king ſent vnto the Citie of Aniou which is knowne to belong vnto the Duchie of Gui|enne,The king of England cited to appeare where he there cauſed the king of England to be cited to make his appearance at Paris, at a certaine day, to anſwere to the iniuries and re|bellions by him done in the Countrey of Gaſ|coigne, at the which day when he appeared not, the French king fitting in the ſeate of iudgement in hys owne proper perſon,Sentence geuẽ againſt the king of Eng|lande. gaue ſentence there agaynſt the king of Englande, for making de|fault, and withall commaunded the high Cone|ſtable of Fraunce to ceaſe into his handes all the Duchie of Guienne, and eyther take or expulſe al the king of Englandes officers, ſouldiours, and deputies, which were by him placed within the ſayde Duchie.
[1] The king a little before had ſent thither a va|liant knight, named the Lord Iohn Saint Iohn, which had furniſhed all the Cities, townes, Ca|ſtels, and places, with men, munition, and vyt|tayles, for defence of the ſame.
[1] An. Reg. 22. In the meane time the king of Englande de|ſirous to be at quiet with the French men, ap|poynted his brother Edmunde Earle of Lanca|ſter, as then ſoiourning in France, to go vnto the Frenche kings counſaile to procure ſome agree|ment, which both might be allowed of the French king, and not bee diſhonourable vnto him: But when the Erle could not preuaile in his ſute, hee tooke his iourney towardes Englande, vtterlye diſpayring to procure any peace. But e [...]e be came to the ſea ſide,1294 he was ſent for backe againe by the two Queenes of Fraunce, Ioan wife to King Philip, and Marie his mother in lawe, whiche promiſed to frame ſome accorde betwene the [...] kings, & ſo therevpon after diuerſe com [...]+ons by them had in the matter with the ſaid [...] of Lancaſter, at length it was accorded, that for the ſauing of the French kings honour which ſeemed to bee touched by things done by the king of Englandes miniſters in Gaſcoigne,The [...] th [...] [...] ſixe Ca|ſtels ſhoulde remaine at the ſayde kings pleaſant, as Sanctes, Talemonde, Turnim, Pomorall, Penne, and Mount Flaunton. Alſo there ſhould be let a ſeruant or ſergeant in the Frenche kings name, in euerie Citie and Caſtell within all the whole Duchie of Guienne, except B [...]rde [...], Bayon, & the Rioll. And further hoſtages ſhould be deliuered at the French kings pleaſure, of all miniſters to be placed by the king of England in Gaſcoigne and other places throughe all the Countrey.
[1] Theſe things done, the French king ſhoulde reuoke the ſummonance publiſhed and pronoun|ced in the Court of Paris agaynſt the king of England. Alſo he ſhould reſtore all the Caſtels (his ſeruants being remoued which he had pla|ced in the ſame) togither with the pledges incon|tinẽtly, at the requeſt of the ſame Queenes, or of either of them. The king of Englande hauing a ſafe conduct ſhould come to A [...]iens, that there meeting with the French king, peace and [...]ie might be confirmed betwixt them. Then [...]re there writings made and engroſſed touching the foreſayd Articles of agreement, one part deliuered to the erle, ſealed with the ſeales of the Queenes, and other remayned with the foreſayd Queenes ſealed with the ſeale of the Earle.
[1] [2] [3] The k. of Englãd certified hereof,L [...] [...]. ſent his letters patents, directed vnto all his officers & miniſters in Gaſcoigne, commaunding them to obey in all things the French kings pleaſure. Theſe letters patents were firſt ſent vnto the Erle of Lãcaſter, that he might cauſe thẽ to be conueyd into Gaſ|coigne when he ſhould ſee time. The Earle ha|uing receyued thoſe letters, doubting whether the French king would obſerue the agreement which the Queenes had made & concluded or not, he re|quired of thẽ that he might heate the French K. ſpeake the worde, that he would ſtande vnto that which they had concluded. Whervpon in the pre|ſence of the ſaid Erle & his wife Blanch Queene of Naua [...]re, mother to the French Queene, alſo of the duke of Burgoigne, Hugh Ve [...]on to the Erle of Oxford, & of a Chaplain cleped ſir Iohn Lacie, the French king promiſed in the fayth of a Prince, that he would fulfill the promiſes of the ſaid Queenes, and the couenants by them accor|ded. Shortly herevpon was ſent into Gaſcoigne a knight of the Erles of Lancaſter, called ſir Gef|frey de Langley with letters from the French K. directed to the Coneſtable,Sir G [...] La [...] to call him back again [page 823] from his appoynted enterpriſe. And the foreſayd Chaplaine ſir Iohn Lacy was ſent alſo thither with the letters patents of the king of England, directed vnto his officers there, in forme as is a|boue mentioned, wherevpon the Lorde Iohn Saint Iohn the king of Englands lieutenant in Gaſcoigne, vnderſtanding the concluſions of the agreemẽt, ſold all ſuch prouiſions as he had made and brought into the Cities, townes, and fortreſ|ſes for the defence of the ſame, and departing out of Gaſcoigne, came towardes Paris to returne that way into England. But beholde what fol|lowed:The Frenche [...]ings minde [...]aunged. ſodainly by the enimie of peace was the French kings minde quite chaunged. And where the king of England was come vnto Canterbu|rie, and kept there his Eaſter, that immediately vpon the receyt of the ſafeconduct he might tranſ|port ouer the ſeas, and ſo come to Amiens, accor|ding to the appointment made by the agreement, [...]s vnieſt [...]ing. now not only the ſafeconduct was denied, but al|ſo the firſt letters reuocatorie ſent vnto the Co|neſtable to call him backe, by other letters ſent af|ter were alſo made voyde, and he by the latter let|ters appoynted to keepe vpõ his iourney, ſo that ye Coneſtable entring into Gaſcoine with a power, found no reſiſtance, the Captains & officers ſub|mitting themſelues with the townes & fortreſſes at his pleaſure, according to the tenor of the let|ters patents lately to them deliuered. All the offi|cers and captains of the fortreſſes were brought to Paris as captiues and pledges.
[1] Within a few dayes after, the Erle of Lan|caſter required the Queenes, that they would 'cal vpon the king to grant his ſafeconduct for the K. of Englãd, to reuoke the citatiõ or ſummonãce, to reſtore the lands taken from him, and to dely|uer the pledges: [...] French K. [...]unceth [...]t he had [...]e. but the French king by the mou|thes of certain knights ſent vnto the Erle, renoũ|ced al ſuch couenants as before had bin cõcluded.
[1] The Earle of Lancaſter then perceyuing that both he and his brother king Edward were moc|ked thus at the French kings hands, returned in|to Englande, and informeth the king and hys counſaile from poynt to poynt of all the matter. Herevpon a Parliament being called at Weſt|minſter, at the which the king of Scotlande was preſent, it was decreed by the eſtates, that thoſe landes which were craftily taken ſo from the king ſhould be recouered againe by the ſworde. And the king herewith ſent vnto the French King a Frier Preacher named Hugh of Mancheſter, [...]h of Man| [...]er a Frier [...]to the [...]ch king. and a Frier Minor called William de Gayneſ|bourgh, both being wiſe and diſcreete men, and Doctours of Diuinit [...], to declare vnto him, that ſithe he woulde not obſerue ſuche agreements as had beene concluded betwixt their anceſters, and further had broken ſuch couenantes as were now of late agreed vpon betwixt thẽ, by the trauaile of hys brother Edmonde Earle of Lancaſter,The king of England re|nounceth the French king. there was no cauſe why hee ought to accounte hym being King of Englande, and Duke of Guien as hys liegeman, neyther did he intende further to bee bounde vnto hym by reaſon of hys ho|mage.
[1] About the ſame time did the King of Eng|lande ſende the Archebiſhop of Dubline,Ambaſſador [...] ſent into Ger|man [...]e. and the Biſhop of Duteſme into Germanie, aboute the concluding of a league with Adolph King of Romaines, to whom was giuen a great ſumme of mony (as was ſayd) vpon couenantes, that he ſhoulde ayde the king of Englande agaynſt the French king, with all his maine force, & that ney|ther of them ſhould conclude peace with the ſayd French king without conſent of the other.
[1] About the Aſcention tide,Wolles ſtayed Fabian. king Edward ſtayed the woolles of this lande, aſwell belonging to ſpi|rituall men as temporall men, till the marchants had fined with him for the ſame,A ſubſidie ray+ſed of woolles ſo that there was a ſubſidie payed for all ſurpliers of wool that went out of the realme, and in ſemblable wife for felles and hydes.
[1] He alſo ſent an army by ſea into Gaſcoigne,A army ſent in to Gaſcoigne. vnder the cõduct of his nephew Iohn of Britain that was Erle of Richmond, appoynting to him as counſailers, the Lord Iohn Saint Iohn, and the Lord Robert Tiptoſt, men of great wiſdom, and right expert in warlike enterpriſes.
[1] He alſo cauſed thre ſeueral fleetes to be prepa|red,Nich: Triuet: and appoynted to them three ſundrie Ad|mirals, for the better keeping of the ſeas. To them of Yerniouth and other of thoſe partyes,Three fleetes appoynted to the ſea. he aſſigned the Lorde Iohn Bote [...]ourt: to them of the cinque Portes, William de Leyborne: and to them of the weſt Countrey, and to the Iriſhe men, he appoynted a valiant knight of Irelande to their chieftaine.
[1] This yeare in England was a great dearth & ſcarcitie of corne,
A dearth.
Rich. South [...].
[1] About Michaelmas,The Engliſh armie paſſeth into
Gaſcoign. the Engliſh fleet toke the ſea at Porteſmouth, &
after ſome contrary winds at laſt yet they arriued within the riuer of
Garon, and ſo paſſing vp the ſame Riuer,
Townes won.
Nich. Triuet. Polidor. Abingdon.
[1] The kings Coffers by reaſon of furniſhing forth of this army, and other
continuall charges which he had ſuſteined, were now in maner emp|tie: for
remedie whereof, Wil. Marche one of the kings Treaſurers purpoſed with other
mens loſ|ſes to ſupplie that wante. He knewe that in Ab|beys &
Churches was much many kept in ſtore,
Mat. VVeſt.
A ſhift for money.
[1] The Cleargie hauing no ſpeciall head by rea|ſon that the Sea of Canterburie was voyde, wiſt not well how to gouerne themſelues. At length Oliuer Biſhop of Lincolne, required in all theyr names to haue three dayes reſpite to make an|ſwere to the matter, the which time expired, they offred to the king two diſmes to be payde within one yeare.Th [...] offer not lyked. The which when the King heard, hee tooke great diſdaine therewith, and breatned by ſome of his men of warre to put the Cleargie out of his protection, except they would graũt to him the half of their goodes. The Clergie [...] are herewith,The halfe part of ſpirituall liuings gran+ted to the king R. Fabian. Polidor. and ſome of them alſo deſirous to wyn the kings fauour, graunted to his requeſt, and ſo the king at that time got the halfe parte of euerye ſpirituall mans liuing and benefice for one yeres extent to bee payde in portions wyt [...] three yeares next enſuing, beginning at .xx. Marke benefice,Abingdon. and ſo vpwardes. And the ſooner to in|duce them herevnto, hee promiſed the Biſhops to graunt ſomething that myght bee beneficiall to the Cleargie, if they woulde demaunde it.
[1] The prelates require to haue the ſta|tute of Mort|main repealed.The Biſhops taking counſaile togither, re|quired of him that ye ſtatute of Mortmain might be repealed, which they ſawe to be moſt preiudi|diall to theyr order. But the King anſwered them, that without the whole conſent of a Par|liament hee coulde not breake that ordinaunce, whiche by authoritie of Parliament had [...] once eſtabliſhed,The K. [...]eth th [...] and therfore he wiſhed that they woulde not requyre that thing which lay not in him to graunt, and ſo by that meanes he ſhyfted them of.
[1] The ſpiritualtie was not onely charged with this ſubſidie, but they of the temporaltie were alſo burdened.Ni [...]. T [...] For the Citizens & Burgeſſes of good towns gaue to the king the ſixt part of their goods and the reſidue of the people gaue the tenth part.
[1] Moreouer about the ſame time, the Welch|men eftſoones rebelled agaynſt the King,The W [...] men ar [...] and in dyuerſe parts made diuerſe rulers amongſt them. Thoſe of Northwales which inhabited aboute Snowdone hilles,Madoc. Ca [...] b [...] hauing to their Captaine [...]e Madock, of the line of their former Prince Li [...]|line, burned the towne and caſtel of Carnar [...], ſleaing a great multitude of Engliſhmen, which doubting no ſuche matter, were come thi [...]er [...]o the Fayre. Thoſe of the Weſt part hauing cho|ſen to theyr ruler one Malgon in the parties of Pembroke and Carmardyn ſhires,Malg [...]. did muche miſchiefe. And one Morgan hauing them of Southwales at hys commaundement,Morgan [...]neth the [...] of Glo [...] out of G [...]+gan [...] expul|ſed and droue the Earle of Glouceſter out of his Countrey of Glamorgan, which Earle had be|fore tyme diſherited the aunceſters of the [...] Morgan.
[1] The king therfore to repreſſe the Welchmens attempts, called backe his brother Edmond Erle of Lancaſter, and the Earle of Lincolne, beyng [...]adie to haue ſayled ouer into Gaſcoigne,The E [...] L [...]nc [...] Lincolne [...] qui [...] Wel [...] the which Earles as they approched neare vnto the Caſtell of Denbigh vpon Saint Martyns day, the Welchmen with great force encountred thẽ, and giuing them battaile, droue them backe and diſcomfited their people.
[1] Polidore iudgeth that this ouerthrow happe|ned to the Engliſhmen, the rather for that the ar|my was hyred with ſuche money as had beene wrongfully taken out of the Abbeys and other holy places, howbeit it is but his opinion onely.
[1] The king kept his Chriſtmaſſe at Aberco [...]|wey in Wales,An. reg [...] 125 [...] and hearing that the now Arche|biſhop of Canterburie, doctor Robert Wynchel|ſey being returned from Rome (where of Pope o [...] [...]e [...]e be had receyued his Pall) was cõming towards hind [...] one of his Chaplaines [...] Iohn [...]tewike with a power of ſouldiers to conduct him ſafely vnto his preſence. And [...] the Archebiſhoppe had done this dealtie to the King accordingly as of dutie and cuſtome hee was bound, he was licẽced to returne with great honor ſhewed vnto him at the kings handes.
[1] Vpon the day of the circumciſion of our Lord,Ba [...] [...]ded to [...] Engli [...] was the Citie of Bayon rendred vnto the Lorde [page 811] Iohn Saint Iohn, the which the day before had beene taken by the mariners by force of aſſaulte. Many of the Citizens which were knowne to be thiefe enimies vnto the king of Englande were apprehended and ſent into Englande. The Ca|ſtell was then beſieged, [...]e Caſtell of [...]e won. and after eight dayes ta|ken. The Lorde of Aſpermont with diuerſe o|ther that helde it, [...]o French [...]ys taken. were cõmitted to priſon. There were alſo taken two Galleys which the French King had cauſed to bee made, and appoynted to bee remaining there vppon defence of that Citie.
[1] [...]t Iohn de [...]des.Shortly after, the towne of Saint Iohn de Sordes was deliuered vnto the Engliſhe men, who wan many other townes & fortreſſes, ſome by ſurrender of their owne accord, & ſome by force and violence. The Engliſhe army greatly en|creaſed within a while, after the deceyte of the Frenchmen once appeared, [...]e Gaſ| [...]nes ayde [...] Engliſhe [...]. for the Gaſcoigns re|turned vnto the Engliſh obedience, in ſuch wife that foure thouſand footmen and two .C. horſe|men came to ayde the Engliſh captaines.
[1] [...]e king en| [...]th into [...]ales.In the meane time, the king of England paſ|ſing ouer the riuer of Cõwey with part of his ar|my to go further into Wales towardes Snow|done, loſt many cartes and other cariages which were taken by the Welchmen, being loden with the prouiſions of vittayles, ſo that hee with hys people indured great penurie, and was conſtray|ned to drink water mixt with honie, and eat ſuch courſe breade, and ſalt fleſh as he could get, til the other part of the army came vnto him.
[1] [...]hingdon.There was a ſmal quantitie of wine amongſt them, which they woulde haue reſerued onely for the king, but he refuſed, ſaying, that in time of neceſſitie all things ought to be common, and all men to be contented wyth lyke dye [...]. For as tou|ching him (being the cauſe and procurer of theyr want,) he woulde not bee preferred vnto anye of them in his meates and drinkes.
[1] The Welchemen compaſſed him aboute in hope to diſtreſſe him, for that the water was ſo ryſen that the reſidue of his armie coulde not get to hym. But ſhortly after when the water fell, they came ouer to hys ayde, and therewith the aduerſaryes fled.
[1] The Earle of Warwike hearing that a great number of Welchmen was aſſembled togyther,The Earle of Warwike. Nic. Triuet. and lodged in a valley betwixt two wooddes, he choſe out a number of horſemen, with certayne Croſbowes and Archers, and comming vpon the Welchemen in the night, compaſſed them rounde about, the which pytching the endes of their Speares in the grounde, and turning the poyntes agaynſt theyr enimies, ſtoode at defence ſo to keepe off the horſmen. But the Earle ha|uing placed his battaile ſo, that euer betwixt two horſemen there ſtoode a Croſbowe, a great parte of the Welchmen which ſtoode at defence in ma|ner aforeſayde with theyr Speares, were ouer|throwne and broken with the ſhotte of the qua|rels,The Welche men ouer|throwne by the Earle of Warwike. and then the Earle charged the reſidue with a troupe of horſemen, and bare them downe with ſuch ſlaughter, as they had not ſuſteyned the like loſſe of people (as was thought) at any one time before.
[figure appears here on page 811]
[1] In the meane while, king Edwarde to re|ſtrayne the rebellious attempts of
thoſe Welch|men,
[...] woods in [...]les cut [...]n [...]. cauſed the wooddes of Wales to bee cutte downe, wherein
before tyme the Welchmen were accuſtomed to hyde themſelues in time of
daunger. He alſo repaired the Caſtels and holdes in that Countrey, and
buylded ſome new, as the Citie and Caſtell of Bewmariſe with other,Beanmares buylt. ſo that the Welchmen conſtrained
through hũger & famine, were enforced within a while to come to the
kings peace. Alſo at length aboute the feaſt of Saint Laurence, the
Welcheman Madocke, [page 812] that tooke himſelfe for Prince of Wales
was taken priſoner,
Madock ta|ken priſoner.
[1] Polidor.About the ſame time Charles de Valoys bro|ther to the French king being ſent with an army into Gaſcoigne, and comming vpon the ſodaine, found the Engliſh men wandring abrode in the Countrey out of order, by reaſon whereof taking them at that aduantage, he cauſed them to leaue theyr booties behinde them,Charles de V [...]+loys chaſeth the Engliſh men. fiue part of them, and chaſed the reſidue, the which fled to theyr ſhippes, or to ſuch hauen townes as were in their poſſeſ|ſion. The Captaines of ye Engliſhmen, as Iohn de Britaine Earle of Richmond,The Earle of Richmond. and the Lorde Iohn Saint Iohn, after they had gotte togither their ſouldiers whiche had bene thus chaſed, ſent two bandes vnto Ponteſey to defend that towne agaynſt the enimies: alſo other two handes vn|to Saint Seuere: and they themſelues went to Rion to fortifie that place. Charles de Valoys aduertiſed hereof, thought he would not giue thẽ long reſpyte to make themſelues ſtrong by ga|thering any newe power, and therefore appoyn|ted the Coneſtable Sir Raufe de Neale (who hadde woonne the Citie of Burdeaux from the Engliſh men lately before) to goe vnto Po [...]|ſey and beſiege that towne, whileſt hee w [...] vnto Ryon, [...] which he beſieged and fiercely aſſaul|ted. But the Engliſh men and Gaſcoignes due not onely defende the Towne ſtoutely, but alſo make an iſſue forth vppon their enimies, though (as it happened) the ſmaller number was not able to ſuſtaine the force of the greater multitude, and ſo were the Engliſh men beaten backe into the towne agayne.
[1] Whileſt they trie their manhood thus at Rion,Ponteſey the Coneſtable winneth Ponteſey or Pontſ [...] vpon Dordone, and commeth to ioyne with the Earles de Valoys at Rion,
and ſo enforce both their powers to winne that towne. The Eng|liſh men and
Gaſcoignes, though they were put in ſome feare, yet they ſhew their approued
vali|ancie in defending the towne, tyll at length whẽ they ſaw they could
defend it no longer, and were in no hope of ſuccor from any part, they fled
out about midnight, and made toward their ſhippes; but diuerſe of them were
takẽ by the way: for the Frenche men hauing knowledge of their intent,
forlay the paſſages, and taking ſome of them that firſt ſought to eſcape
thus by flight, ſlue them, but there was not many of thoſe, for all the
reſidue when they perceyued that the French men had layde betwixt them and
their ſhips, making vir|tue of neceſſitie, ſtood ſtil in defence of the
towne, till the Frenchmen entred it by force of aſſaulte the Fryday in
Eaſter weeke.
Nic. T [...]
R [...]
[figure appears here on page 812]
[1] Abingdon.Some write, that the ſame night in whiche they ſo ment to flee to theyr ſhippes, there chaun|ced a great tumult and muteny betwixt the foot|men and horſemen, ſo that they fought togither, or elſe might the whole number of them haue eſ|caped. The horſemen that got forth left their hor|ſes behind them readie brideled and ſadled, which the Frenchmen vpon entring the towne in the morning tooke, after they had ſlain the moſt part of the footemen. The Frenchmen hauing got a bloudie victorie, ſaued onely the Captaines and Gentlemen, and ſlue the other, aſwell Engliſhe men as Gaſcoignes. There was takẽ of knights,Eng [...] [...]ake [...] Sir Raufe Tanny, ſir Amis de Saint Amand, with his brother ſir Raufe de Gorges Marſhall of the armye, Sir Roger Leyborne, Sir Iohn [page 813] Kreting, ſir Iames, Kreting, ſir Henrie Bo|ding, ſir Iohn Mandeuile, ſir Iohn Fuleborne, ſir Robert Goodfielde, [...]bingdon. ſir Thomas Turb [...]ruile, and ſir Walter, with .xxxiij. Eſoniers, whiche were ſent all vnto Paris.Adam Kre| [...] killed. Sir Adam Kreting was killed, [...] Walter [...]de. a right valiant knight by treaſon of one ſir Walter Gyfford a knight alſo which had dwelled in Fraunce manye yeares before as an outlaw
[...] Senere [...].
[...]h: Triuet:
[...]gh Veere. [...]les de [...]oys.
[1] The pledges alſo which aforetime were taken out of that towne by the Frenche kings Sene|ſchall, ſhould returne in ſafetie to the towne, and haue their goodes reſtored vnto them.
[1] [...]les de [...]ys retur| [...] into [...]ce.This done, Charles de Valoys appoynted a garriſon of ſouldiers to remaine there for the kee|ping of the towne, and then returned backe into Fraunce. The Engliſhmen which eſcaped out of thoſe places from the French mens handes, [...]dor. re|payred vnto Bayonne to defend that towne with theyr Captaynes the foreſayde Earle of Rich|mont, and the Lorde Iohn de Saint Iohn; the which of ſome are vntruely ſayde to haue beene ſlaine at Rion.
[1] Then ſhortly after that Charles de Valoys was departed out of the Countrey, the Towne of Saint Seuere was againe recouered by the Engliſh men.
[1] [...] Earle of [...]ord then [...]ng hight [...]ert V [...]er, [...]nce Hugh [...].It ſhoulde appeare by report of ſome writers, that Hugh Veer whome they wrongly name to be Earle of Oxforde, was ſent ouer as then from king Edward to the ayde of his captains in Gaſ|coigne, and at his firſt comming, recouered the towne of Saint Seuere, and afterwards ſo vali|antly defended it againſt the French men, ſo that honourable mention is made of him, both by Ni. Tri. and alſo by ſome Frẽch writers,Niche [...] Tr [...] for his high manhood therein ſhewed. But whether he were brother or ſonne to the Earle of Oxforde, I can not ſay howbeit about the .xxvij. yere of this king Edwardes raigne, we find one Hugh Veer, that was a Baron, which I take to be this man, but Earle I thinke hee was not. For (as Euerſde [...] hath) one Robert Veer that was Earle of Ox|forde deceaſſed in the yeare next enſuing, and af|ter him ſucceeded an other Earle that bare the ſame name (as by records it may appeare.)
[1] Polidore ſpeaking of the ſiege of Saint Se|uere,Polidore. rehearſeth not who was Captaine as then of the towne, but in the yeelding of it vnto Char|les de Valoys, after he had layne more than three moneths before it, he agreeth with other writers.
[1] The ſame yeare Berarde Biſhoppe of Al [...]a and Simon Archbiſhop of Bourges two Car|dinalles of the Romaine Sea
were ſent vnto the kings of Englande and Fraunce to moue them to conclude a
Cardinals ſent to the kings of Englande, and France to treat a
Mat. VVeſt.
[1] The ſame tyme ſir Thomas Turberuile a knight,
Polid [...]r. Nich. Triuet. Mat. VVeſt.
Sir Thomas Turberuiles promiſe to the French king.
The French king ſendeth forth a fleet a|gainſt englãd.
[1] Abingdon.Some write that they ſent fiue Galleys to|wards the ſhore to ſuruey the coaſt, of the which Galleys one of them aduauncing forth afore hir fellowes, arriued at Hide neare to Rumney ha|uen, where the Engliſh men eſpying hir, to draw the French men a lande, feigned to flie backe in|to the Countrey, but returning ſodainly vppon the enimies,French men ſlaine. A Gally burnt. they ſlue the whole number of them, being about two hundred and fifty perſons. They ſet fire on the Galley alſo and burned hir.
[1] The Admirall of the French fleete kindled in anger herewith, ſayled ſtreight vnto Douer, and there landing with his people,Douer robbed by the French. robbed the towne and Priorie. The towneſmen being ſtriken with feare of the ſodaine landing of their enimies, fled into the Countrey, and rayſed people on [...] ſide, the which being aſſembled togither in [...] numbers, towards euening came to Douer, [...] inuading ſuch French mẽ as were ſtrayed abro [...] to ſeeke prayes, ſlue thẽ downe in ſu [...] [...] places. The French Admiral which had bene [...] at the day in p [...]ring the towne,The [...] hearing the noyſe of thoſe Frenchmen that came running towardes the ſea ſide, ſtreight ways getteth him to his ſhip [...] with ſuch pillage as he could take with him. The other French men whiche were g [...]e abrode into the Countrey to fetche prayes, and coulde the come to theyr ſhippes in tyme, were ſtatue euery mothers ſonne. Some of them hid themſelues in the corne fieldes, and were after ſlaine of the Country people.French [...] [...] Douer. There was little leſſe than .viij. hundred of them thus ſlaine by one meane and other at that time. There were not manye of the men of Douer ſlain, for they eſcaped by [...]ight at the firſt entrie made by the Frenchmen: But of women and children there dyed a great num|ber, for the enimyes ſpared none. There was alſo an olde Monke ſlaine named Thomas a man of ſuche vertue (as the opinion went) [...] after his deceaſſe, many myracles through [...] were ſhewed.
[1] Sir Thomas Turberuile being troubled in his minde that he could not bring his trayterous purpoſe to paſſe, beganne to aſſay another way, which was to procure Iohn Ballioll King of Scotlande to ioyne in league with the Frenche K. but ere any of his practiſes coulde be brought aboute, his treaſon was reuealed,Sir [...] and he co [...]ſt thereof was put to execution.
[figure appears here on page 814]
[1] Nic. Triuet.Nich. Tri. ſaith, yt he had promiſed the French king to cauſe Wales to reuolt frõ K. Edwarde, and that by procurement of the Prouoſt of Pa|ris, he conſented to worke ſuch treaſon. And as ſome write,Caxton. hee did not onely homage vnto the Frẽch K. but alſo left two of his ſonnes in pledge for aſſurance to worke that which he had promi|ſed. His ſecretarie that wrote the letters vnto the French K. cõteining his imagined treaſons,Abing [...] with other aduertiſements touching king Edwardes [page 815] purpoſes, fearing leaſt the matter by ſome other meanes might come to light, as well to his de|ſtruction as his maiſters for concealing it, diſclo|ſed the whole to the king. He hauing knowledge that he was bewrayed by his ſeruant, fled out of the Court, but ſuch diligence was vſed in the pur|ſute of him, that he was taken within two dayes after, and brought backe agayne to London, where he was conuicted of the treaſon ſo by [...]y [...] imagined, and therfore finally put to death.
[1] This yeare the Cleargie gaue to the king the tenth part of their goodes, the Citizens a ſixt part, and the commons a twelfth part, or rather [...]s Euerſden hath the Burgeſſes of good tow [...]s gaue the ſeuẽth, and the commons abrode the .xj. peny.
[1] [...]e death of [...]ble men.The ſame yeare died Gilbert de Clary Earle of Glouceſter, which left iſſue behinde him, be got of his wife the Counteſſe Ioan the kings daugh|ter (beſide three daughters) one yong ſonne na|med alſo Gylbert to ſucceede him as his he y [...]e.
[1] The Counteſſe his wife, after hir huſbandes deceaſe maried a knight of mean [...] eſtate, borne in the Byſhoprike of D [...]reſme, [...] Raule [...]uthermer [...]dded the [...]teſſe of [...]uceſter. named Sir Ra [...]e Monthermer, that that [...] Earle [...]ee fyrſt huſbande in hys lyfe tyme. The king at the firſt tooke diſpleaſure herewith, but at length tho|row the high valiantie of the knight, diuerſe ty|mes ſhewed and apparantly approued, the matter, was ſo well taken, that he was entituled, Erle of Gloceſter, and aduanced to great honor.
[1] [...] Iohn Romain Archbiſhop of Yorke alſo this, yeare died after whom one Henry de Newinarke d [...]aue of the Colledge there ſucceded.
[1] Moreouer the ſame yeare William de Va|lence Earle of Pembroke departed this life, and lyeth buryed at Weſtmynſter, and then Aimer his ſonne ſucceeded him.
[1] [...]e king of [...] conclu| [...] a league [...]h the Frẽch [...] Iohn king of Scotlande [...]anceth his ſonne Edwarde Ballioll with the daughter of Charles on Val [...]ys brother to the French king, and con|chideth with the ſayde Frenche king a league a|gainſt the king of England. Nothing moued the Scottiſhe king ſo much hereto, as the affection which he bare towards his natiue Countrey, for he was a French man borne, & lord of Harecourt in Normandie, which ſ [...]gnorie was after made an Earledome by Philip du Valoys King of Fraunce.
[1] [...]at. VVeſt.The Scottiſhmen had choſen .xij. Peeres, that is to ſay foure Biſhops, foure Earles, and foure Barons, by whoſe aduiſe and counſayle the King ſhoulde gouerne the Realme, by whom he was induced alſo to conſent vnto ſuch accorde wyth the French men, contrarie to his promiſed fayth giuen to king Edward when he did to him homage.
[1] King Edwarde not fully vnderſtanding the concluſion of this league,
requyring ayde of the Scottiſh king for the maintenance of his warres
againſt France, and receyuing a doubtfull an|ſwere he began to ſuſpect the
matter, and there|vpon required to haue three Caſtels as Berwik Ed [...]irgh and Ro [...]eſbourgh deliuered vnto him as gages till the ende of the warre,
King Edwards requeſt made to the Scottes is denied.
[1] There w [...]t ſh [...] [...]n of Barwicke [...] the ſame time, certain Engliſh [...] hõ the [...]cottes [...] [...]ſſault, and wounded ſome of them, and ſome of them they ſiue, and chaſed the reſidue, the [...]ch returning into England made complayn [...]and ſhewed in what euill ma [...]er [...]ey had bee [...] of [...] with.
[1] King Edward herevpon perceyuing the [...]ur|poſes of the Scottes,N. Triuet. determined to make warre vpon them with all ſpecede, and to con [...]uer the whole Countrey, if they coulde, not cleare them|ſelues of ſuch euill dealing as of them was repor|ted and thought to be be put in practiſe.
[1] About the conuerſion of Saint Paule in Ia|nuarie,
The of Lanca|ſter ſent into Gaſcoigne.
[1] In which meane ſeaſon, a great ſort of Gaſ|coignes and other people reſorted vnto them, ſo that they were two thouſande men of armes.
[1] Vpon [...]e [...] Thurſday, the Caſtell de Leſ|parre was deliuered vnto the Erle of
The Caſtell of Leſpar deliue|red vnto him.
Nic. Triuet.
[1] After this there were certain of the Citize [...] that ſecretly were at a poynt with the Earle of Lancaſter, to haue deliuered the Citie into his handes, but their practiſe being eſpied, they were taken and executed ere they coulde performe that [figure appears here on page 816] which they had promiſed.
[1] Then the Earle perceyuing he ſhould but loſe his labor to ſtay any longer there, vpon certaine weightie occaſions he returned vnto Bayonne,The Earle of Lancaſter de|parteth this life. where he ſhortly after fell ſicke and died. He left behind him three ſonnes, Thomas that ſucceded him in the Erledome of Lancaſter, Henry Lorde of Monmouth and Iohn whom he had begot of his wife Blanch, the which before had bene ma|ried vnto Henrie Erle of Chãpaigne, and king of Nauarre, by whom ſhe had but one onely daugh|ter, that was maried vnto the French king Phi|lip le Beau.
[1] After this the Engliſh army beſieged the City of Aques,Aques beſie|ged. but through want of vittayles he was conſtrayned to riſe from thence and breake vp the ſiege.The Earle of Arthoys ſeat with an army into Gaſcoin. The Earle of Arthoys being ſent of the French king with an army into Gaſcoigne, en|countreth with the Engliſhmen, and chaſeth thẽ with the ſlaughter of a great number, & after re|couereth diuerſe townes & fortreſſes in the coũtry.
Nic. Triu [...].
Burg beſieged
[1] In the meane time,The [...] leag [...] [...] Fl [...] king Edwarde not [...]|ping his buſineſſe, procured Guy Earle of Flan|ders to ioyne with him in league agaynſte the French men. This Guy was the ſonne of Mar|garet Counteſſe of Flaunders, whom ſhe had by hir ſeconde huſband William Lord of Damner in Burgoygne. Alſo king Edwarde proc [...]ed Henrie Earle of Bar,He co [...] a leag [...] w [...] o [...]. to whome (as before yet haue hearde) he had giuen his daughter Ele [...] in mariage, to make warre vpon the Frenchmen, ſo that at one tyme the Earle of Bar inuaded the Countrey of Champaigne,The [...] B [...] [...] Cham [...] and the Earle of Flaunders made incurſions vpon thoſe Coun|treyes of Fraunce which ioyne vnto Flaunders.
[1] King Philip hereof advertiſed, ſent forth one Walter de Creſſie with a great armie agaynſte the Earle of Bar, ſo that beſieging the chiefeſt Towne of Bar, he conſtrayned the ſayde Earle to leaue off his enterpriſe in Champaigne, and to returne home, for doubt to loſe more there than he ſhould winne abrode.
[1] But now to touche more at large the cyr|cumſtaunces of the occaſion that moued the Earle of Flaunders to make warre agaynſte the French king,A mari [...] conc [...] I find in Iacob Mayer that there was a maryage concluded betwixte the Lorde Edward the eldeſt ſonne of king Edwarde, and the Ladie Philip daughter to the foreſayde [page 817] Guy Earle of Flaunders, which marriage was concluded by Henry Byſhop of Lincolne, and the Erle Warren, being ſent ouer as Ambaſſa|dors by Kyng Edwarde, vnto the ſayde Earle Guy for the ſame purpoſe.
[1] The Earle of Flaunders [...]reſted.In the yeare following, the ſayde Earle of Flaunders togither with his wife, comming to viſite the Frenche Kyng at Corbeill, were arre|ſted, and ſent to Paris, there to remayne as pri|ſoners, bycauſe that the Earle had fiaunced hys daughter to the French Kings aduerſarie, with|out his licencer neyther mighte they be deliuered, till by mediation of the Pope,The Pope in [...]rmedleth in [...]e matter. and ſuretie hadde vppon the promiſe of A [...]edey Earle of Sauoy, they were ſet at libertie, with theſe conditions, that they ſhould deliuer into the Frenche Kyngs handes their daughter, whiche was ſo fiaunced vnto Kyng Edwardes ſonne, and further coue|naunted, not to conclude any league with the Kyng of England,The Earle of flaunders [...]ced to a| [...]ee with the [...]ench kyng. but in all poyntes to obſerue a certaine peace which was concluded with Fer|dinando Earle of Flaunders, in the yeare .1225. And if Earle Guy brake the ſame peace, then ſhould he be excommunicated, and all his coun|trey of Flaunders interdited by the Archbyſhop of Reims, and the Byſhoppe of Senlis, Iudges appoynted heerein by authoritie of the Pope.
[8] The Earles daughter beeing ſente for, and brought vnto Paris, the Erle and
his wife were releaſſed,
[...]he Earle of flaunders [...]er [...]d, re| [...]
[...]ome and ſuffered to returne into Flaunders, and ſhortly after, the Earle made earneſt ſure to
haue his daughter reſtored vnto hym agayne, in ſo muche, that hee procureth
Pope Boniface to bee a meane for him vnto the French Kyng, but all would not
ſerue, no, though as ſome ſay, the Pope accurſed the Frenche Kyng for
reteyning hir,
[...]e French [...]ng [...] aunſwer [...] the Pope. aunſwer being made, that matters perteining to
worldly gouernemente, belonged not to the Pope to diſcuſſe. Finally, Earle
Guy perceyuing he coulde not preuayle in that ſute, to haue hys daughter agayne, vpon high diſpleaſure conclu|ded
to ioyne in league with King Edward and his confederates.
[...]new league [...]twixt the [...] of England, [...]
[...]emperour [...]d others [...] the [...] king. Herevpon, at an aſſemblie or Councell kept at
Gerardmount, there was a ſo|lemne league made an agreed betwixt Ado [...] the Emperoure of Almaine, Edwarde Kyng of England, Guy Earle of
Flaunders, Iohn Duke of Brabante, Henry Earle of Bar, both ſonnes in lawe to
Kyng Edwarde, and Albert Duke of Auſtrich, againſte Phillip King of Fraunce,
and Iohn Earle of Henault his
[...]at. VVeſt. The Merchauntes of Flaunders procured the Earle
to conclude this league with Kyng Edward as ſome write the rather in reſpect
of the great com|modities whiche roſe to their countrey, by reaſon of the
entercourſe of merchandiſe vſed betwixte Englande and Flaunders, and for
that through ayde of the Engliſhmen, they mighte the better withſtande the
malice, both of the Frenche, and all other their [...]mies. This league being pro|claymed in England, there were ſente ouer
into Flaunders, the treaſorer of the Exchequer, and diuers other noble men,
to fetche hoſtages from thence, and to giue to the Erle fifteene thouſand
pounde of ſiluer, towardes the fortifying of his Caſtels and holdes. King
Phillip beeing heereof aduertiſed, by counſel of the peeres of his Realm,
ſent two honorable perſonages, as the Captaine of Mounſtrell, and the
Captayne of Belquerke, whiche ſhould attach the Earle of Flaunders by his
body, and ſummon hym to yeelde himſelfe priſoner at Paris, within the ſpace
of fifteene dayes next enſuing. This attachment made,The
Earle of Flaunders defieth the French king. and ſommonance giuen,
the Earle of Flaunders ſendeth his defiance vnto the Frenche King by the
Abbots of Gemblois, and Seneſſes, vnto whome he gaue ſufficient letters
procuratorie, to authoriſe them thereto, dated at Male in ye yeare of grate
.1 [...]6. after ye accompt of the Chronicles of Flaunders, which begin their
yeare at Eaſter: and ſo this chanced in the fiue and twentith yere of King
Edwards raigne, the Wedneſday nexte after the feaſt of the Epiphany.The Earle of Flaunders accurſed. Heerevppon was the
Earle accurſed, and Flaunders interdited by the Archbiſhop of Reims, and the
Biſhoppe of Senlis comming vnto Terwane for that pur|poſe, about the
fifteene day of Iune,His ſonne appealeth from the
in|terdiction. in the yeare 1297. But the Lorde Robert the Earles
ſonne appealed from that interdict vnto the Pope, and ſo the Flemings tooke
themſelues free and out of daunger of the ſame. Earle Guy alſo obteyned of
King Edwarde, that it mighte be lawfull for them of Bruges, to buy woolles,
through Eng|lande, Scotlande and Irelande, as freely as the Italians might,
by their priuiledge and graunt. But to returne now to the doings of Kyng
Ed|ward, whiche in this meane time, hauing perfect knowledge of the league
concluded betwixt the King of Fraunce and the King of Scotlande, prepared an
army,Ambaſſadors ſent to the K. of Scottes. and
firſte ſente Ambaſſadors into Scotland to giue ſummonance vnto Kyng Iohn, to
appeare at Newcaſtell within certayne dayes, that he might there ſhew the
cauſe why he had broken the league. And further, to declare vnto him, that
he was deceyued, if he thought he might ſerue two maſters, contrary to the
words of the Goſpell, for ſo much fauour as the purcha|ſed at the hands of
the Frenche King, as muche diſpleaſure mighte he aſſure himſelfe to procure
at the hands of the King of Englande, whome to obey, it ſhould be moſt for
his aduantage. The Ambaſſadors that were ſente, did their meſſage throughly,
but King Iohn was ſo farre off from aunſwering any thing that mighte found
to the mayntenance of peace, that ſhortly after he ſente lettere of
complaynte vnto King Edwarde, for [page 818] wrongs whiche he
alledged to haue ſuſteyned by his meanes & at his hands. Herevron,
King Ed|ward by aduice of his councell, determined to ſet forward with his
army into Scotland.
Nic. Triuet. The Lord Ros reuolteth to the K. of Scots In
the meane time, Roberte Ros, Captayne of Warke Caſtell, reuolted to the
Scottiſh Kyng, moued thervnto through the loue of a Scottiſh Gentle|woman,
whome hee meante to marry, notwith|ſtanding, he had ſworne fealtie vnto King
Ed|ward.William de Ros continu|eth faithfull to the
King of Englande. Wherevpon, his brother William de Ros giuing knowledge to Kyng Edwarde, required to haue
ſome ayde, whereby hee myghte defende the Caſtell againſt the Scottiſhmen.
King Ed|ward ſent vnto him a thouſand Souldiers (Po|lidor ſayth an hundreth)
the which as they lodged one night in a Town called Preſtfen,Engliſhmen diſtreſſed. they were ſlayne by the
Scottiſhmenne of the garriſon of Rockeſborrough, that were ledde and guided
by the ſayd Robert Ros: ſome of them although but few eſcaped away by
flight. K. Edward aduerti|ſed hereof,
haſted forth, & came to the ſaid Caſtell, glad in this, as is
reported, that the Scottiſhmen had firſt begun the warre, meaning as it
ſhoulde ſeeme by their procedings, to follow the ſame, for vpon good
friday,Ri. South. diuers Scottiſhmen entring
the bordures, brente ſundry villages, and ſpoyled the Abbey of Carham.Nic. Triuet. And furthermore, whileſt K. Edward kept
his Eaſter at Warke, ſeuen Erles of Scotlãd, as Bouchan, Menteth,
Stratherne, Lennor, Ros, Atholl and Mar, with Iohn Co|min the Maſter of Badenawe, hauing aſſembled an army togither
of fiue hundred men of armes on Horſebacke,
The Scottes [...]uade Eng|land.
[...]ke won| [...] ſir Ri| [...]d Corne| [...] was bro| [...] to the [...] of Corn| [...].
[1] The ſame nighte, the King lodged in the Ca|ſtell, whiche was yeelded vnto him by them that kepte it, their liues and lymmes ſaued, and re|ceyuing an othe, that they ſhould not from thẽce|foorthe beare armour againſte the King of Eng|land, they were permitted to depart whether they thoughte good, theyr Captayne Sir William Dowglas excepted, whome the Kyng ſtill kepte with him, till the ende of the warres.
[...]ton.Some write, that there ſhoulde bee ſlayne of Scottiſhmen
at the winning thus of Berwike, aboue the number of twentie thouſand
Eight thou|ſande hath Abyngdon, but Richard Southweſt [...]h, there were ſlayne fifteene thou|ſand at the leaſt of one and
other. King Edward fortifieth Berwike. A Scottiſhe Frier ſ [...]nt to king Edward.
[1] Kyng Edwarde remayned at Berwike at fif|teene dayes, and cauſed a ditche to be caſt aboute the Towne, of foureſcore foote in dreadth, and of the like deapth.
[1] In the meane tyme, aboute the beginning of Aprill, the wardein and trader of the Frier Mi|nors of Rockeſborrough called Adam Blont, came vnto him with letters from Kyng Iohn, of complaynt for the wrongs done and offered vn|to him and his Realme, as well in claymyng an vniuſt ſuperioritie, and conſtreyning him to doe homage by vndue and wrongfull meanes, as al|ſo by inuading his townes, ſlaying and robbing his ſubiects, for the whiche cauſes,The Scottiſhe K. renounceth his homage and fealtie vnto the king of Englande. hee teſtified by the ſame letters, that hee ren [...]ced all ſuche ho|mage and fealtie for him and his ſubiects, as hee, or any of them ought for any lands holden with|in England.
[1] The Kyng hearing the letters red, receyued the reſignation of the homage, and commaunded his Chauncellour that the letter might be regi|ſtred in perpetuall memory of the thing.
[1] The Earles of Scotlande before remembred,The Scottes inuade the Engliſh bor|dures. being aſſembled togither with their powers at the Caſtell of Iedworth, entred into Englande the eighth of Aprill, and with fire and ſword dyd much hurt in the Countreys as they paſſed.
[1] In Reedeſdale they beſieged the Caſtell of [figure appears here on page 819] Harbottell by the ſpace of two dayes, [...]otell. but when they could not preuayle, they remoued, and paſ|ſing forth by the Eaſt part of the Riuer of Tine, through Cokeſdale, Reedeſdale and Northum|berland vnto Exham, they did muche ſkath, by brenning and harrying the countreys.
[1] [2] [...]uthwel.At Hexham, they ſpoyled the Abbey Churche, and gote a great number of the Cleargie, as well Monkes, Prieſtes, as Scollers, and other whom they thruſt into the Scholehouſe there, and [...]lo|ſing vp the dores, ſet fire on the Schole, and bre|ned all them to aſhes that were within it. It is wonderfull to reade, what beaſtly crueltie the Scottes vſed in that roade whiche they made at [page 820] that time in two ſeuerall parties, for the Earle of Boghan,The Earle of Boghan. with them of Galloway, entred by Cumberlande in like manner as the other dyd in Riddeſdale,The crueltie of the Scones brenning and murthering all that came in their way. For whereas all thoſe that were of able age, and luſty to get away, fledde, and eſcaped their handes, the aged impotente creatures, women in childebed, and yong childrẽ that could not ſhift for thẽſelues, were vnmerci|fully ſlayne, and thruſt vpon ſpeares, and ſhaken vp in the ayre, where they yeelded vp their inno|cent ghoſts in moſt pitifull wiſe. Churches were drenned, women were forced, without reſpect to order, condition or qualitie, as well the maydes, widdowes and wiues, as Nunnes, that were re|puted in thoſe dayes conſecrate to God, and af|ter they hadde bin ſo abuſed, many of them were after alſo murthered, and cruelly diſpatched out of life.The Nunry of Lameley brent. At length, they came to the Nunry of Lamelay, and brenned all the buildings there, ſauing the Church, and then returned backe [...] Scotlande with all their pillage and bootles [...] Lane [...]coſt, an houſe of Monkes, which then [...]+wiſe ſpoyled.
[1] Patricke Earle of Dunbar came to the King of Englande, and ſubmitted hymſelfe, with all that hee had into his handes, but the Caſte [...] Dunbar vpon Saint Markes day,The C [...] D [...] [...]+dred [...] Sco [...]. being alled|ged of the Scottes, was rendred vnto them, [...] treaſon of ſome that were within it of whome the Counteſſe, wife to the ſame Earle was the chiefeſt, for recouery whereof,Be [...] [...] Kyng Edwarde ſenſe Iohn Earle of Warren, Surrey and [...]|ſex, and William Earle of Warwike, with a great power, the whiche laying ſiege to that Ca|ſtell, a greate hoſt of Scottiſhmen came vppon them to the reſcue of them within,Nic. T [...] Mat. P [...] ſo that there was foughten a righte ſore and terrible battayle.A [...] A [...] [...]o [...]yle [...] D [...] At length, the victory abode with the Engliſh|menne, and the Scottiſhmen were put to [...]igh [...], [figure appears here on page 820] the Engliſhmen following them in chaſe eyghte myle of that countrey, almoſt to the forreſt of Selkirke:The number ſlayne. the ſlaughter was great, ſo that as was eſteemed,Mat. VVeſt. Abingdon. there dyed of Scottiſhmen that day, to the number of tenne thouſand.
[1] The morrowe after beeing ſaterday, whyche was the eight and twentith day of Aprill, at the Kinges comming thither, the Caſtell was ſur|rendred vnto hym.
[1] There were taken in the ſame Caſtell three Earles, Menteth, Caſſels, and Ros, ſixe Barõs, Iohn Comin the yonger, William Sanclere, Richard Siwarde the elder, Iohn Fitz Geffrey, Alexander de Murtaigne, Edmonde Comin of Kilbird, with thirtie Knightes, two Clearkes, Iohn de Someruile, and William de Sanclere, and three and thirtie Eſquires, the whiche were ſente vnto diuers Caſtels in England, to be kept as priſoners.
[1] After the winning of Dunbar, the Kyng wente vnto the Caſtell of Rockeſburgh,Roke [...] yeelded. whiche incontinently was yeelded by the Lorde Ste|warde of Scotland, the liues and members ſa|ued of all ſuche as were within it at the tyme of the ſurrender.
[1] [2] Then wente King Edwarde vnto Eden|burgh, where he planted hys ſiege about the Ca|ſtell, & reyſed engines, whiche caſt ſtones againſt and ouer the walles, ſore beating and bruſing the buyldings within. But as it chaunced, the Kyng writing letters to aduertiſe his councell at home of his proceedings, and concerning o|ther buſineſſe,Rich. S [...] deliuered ye packet vnto a Welch|man named Lewyn, commaunding hym to goe with ye ſame vnto Lown in al haſt poſſible, for he knewe him to be a right ſpeedy meſſenger and a [page 821] truſtie alſo, as hee tooke it, but he hauing the let|ters thus deliuered to him, togither with money to beare his charges, got him to a tauerne, where riotouſly conſuming the money (whiche hee had ſo receyued) in play, and making good cheare, in the morning, he cauſed one of his companions to take a target, and beare it afore him in appro|ching the Caſtell, for that he meant (as he coulo|rably pretended) not to depart, til he had wrought ſome diſpleaſure to thẽ within with his Croſſe|bowe whiche he tooke with him for that purpoſe: but comming vnto the Caſtell gates, he called to the warders on the walles to caſt downe to hym a corde, that they mighte plucke him vp to them therewith, for that he had ſomewhat to ſay vnto their Captayne, touching the ſecretes of the kyng of England. They fulfilling his deſire, when hee came in, and was brought afore the Captayne, ſitting then at breakefaſt, hee ſaide vnto hym: be|holde ſir, heere ye may peruſe the Kyng of Eng|lands ſecretes, and withall, raught to him a boxe, wherein the packet of the kings letters were en|cloſed, and appoint me ſayth he vnto ſome corner of the wall, & trie whether I can handle a Croſſe|bowe or not, to defend it againſte youre aduerſa|ries.
[1] [2] [3] [4] Heere when other woulde haue opened the boxe, and haue red the letters, the captaine would in no wiſe conſent thereto, but going into a tur|ret, called to the Engliſhmen belowe, and willed them to ſignifie to the K. that one of his ſeruants being fled to him, ſought to bewray his ſecretes, wherevnto he would by no meanes agree, & there|fore meant to reſtore both the traytor and ye let|ters. Herevpon, the Lord Iohn Spencer, cõming to heare what the matter might meane, the Cap|taine cauſed Lewine to be let downe to hym, to|gither with the letters ſafe, and not touched by hym at all: whiche thing when the Kyng vnder|ſtood, he muche commended the honeſt reſpect of the Captaine, and where he had cauſed engynes to be reiſed to annoy thẽ within, as ye haue heard, he commaunded the ſame to ceaſſe, and withall, vpon their captaynes ſute, he granted them liber|tie to ſende vnto their K. Iohn Ballioll, [...]elchman [...]ed. to gyue him to vnderſtand in what ſort they ſtood. Tou|ching the Welchman, he was drawen and han|ged on a paire of high galowes, prepared for hym of purpoſe, as he had well deſerued. And whyleſt the meſſengers were on their way towards For|fair, where the Scottiſh K. then lay, K. Edward with a parte of his army went vnto Striueling, [...]ling [...]l left [...] where he found the Caſtel gates ſet open, and the keyes hanging on a naile, ſo that hee entred there without any reſiſtance, for they that hadde thys Caſtel in gard, were fledde out of it for feare be|fore his comming. The meſſengers that were ſent from them within Edenburgh Caſtel, com|ming to their king, declared to him in what caſe they ſtoode that were beſieged. King Iohn, for that hee was not able to ſuccour them by anye manner of meanes at that preſente, ſente them worde, to take the beſt way they could for theyr owne ſafetie, with whiche aunſwere the meſſen|gers returning, the Caſtell was immediately de|liuered vnto the Lorde Iohn Spencer,Edenburgh Caſtel deliue|red to the K. of England. that was left in charge with the ſiege, at the Kings depar|ture towards Striueling, with the like conditiõs as the Caſtell of Rockeſburgh had yeelded alittle before. And thus was that ſtrong Caſtell of E|denburgh ſurrendred by force of ſiege, to the kyng of Englands vſe the fiftenth daye, after hee hadde firſte layde his ſiege aboute it. A place of ſuche ſtrength by the height of the grounde whereon it ſtoode, that it was thought impregnable, and had not bin wonne by force at any time, ſith the firſte buylding thereof, before that preſente, ſo farre as any remembraunce eyther by writing or other|wiſe could be had thereof.
[1] Heere at Edẽburgh, or rather at Rockeſburgh as Abingdon hathe, a greate number of Wicelche footemen came to the Kyng, who ſente home the lyke number of Engliſhe footemen, of thoſe that ſeemed moſt wearie.
[1] Moreouer, at Striueling, there came to the Kyng the Earle of Vlſter, with a greate number of Iriſharẽ. Thẽ paſſing ouer ye riuer of Forth,Saint Iohns towne. the Kyng came vnto Saint Iohns Towne a|boute Midſommer, and there tarried certayne dayes.
[1] Whileſt theſe things were a doing, Iohn K. of Scotlande, perceyuing that he was not of po|wer to reſiſt Kyng Edwarde,The King of Scottes ſueth for peace. ſente Ambaſſadors vnto him to ſue for peace: King Edwarde was content to heare them, and therevpon appointed, that King Iohn ſhould reſorte vnto the Caſtell of Brechin, there to commen with ſuche of hys councell as hee woulde ſende thither within fif|teene dayes nexte enſuing,The Biſhop of Durham. to treate of an agree|mente. King Edwarde ſente thither Anthony Byſhoppe of Durham, with full commiſſion to conclude all things in his name. And within the appoynted tyme, came Kyng Iohn, and dyuers of his nobles vnto him, the whiche after manye and ſundry treaties holden betwixt them and the ſayde Byſhoppe,The King of Scottes ſub|mitteth hym|ſelfe vnto the K. of England. at length they ſubmitted them|ſelues and the Realme of Scotland, ſimply and purely, into the handes of the Kyng of Eng|land, for the which ſubmiſſion, to be firmely kept and obſerued, kyng Iohn deliuered hys ſonne in hoſtage, and made letters thereof, written in French, conteyning as followeth.
JEhan per la grace de Dieu, Rey de Eſcoce,
á touez ceulxs quae ceſtes praeſentes lettes verront ou or|ront Saluz. &c.
[page 822] The inſtru|ment of the ſubmiſſion.
IOhn by the grace of God King of Scotland,
to all thoſe that theſe preſent letters ſhall ſee or heare, ſendeth greeting.
Bicauſe that we through euill counſell and oure owne ſimplicitie, haue greuouſly offended oure ſoueraigne Lorde, Ed|warde by the grace of God Kyng of Englande, Lorde of Irelande, and Duke of Aquitayne, in many thynges, that is to ſaye, in that, whereas wee beeyng and abidyng vnder hys faithe and homage, haue bounde oure ſelues vnto the Kyng of Fraunce whyche then was hys eni|mie and yet is, procuring a marriage with the daughter of hys brother Charles au Valoys, and that wee myghte greeue our ſayde Lorde, and ayde the Kyng of Fraunce with all oure power by warre and other meanes, we haue at length by aduice of oure peruerſe counſell defi|ed oure ſayde Lorde the Kyng of Englande, and haue putte oure ſelues out of hys allegi|ance and homage, and ſente oure people into Englande, to brenne houſes, to take ſpoyles, to committe murther, with many other doma|ges, and alſo in fortifying the Kyngdome of Scotlande, whiche is of hys fee, puttyng and eſtabliſhing armed menne in Townes, Caſtels, and other places, to defende the lande agaynſte hym, to deforce hym of hys fee, for the whyche tranſgreſſions, oure ſayde ſoueraigne Lorde the Kyng, entring into the Realme of Scot|lande with hys power, hathe conquered and ta|ken the ſame, notwithſtandyng all that wee coulde doe agaynſte hym, as by right he maye doe, as a Lorde of hys fee, bycauſe that we did render vnto hym oure homage, and made the foreſayde Rebellion. Wee therefore as yet bee|ing in our full power and free will, doe render vnto hym the lande of Scotland, and all the peo|ple thereof with the homages. In witneſſe wherof, wee haue cauſed theſe letters patentes to made.
Yeuen at Brechin the tenth daye of Iuly, in the fourth yeare of oure raigne, Sealed with the common ſeale of the Kyngdome of Scotlande.
[1] King Edward paſſeth fore|ward through Scotland.After thys, Kyng Edwarde wente forwarde to ſee the Mountayne countreys of Scotlande, the Byſhoppe of Durham euer keepyng a dayes iorney afore hym. At length, when hee hadde paſſed through Murrey lande, and was come to Elghin, perceyuing all thynges to bee in quiet, hee returned towardes Berwike, and commyng to the Abbey of Scone, he tooke from thence the Marble ſtone,King Edward bringeth the Marble ſtone out of Scot|lande. wherevppon, the Kynges of Scotlande were accuſtomed to ſitte as in a chayre, at the tyme of their Co|ronation, whyche Kyng Edwarde cauſed nowe to be tranſferred to Weſtminſter, and there placed, to ſerue for a Chayre for the Prieſt to ſit in at the Aulter.
[figure appears here on page 822]
[1] The Kyng comming to Berwike, called thi|ther vnto a Parliament all the Nobles of Scot|lande, and there receiued of them their homages,The [...] of Sco [...] fe [...] [...]+ſelues [...] King. the whyche in perpetuall witneſſe of the thyng, made letters patents thereof, written in French, and ſealed with their ſeales, as the tenor him followeth.
[1] [2]1.9.1.
A Touz ceux que ceſtes lettres verront & u|ront &c.
TO all thoſe that theſe preſent letters ſhall ſee or heare,
we Iohn Comin of Badenaw,The i [...]+me [...] of [...] hom [...] the lan [...] Scotland [...] K. E [...] &c.
Bycauſe that wee at the faithe and will of the moſt noble Prince, and our deareſt Lorde, Ed|warde by the grace of God Kyng of England, Lorde of Irelande, and Duke of Aquitaine, doe vowe and promiſe for vs and our heires, vppon payne of body and goodes, and of all that wee may haue, that wee ſhall ſerue him well and tru|ly againſt all men, whiche maye liue and die, at all tymes when we ſhall bee required or warned by our ſaid Lord the Kyng of Englande, or hys heires, and that wee ſhall not know of any hurte to bee done to them, but the ſame wee ſhall lette and impeach with all our power, and giue them warning thereof: and thoſe things to holde and keepe, wee binde vs our heires, and al our goodes, and further, receyue an oth thereof vpon the holy Euangeliſtes: and after all, wee and euery of vs haue done homage vnto oure ſoueraigne Lorde the King of Englande in wordes as followeth.
I become your liegeman of life, members,The ſ [...] their l [...] and earthly honor, againſt all men which maye lyue and die.And the ſame oure ſoueraigne Lorde the King receyued this homage vnder thys forme of wordes.The [...] King [...] accep [...] We receyue it for the land of the whi|che you bee nowe ſeaſed, the righte of vs or other ſaued, and excepte the landes whiche Iohn Bal|lioll ſometime Kyng of Scotland graunted vn|to vs after that we did deliuer vnto him ye king|dome of Scotlande, if happely hee hathe giuen to you any ſuche landes.[page 823] Moreouer, all wee, and euery of vs by hym|ſelfe haue done fealtie to oure ſaide ſoueraigne Lord the Kyng in theſe wordes: I as a faythfull and liege man, ſhall keepe faith and loyaltie vnto Edward Kyng of England, and to his heires, of life member and earthly honor, againſte all men whiche may liue and die, and ſhall neuer for anye perſon beare armour, nor ſhall be of councell nor in ayde with anye perſon againſte hym, or hys heyres in any caſe that maye chaunce, but ſhall faithfully acknowledge, and doe the ſeruice that belongeth to the tenementes the which I claime to holde of hym, as God me helpe and all hys Saintes. I witneſſe whereof, theſe letters pat|tentes are made and ſygned with our ſeales.
Yeuen at Warke the foure and twentith of Marche, in the yeare of the reigne of oure ſayde Lord the Kyng of Englande.
[1] [...]ficers ap| [...]ynted in [...]tlande by [...]ng Iohn.Then was Iohn Warren Earle of Surrey and Suſſex made by Kyng Edward warden of Scotlande. Hugh Creſſingham Threaforer, and William Ormeſdy high Iuſtice, whome the King commaunded, that hee ſhoulde call all thoſe before him whyche helde any landes of the Crowne, and to reteyne o [...] them in hys name theyr homages and fealties.
[1] Iohn Ballioll the late Kyng of Scotlande was ſent to London,Iohn Ballioll ſent to Lon|don. and had a con [...]nt com|pany of ſeruauntes appoynted to a [...]de hym, hauyng licence to goe anye whether abroade, to that hee kepte hym ſelfe w [...]h [...] the [...] of twentie miles neere to London.
[1] Iohn C [...] of Badenaw, and Iohn Ed|mni of Lowan, and diuers othe [...] nobles of Scot|lande were brought into Englande on the South ſide of Ticut, being warned vpõ payne of death, not to returne into Scotlande, till the King [...]d made an ende of his warres with Fraunce.
[1] After this, at his returne into Englande;A Parliament at Saint Ed|mondeſburie. king Edward held a Parliament of Saint Ed [...]ſ|burie, [figure appears here on page 823] which began the morrow after the feaſt of all Saintes, [...]ubſedie [...]unted. in whiche, the Citizens and burgeſ|ſes of good Townes graunted vnto him an eigth part of their goodes, and of the reſidue of the peo|ple a twelfth part.
[1] The Cleargie, by reaſon of a cõſtitution or|deyned and conſtituted the ſame yeare by Pope Boniface, [...]e preten| [...] excuſe of [...] Cleargie. prohibiting vpon payne of excommu|nication, that no [...]aſages nor other exactions ſhould beleiued or exalted of the Cleargie in any manner of wiſe by ſecular Princes, or to be paid to them of things that perteyned to the Church, vtterly refuſed to graunte any manner of ayde to the King, towardes the manie g [...]aunce of hys warres. Wherevppon, the Kyng, to the in|tent they ſhoulde haue tyme to ſtudy for a better aunſwer, deferred the matter to an other Par|liamente to bee holden on the morrowe after the feaſt of Saint Hillarie.
[1] This yeare after the feaſt of the Epiphany,
An. reg. 25. 1297. The Earle of Holland mar|ried Eliza|beth the kings daugh|ter.
The Archby|ſhoppe his wordes.
[1] When the Commiſſioners hearde this aun|ſwere, they required that they woulde appoynte ſome of theyr owne company to beare this meſ|ſage vnto the Kyng, for they durſt not reporte it vnto hym: which being done as the Commiſſio|ners had required, the Kyng in his furie procee|ded agaynſte them, in ſuche rigorous manner as yee haue hearde,The declara|tion of the Lord chiefe Iuſtice. in ſo muche, that the Lorde chiefe Iuſtice ſitting vppon the benche, ſpake o|penly theſe wordes. You ſirs that be attorneys of my Lords the Archbiſhoppes, Byſhops, Abbots, Priors, and all other the Cleargie, declare vnto youre maſters, and tell them, that from hence|foorthe there ſhall no Iuſtice be done vnto them in the Kyngs courte, for anye manner of thing, although neuer ſo heynous wrong be done vn|to them: but iuſtice ſhall be hadde agaynſte them, to euery one that will complayne, and require to haue it.
[1] The Clearke|ly handling of the matter by the Archby|ſhop of Yorke his ſuffraganesThe elect Biſhoppe of Yorke, Henry de Ne|warke, with the Biſhops of Durham, Elie and Saliſburie, with certayne other, fearing the Kynges indignation thus kindled againſt them, ordeyned to lay downe in the Churches, a fifte parte as yee haue hearde, of all theyr goodes, to|wardes the defence of the Realme, and maynte|naunce of the Kynges warres in ſuche time of great neceſſitie, and ſo the King receyuing it, they were reſtored to the Kinges protection a|gayne.
[1] The Friendes of the Byſhoppe of Lincolne founde meanes, that the Sherife of the Shire le|uied and tooke the fifth parte of all his goodes, and reſtored to him agayne hys landes and poſ|ſeſſions.
[1] Alſo, all the Monaſteries within his dioceſſe, and within the whole prouince of Caunterbury, were ſeaſed into the Kings handes, and war [...] appoynted, whiche only miniſtred neceſſary [...]|ding vnto the Monkes and other religious per|ſons, and conuerted the ouerplus vnto the kings vſe. Wherevpon, the Abbots and Priors were glad to followe the Courte, and ſuch to rede [...], not their ſinnes, but their goodes, with giuing of a fourth parte thereof. The Cleargie ſuffered many iniuries in that ſeaſon, for religious men were ſpoyled and robbed in the Kynges hygh way, and could not haue anye reſtitution nor re|medie againſte them that thus euill intreated them, till they had redeemed the Kyngs protec|tion. Perſons and Vicars,The [...] of C [...] and other of the Cleargie, when they rode ſoorthe any whether, were gladde to apparell themſelues in lay mens garmentes, ſo to paſſe through the Countrey in ſafetie.
[1] The Archbyſhoppe of Caunterbury loſt all the goodes that hee hadde,The [...] ſhop of [...]+ter [...] go [...] [...]cale. for hee woulde neyther agree to giue anye thing, nor to lay any thyng downe in the Churche, that the Kyng myghte receyue it. Wherevpon, he was brought to ſuch extreame miſerie, that all his ſeruauntes wente from hym, and commaundemente was giuen foorthe, that no man ſhoulde receyue him, ney|ther within Monaſterie nor without, and ſo not hauing anye one place of all hys Byſhopricke where to laye hys head, hee remayned [...] the houſe of a poore perſon, onely with one P [...]e [...]:The [...] the [...] [...]rbury. and one Clearke: yet he ſtiffely ſtoode in the mat|ter, affirming certaynely, that all thoſe whyche graunted anye thing, eyther to the Kyng, or to any other temporall perſon withoute the Popes leaue, ranne withoute doubte into the daunger of the ſentence pronounced in the Canon.
[1] Aboute the feaſt of Saint Mathewe in Fe|bruarie,A Par [...] at Sa [...] the Kyng called a Parliamente of hys nobles, (not admitting thereto any of the Clear|gie) at Saliſburie, and there required certayne of hys Nobles to paſſe ouer into Gaſcoigne, but euery of them ſeemed to excuſe hymſelfe, whereat the Kyng beeyng moued, threatned, that they ſhoulde eyther goe, or hee woulde gy [...] theyr landes to other that woulde goe, with whyche wordes, many of them were greeuouſly offended, in ſo muche, that the Earles of Here|forde and Marſhall, Humfrey Bohun, and Ro|ger Bigod, declared that they woulde bee ready to goe with the Kyng if hee wente himſelfe, or elſe not.
[1] And when the Earle Marſhall was eftſoones required to goe, hee aunſwered, I will willingly goe with the King, and marche before hym in the fore warde, as by righte of inheritance I am [...]unden. Yea ſayeth the Kyng, and you ſhall goe with other though I goe not, I am not [...] [page 825] bounde (ſayth the Earle) neyther doe I purpoſe to take the iourneye in hande with you.
[1] The king then in a greate chafe, burſt out and ſware, By God ſir Earle, eyther thou ſhalt goe or hange and I ſwane (fayth the Erle) the ſame othe, that I will neyther goe nor hang: and ſo departed from the Kyng without leaue taking: [...] diſloyall demeanour of [...]he tvvo erles. And immediatly herevpon thoſe two Erles aſ|ſembled many noble men, and other of their fren|des togither to the number of thirtie Ban [...]rettes and aboue, ſo that in all they were founde to be xv.C, men of armes appoynted and ready for battayle, and herewith they withdrew into their countreys, and kepte ſuche ſturre there, that they woulde not permitte the kyngs Officers to take neyther Woolles, leather, nor any thing againſte the owners wyl, but forbad them on pain of loo|ſing theyr heads to come within theyr & co [...]thes, and wythall prepared them ſelues to reſyſte if neede were.
[1] They hadde [...]th them ſix [...]eedmen [...] armes, and [...] thouſande [...]otmen, as A| [...]ngdon hath.In this meane tyme the warre was proſecu|ted in Gaſcoyne. The thurſdaye before the Pu|rification of our Lady, Henry Earle [...] Lyn|colne, and the lord Iohn Saint Iohn departing from Bayonne towardes Bellegard, a place be|ſieged as then by the Earle of Arthoys, to ſuc|cour them within the ſame with victuals (wher|of they ſtoode in neede) as they approched to a wood diſtant from the fortreſſe a three miles, they deuided themſelues into two ſeuerall battailes, the Lord Iohn Saint Iohn leadyng the fyrſt, and the Earle of Lyncolne the ſeconde.
[1] [...]tayle be| [...]ixt the erle [...] Lincoln and [...]e Erle of Ar| [...], vvho had [...]n him .1500 [...] of armies (as [...]bingdõ hath)The Lord Saint Iohn therfore hauyng paſ|ſed the wood with his battayle, and entryng into the playne fieldes, was encountred by the Earle of Arthoys, who tarried there for hym wyth a greate power, where immediatly at the firſt ioy|nyng of the battayles, the Earle of Lincolne retyred backe: ſo that the Lorde Iohn Saint Iohn and his companye ouerſette with preaſſe of enimies, were vanquiſhed: and the ſaid Lorde Saint Iohn with Syr William de Mortymer, Sir William Burmengham and other to the number of eyght Knyghtes, and diuers Eſqui|res were taken, the whiche were ſente to Parys as Priſoners.
[1] Abingdon.Other wryte ſomewhat otherwyſe f thys battayle, as that vppon the firſte encounter the Engliſhmen droue backe one regimente of the Earle of Arthoys hys men of armes, whome hee deuided into foure partes: but when they once ioyned wyth the ſeconde regiment, to the whyche they were beaten backe, forewarde they come agayne, and ſo chargyng the Engliſhe|menne, with helpe of theyr thyrde ſquadrone, whiche was nowe come to them alſo, they ea|ſily put the Engliſhmen oppreſſed with multi|tude vnto flyghte, and followe them in chaſe.
[1] After thys, came the Englyſhemen whyche were in the rerewarde, and encountryng wyth the fourthe ſquadrone or regiment of the Fren|chemenne, ſtreyghte wayes brake the ſame.
[1] Heerewith was the nyghte come vppon them, ſo ſo that one coulde not knowe an other, a friende from an enimye, and ſo bothe the Engliſhemen and Frenchemen were diſperſed tyll the Moone roſe, and the Frenchemen wythdrewe to theyr Foureſſes, and amongeſt them certayne of the Englyſhemen were myngled, whyche beyng diſcouered, were taken Priſoners, as the Lorde Iohn Saint Iohn, and others.
[1] The ſlaughter was not great,The lord Saint Iohn taken. for there were no [...]hremente on eyther parte, to ſpoyle or kill the men of armes that were thrown beſyde their horſſes: For the Englyſhe footmen remayned in the wood, or were wythdrawne backe, as be|fore yt haue hearde, without attemptyng anye exployte worthie of prayſe.
[1] Indeede ſome lay the blame in the Gaſcoyne footemen, for the loſſe of this battayle,Mat. VVeſt. bycauſe that they withdrewe backe, and lefte the En|gliſhe horſemen in daunger of the enimies whi|che hadde compaſſed them aboute on euerye ſyde,
[1] Three hundred of the menne of armes came through to the towne of Bellegarde,Abyngdon. but bicauſe it was nyghte, ſo that they coulde not be diſ|cerned whether they were friendes or foes, they within the towne wold not ſuffer them to enter: wherevpon they departed, and went to S. Se|uere, foure leagues off. Yet further in the night, other of the Engliſhmenne were receyued into Bellegarde, which came thyther after the other, and ſo in the mornyng they of the gariſon with theyr aſſiſtance iſſued foorth, and commyng to the place where the battaile hadde bene, gathe|red the ſpoyle of the fielde, and conueyed into their Towne ſuch prouiſion of victuals as they founde there.
[1] The Earle of Lincolne wyth a great ma|ny of other wandred a greate parte of the night and knewe not whether to goe.The Earle of Lincolne eſca|ped. At lengthe a|aboute three of the clocke in the morning he came to Perforate, where he had lodged with his army the night before,He commeth home. and there founde a greate number of hys people ryght gladde of hys commyng and happye eſcape oute of daunger.
[1] From thence hee retourned vnto Bayonne wyth the Earle of Richemont ſir Iohn de Brytayne and all hys companye that were lefte. And ſuche was the happe of this iour|neye.
[1] In Lent folowing, [...]e that were diſper|ſed here and there abroade reſorted to the Erle of Lincolne, ſoiorning at Bayonne, and in the [page 826] ſommer ſeaſon, made a iourney towardes Tho|louſe,He inuadeth the countrey about Tholouſe. ſpoyling and waſtyng the Countreyes of Tholouſyne, and other theraboutes, and remo|ued alſo the ſiege whyche thoſe of Tholouſe had layde vnto a fortreſſe called Saint Kiternes, in chaſing them from the ſame ſiege: and towardes Michaelmaſſe, they retourned to Bayonne, and there laye all the Wynter till after Chriſtmaſſe, and then by reaſon of the truce concluded, as af|ter appeareth, betwixte the two kinges of Eng|lande and Fraunce, they retourned home into Englande.
[1] The cuſtom of vvooll rayſed.The ſame yeare the kyng reyſed the cuſtome of Wooll to an hygher rate than had bin payde at any tyme before: for he tooke now forty ſhil|lings of a ſack or ſerpler, where before there was payde but halfe a marke.
Abingdon. Euerſden.
Prouiſion for the kings iour|ney into Frãce.
[1] Ia. Meir.In the meane tyme the Earle of Flaunders was ſore vexed by warre which the French king made againſt hym,The Frenche king inuadeth Flaunders. being entred into Flaunders with an armie of three ſcore thouſande men, as ſome authors haue recorded.
[1] Liſle beſieged.About the feaſte of the Natiuitie of Sainte Iohn Baptiſte he layde ſiege to Liſle, and ſhort|ly after came the Earle of Arthois, being retur|ned out of Gaſcoyne with his power vnto that ſiege,The Earle of Arthois van|quisheth the Flemings in battayle. and was ſent foorth to keepe the Flemings and others occupyed, whyche laye at Furneys, and in other places theraboutes in lowe Flaun|ders, wyth whome hee foughte, and gotte the victorie.
[1] Kyng Edwarde therfore, to ſuccour his fren|des prepared to go ouer into Flanders,N. Triuet. and ther|vppon ſummoned all thoſe that ought hym any ſeruice, and ſuche alſo as helde landes to the va|lue of .xx. poundes and aboue, to bee ready wyth horſſe and harneys at London about Lammaſſe to paſſe ouer wyth hym in that iorney.
[1] A rebellion in Scotlande by the meanes of one VVilliam VValace.In the meane tyme aboute the Moneth of Maye, there beganne a Rebellion in Scotland by the ſettyng on of William Waleys: for the kyng of Englandes Iuſtice Wylliam Ormſ|bye accordynglye as hee hadde in Commiſſion, confyned and put to outlawrye a greate ſorte of ſuche Scottiſhmen, as refuſed to doe fealtie and homage vnto the Kyng of Englande, the whyche Scottiſhemen beeing thus condemned as Outlawes, elected the foreſayde Wylliam Waleys for their captayn, with whom Williã Douglas beeing once aſſociate, the number of them encreaſed hugelye.
[1] The Erle of Surrey and the Treſures [...] in Englande, thoſe outlawes purpoſed to haue taken the Iuſtice at Scone: but he beyng w [...] though almoſte too late, eſcaped himſelfe, wyth muche adoe, leauyng the moſte parte of his peo|ple as a ſpoyle to the enimies.Eng [...] [...] For Williã [...]|leys and his company kylled as many Engliſh|men as fell into his handes, and taking c [...] religious men, he bound their hands behynd [...], and conſtrained them to leape into the riuer, ta|king pleaſure to beholde howe they plunged.
[1] The King ſent the Biſhop of Durham into Scotlande, to vnderſtande the certaintie of this rebellion, who retourning from thence, informed him of the truthe. The Kyng not mynding to break his iorney which he had purpoſed to make into Flaunders, appoynted that the Earle of Surrey ſhould haue the leadyng of all ſuch men of warre as myght be leuyed beyonde Trent, to repreſſe the Scottiſh rebels, and alſo wrote vnto Iohn Cumyn Lorde of Badenaw,The [...] and to the other Iohn Cumyn Erle of Boughan, that re|membring their fayth and promyſe, they ſhould retourne into Scotlande, and doe theyr beſte to quiet the countrey: they accordyng to his com|maundement, went into Scotlande, but ſhewed themſelues flow inough to procure thoſe things that perteyned to peace and quietneſſe.
[1] In the meane tyme whileſt theſe things were a doing, the Biſhop of Carleile,Abingd [...] and other which lay there vpon the garde of that Citie and Ca|ſtell, hauing ſome miſtruſt of the loyaltie in Ro|bert Bruce the yonger,Robert [...] that was Earle of Car|rike by his mother, they ſente hym word to come vnto them at a certayne daye, bycauſe they had to talke with hym of matters touchyng the kin|ges affaires: he durſt not diſobeye, but came to Carleile together with the Biſhop Gallowaye, and there receyued a corporal othe vpon the ho|ly and ſacred myſteries,The B [...] ſvvorde. and vpon the ſworde of Thomas Becket, to be true to the king of En|glande, and to ayde him and his agaynſt theyr enemyes in all that hee myghte: and further to withſtande that the ſayde Kynge receyued no hurte nor dammage ſo farre as in hym myght lye.
[1] This done, he returned agayn into Scotlãd, and for a colour entred into the
landes of Wil|liam Douglas, and brent part of them, bringing the wyfe
& chyldren of the ſame Wylliam backe wyth hym into Annandale: but
ſhortly after,Rober [...] re [...]s the rebelles. he conſpyred with the Scottiſh rebelles, and
ioy|ned hym ſelfe wyth them, not making his fa|ther priuye to the matter,
who in the meane whyle remayned in the Southe parties of En|glande. He would
haue perſwaded ſuch knights, Gentlemen and other as helde their landes of
his [page 827] father in Annandale to haue gone with him, but they
would not breake their faith giuen to the K. of England,
N. Triuet.
Three hũdreth [...]en of armes, [...]nd fifty thou| [...]nde footmen [...]th Abyng| [...]on.
[...]ſcorde in [...]e Scottishe [...]mye.
[...]ir Richarde [...]dye.
[1] [2] Then after that the erle of Surrey was come to the Engliſh camp, bicauſe William Waleys ceaſſed not in the meane tyme to aſſemble more people, the Engliſhmen doubting ſome treaſon, reſolued to giue battayle, but whyleſt they were in mynde thus to doe,The Bishop of Glaſcovv and VVilliam Dou+glas. the Biſhop of Glaſcowe and William Douglas to auoyde the note of diſloyaltie and treaſon, came & ſubmitted them|ſelues: and ſo the Biſhoppe was committed to+warde within the caſtell of Rockeſborough, and William Douglas in the caſtell of Berwike. It is to be noted, that euen in the very time that the treatie was in hande betwixte the Lorde Percye and the Scottiſh capitaynes, the Scots of Gal|loway and other ſet vpon that part of the engliſh campe, where the truſſe & baggage laye, whiche they ſpoyled and ranſacked, ſleaing aboue .v.C. perſons what of men, women and children, but the alaruni being reyſed,Abingdon. the Engliſhmen came to the reſkue, and chaſed the Scots, ſlewe aboue [figure appears here on page 827] thouſand of them, and recouered the moſt pa [...] of their owne goods, with more which they toke from their enimies. In this meane time king Edward at the feaſt of Lammas held a counſell at London,The Archeby| [...]op of Can| [...]erbury recey| [...]d into fauor. where he receiued the Archb. of Can|terbury again into his fauor, reſtoring vnto him al his goods and lands. He apointed him and the lord Reynold Grey to haue his eldeſt ſon prince Edw. in keping til his returne out of Flaunders. But Nir. Triuet writeth,Nic. Triuet. yt the ſaid prince Ed|ward being apointed to remain at home as lieu|tenant to his father, there were appoynted vnto him as coũſellors,Gardians ap|pointed to the [...]ngs ſonne in [...]s fathers ab| [...]ce. Rich. Biſh. of London, Wil|liã erle of Warwike, and the forenamed Lorde Reignold Grey, with the lord Iohn Gifford, and the lord Alane Plokenet, men of high wiſedom, grauitie & diſcretion, [...]rles Marshall [...] Hereford re| [...]t to go ouer with the kyng [...]o Flaunders. without making mention of the Archbiſhop of Canterbury in that place.
[1] The two Erles Marſhal and Hereford being cõmanded to attend ye K. into Flanders, refuſed, excuſing themſelues by meſſenger.
[1] After this,Sir Rafe Mõt|hermer relea|ſed. the
King cauſed ſir Rafe Monther|mer (whome hys daughter the Counteſſe of
Glouceſter, in hir widdowhoode hadde taken to huſbande without knowledge of
hir father) to be deliuered out of the caſtel of Briſtow, wherin he had bin
kept priſoner a certain time vpon diſ|pleſure for ye mariage: but now he
was not only ſet at libertie, but alſo reſtored to his wife, & to al
the lands perteyning to the erledome of Glouce|ſter, appoynting him to finde
.l. men at armes to ſerue in ye iorney into Flãders.Scottishmen releaſed. He alſo deliuered the erles of Caſſels
& Menteth, Io. Cumyn and diuers other Scottiſhmen, apointing thẽ
alſo to go with him into Flãders. Finally hauing aſſẽ|bled his army, ouer
the whiche he made the lorde Thomas Berkley Conneſtable,
The Lorde Berckley. A libell deliue|red to the king from the Earles of Hereforde &
[1] The kings an|ſvvere.The kings aunſwere therevnto was, that hee coulde not alter any thing, withoute the aduice of his Counſell, of the whiche parte were alrea|dye paſſed ouer into Flaunders, and parte were at London, and therefore hee required the ſayde Earles, that if they woulde not attende hym in that iourney into Flanders, they wold yet in his abſence doe nothing that mighte bee preiudiciall to the realme: for hee truſted by Gods fauour to returne againe in ſafetie, and ſette all thinges in good order.
[1] The King paſ|ſeth ouer into Flaunders.At length about the .xxj. day of Auguſt, the king tooke the ſea, and landed in Flaunders neere to Sluyce, about the .xxvij. day of the ſame mo|neth.Abingdon. Hee was no ſooner on lande, but that tho|rough olde enuie and malice depending betwixt [figure appears here on page 828] the Mariners of the cinque Portes,Debate and fighting be|tvvixt the ma|riners of the cinque Portes, and others. and them of Yermouth, and other quarters, a quarell was picked, ſo that they fel togither and fought on the water in ſuche earneſt ſorte, notwithſtanding the kings commandement ſent to the contrary, that there were fiue and twentie ſhips brente and de|ſtroyed of theirs of Yermouth, and other theyr partakers: alſo three of theyr greateſt ſhippes, parte of the kings treaſure being in one of them were tolled foorthe into the highe Sea, and quite conueyed away.
[1] The king from Sluce firſt went to Bruges, and after to Gaunt,Ia. M [...]. finding the countrey in [...] ſtate, by reaſon that the good townes were not all of one mynde: for diuers of them miſlyked with the doings of the Earle, in that he had al|lyed himſelfe with the Frenche Kynges aduer|ſaries.Liſle yeld [...] to the Fr [...] kyng. Aboute the beginnyng of September was Liſle yelded vnto the Frenche king, and af|ter that they of Doway, Curtray, and Bruges, dydde lykewyſe ſubmitte them ſelues vnto the ſame kyng.
[1] Then was Charles Earle of Valoys ſente vnto Bruges to fortifye that Towne,Charles [...] Valoys ſe [...] to Bruges. and to take the Englyſhe Nauye that laye at anker in the Hauen of Damme: but the Engliſhmen hauyng warning thereof, gotte foorth with their veſſelles into the Sea, and ſo the Earle of Va|loys beeing diſappoynted of that praie, ſette in hande to fortifye Bruges and Dam, but the Earle of Auſtriche, and Robert de Neuers ſonne to Earle Guy beeing ſent with a power of En|glyſhmenne, Flemyngs, and other Souldiours vnto Dam, foughte with the Frenchemenne,The Fren [...]+men [...]+ted at Dam. ſlewe foure hundred of them, beſydes dyuers that were taken, and recouered the Towne.
[1] They myghte alſo haue recouered Bruges, as was thoughte, if the Englyſhmenne and Flemyngs had not fallen at ſtryfe, and fought togyther about denyding of the praie.
[1] Fynally, after thys, the Frenche kyng came to Bruges, and when the Kyng of Englande and the Earle of Flaunders hadde long looked and all in vayne for the Emperoure Adulfe,The Em [...] Adolfe [...]|keth no [...] who hadde promyſed to come to theyr ayde wyth a greate armye, for the charges and wa|ges whereof he hadde receyued greate ſummes of money bothe of the Kyng of England, and alſo of the Earle of Flaunders: they conclu|ded in the ende (when they perceyued he would not come) to make ſome agreemente wyth the Frenche Kyng: and ſo fyrſte was a truce ta|ken, from the myddeſt of October, vnto the Ca|lendes of December, and after by mediation of Charles, (ſurnamed Claudus) Kyng of Sicile, the ſame truce was prolonged, as hereafter yee ſhall heare.
[1] In thys meane whyle, to witte,The Earle of Surrey en|treth Scot [...] aboute the ende of Auguſte, the Earle of Surrey when he ſawe that the Scottyſhemen woulde not per|fourme promyſe touchyng the delyuerie of the pledges, and that Wylliam Waleys ſtil mo|ued the people to rebellion, hee aſſembled his ar|my, and with the ſame entring Scotland, came vnto Striuelyng.
[1] Then the Lorde Stewarde of Scotlande and alſo the Earle of Lenox came vnto hym, requiring him to ſtaye tyll they myght haue lei|ſure [page 829] to ſee if they could bring the people of Scot|lande vnto the Kinges peace: but when they coulde not do it, they returned the tenth daye of September, promiſing to bring to the ayd of the Earle of Surrey on the morrow after .xl. horſe|men, vpon the whiche day .ij. Fryers, of the or|der of Preachers were ſent vnto William Wa|leys, and to the other Scottiſhmen lying beyond the hill aboue the monaſterie of Scambeſkyn to moue them to the kings peace. But their anſwer was, that they were not come to haue peace, but to try the matter by battaile.
[1] The Engliſhe armye withoute good aduice thoroughe the preſumptuous pryde of the Lord Hugh Creſſingham preaſed to the bridge,The pride of Hugh Creſſin|gham. and haſtyng to paſſe the ſame, the Scottyſhemenne came vpon them, ere the one halfe could get ouer, and ſo fiercely aſſayling them,The Scottes aſſayle the En|glishemen. that the Engliſh|men were beaten backe and ſlayne downe. For the Scots after they ſawe ſo many of the Eng|liſhmẽ to haue paſſed the bridge, as the thought themſelues able to diſtreſſe,Abingdon. they made downe to the bridge foot, and with a number of their ſpear|men a foote, cloſed it vp that no more ſhuld come ouer to the ayde of theyr fellowes, nor thoſe that were already paſſed, ſhould returne agayne:The valiancie of ſir Marma|duke Thvveng Yet a right valyaunt knighte, one ſir Marmaduke Thweng, whiche was one of the firſt among the men of armes that came ouer, after that he & his cõpanie had driuẽ down one wing of their aduer+ſaries, & had folowed them in chaſe a good way, at length perceyuing their company behynde di|ſtreſſed by the Scottes, he retourned with thoſe fewe that were about hym, purpoſyng to repaſſe [figure appears here on page 829] the bridge, ruſhed in among the Scots that ſtood afore him with ſuch violence, that he paſſed tho|rough them, making waye for hymſelfe and for his folkes by great manhoode, ſauing one of his nephues alſo which was ſet a foote and wounded after his horſe had bin killed vnder him.
[1] The Englishe|men diſcom| [...]ted.At length the diſcomfiture was ſuche, and the Scottes preaſſed ſo earneſtly to winne the bridge alſo of thoſe Engliſhemen whiche were not yet paſſed, that at length the Earle of Surrey com|maunded to breake that end of the bridge, where they ſtoode at defence, to kepe backe the Scots, for elſe had there fewe of the Engliſhemen eſca|caped.
[1] There were ſlayne (as ſome haue written) to the number of ſixe thouſand men, and among other was ſlayne ſir Hugh Creſſingham, whoſe ſkinne (as hath bene reported) the Scottes ſtrip|ped off his dead carkaſſe, for the malice whiche they bare towardes him. This diſcomfiture chaunced the .xj. day of September.
[1] The Earle of [...]rrey retur|eth in haſt to [...]rvvike.The Earle of Surrey leauing in the caſtell of Striueling the ſaid ſir Marmaduke Thweng promiſed hym to come to his ayde at all tymes when neede ſhoulde be within .x. weekes ſpace, and herewith taking his horſe, rode in ſuch haſte to Barwike, that after his comming thyther, his ſteede beyng ſette vp in the ſtable of the Fry|ers Minors, neuer after taſted meate but dyed: After this, the ſayd Erle making no long abode in Barwike, rode vp to London vnto Prince Edwarde, and lefte the towne of Barwike as a pray to the Scottiſhmen: but thoſe yet that had the caſtel in keping defended it manfully againſt the Scottes, the whiche aſſembled togyther in campe vnder the leading of Alexander Earle of Murrey: and their Capitayne William Wa|leys came to Berwike,The Scots en|ter Barvvike. The caſtel hol|deth good a|gainſt them. and fynding the Towne voyde of all defence entred it, but they could not winne the caſtell by any meanes.
[1] The Northumberlande men conueyed their wynes, their children, their cattel, and other goo|des which might be remoued out of the countrey for feare of the enimies inuaſion: but when the Scottes lingred tyme, and entred not within the Englyſhe borders for a ſeaſon, they broughte theyr goodes agayne, in hope that the Scottes woulde not come foorth of theyr owne marches at that time. But the Scottes hauing aduertiſe|mente thereof, aboute the feaſte of Saint Luke [page 830] entred the Engliſhe borders,The Scots in|uade Northũ|berlande, and ſpoyle the coũ|trey. and didde muche hurte within the countrey of Northumberland, ſo that to auoyde the daunger, all the Relygi|ous menne fledde out of the Monaſteries ſituate betwixt Newcaſtel vpon Tyne, and Carleile.
[1] [2] The Scottes ſpoyled, harryed, and brente vp and downe the countrey tyll the feaſte of Saint Martine, and in the Octaues of the ſame feaſte they drewe togither, and wente towards Car|leyle, whiche towne they ſummoned in ſendyng a Prieſte to them that kepte it, commaunding them to yeelde: but receyuyng a frowarde aun|ſwere,The foreſt of Inglevvood. they fell too and waſted all that countrey, paſſing through the forreſt of Inglewood, Cum|berlande, and Allerdale, tyll they came vnto Derwent at Cokermouth, not ſparyng neyther Churche nor chapell. Theyr meanyng was to haue gone into the Biſhoprike of Durham, but what thorough ſore weather of hayle, ſnow and froſt, and what thorough vayne feare of wrong information gyuen by their ſpyalles, that the Countrey was well prouided of men of warre for defence, they brake off that iourney, and yet there were not paſte a hundred men of armes, and three thouſande footemen in that countreye, whiche were then alſo diſperſed thorough yrke|ſomneſſe of long ſtaying for the enimies.
[1] The Scottes therefore drewe to Exham, [...] there lodged, not wythout vexyng the Cha [...] although they had graunted Letters of prot [...]ecti|on vnto the Prior and couent of the ſame houſe, to endure for one whole yere: and lykewyſe let|ters of ſafeconduite to paſſe and repaſſe for one Chanon, one Squyer, and two ſeruaunts, when ſo euer they ſhoulde ſende to them, duryng that tearme: Whiche letters were gyuen foorth vnder the name of the ſayde Earle of Murreye, and William Waleys.The towne [...] Ryton [...] A [...]. reg. [...] From thence they went to|wardes Newcaſtell, and brente the Towne of Ryton. Fynally, perceyuyng they coulde not preuayle in attempting to winne the towne of Newcaſtell, they deuided theyr ſpoyles,The S [...] [...] and re|tourned home.
[1] Aboute the ſame tyme, to witte, a little be|fore Chriſtmaſſe, the Lorde Roberte Clifforde with the power of the Citie of Carleyle, entred Annandale, committyng all to the ſpoyle of the footmen, of whome there was a great number.The [...] [...]forde i [...] A [...].
[1] The men of armes on horſebacke being not paſt an hundred in all, kepte togyther, and fyndyng their enimies aſſembled nere to Annan kirk,Annan kirk gaue a charge vpon them,Sc [...]es [...] and chaſed them into a ma|reys, within the whiche they kepte them till the footmen came in, and aſſayling them, ſlew a 308. [figure appears here on page 830] perſons, and tooke diuers of them priſoners, and returning againe to their market, brente ten vil|lages, and on Chriſtmaſſe euen retourned wyth their pray and booties vnto Carleil.
1298. Annan kirke brent.
[1] [page 831] The kyng alſo by his ſpeciall letters required the nobles of the Realme, that if they dyd conti|nue in theyr due obedience to hym, as they pro|miſed at his departure out of the realme to doe, that then they ſhoulde reſorte and appeare at his Parliamente to beginne at Yorke, [...]arliament Yorke. the mor|rowe after the feaſt of Saint Hillarie, without all excuſe or delay: for otherwyſe he would ac|compt them as enimies to the common wealthe of the Realme. At whiche daye appeared the Earles of Warreyn and Glouceſter wyth the Counteſſe of Glouceſter his wyfe daughter to the King, the earles Marſhal, Hereford & Arun|dell, Guy ſonne to the Earle of Warwike in his fathers roomth: and of Barons, the lord Henry Percy, the lord Iohn Wake, and the lord Iohn Segraue, with many of the nobilitie, the whiche being aſſembled togither, would that it ſhould to all men be notified in what manner the king had confirmed the great Charter, [...]g [...] Charta and the Charter of forreſts: whervpon the ſame being read with the Articles thervnto added, and put in, the Biſhop of Carleile, adorned in Pontificalibus, did pro|nounce all them accurſſed, that wente aboute to violate and breake the ſame. And bycauſe the Scottiſh Lords appeared not, being ſummoned to be there, it was decreed, that the armie ſhould come togither at Newe Caſtell vppon Tyne in the Octaues of that feaſt of ſaint Hillarie nexte enſuing, ſo that the generall muſters might then and there be taken.
[1] [...]ate be| [...]ixt the kin| [...] men, and [...] Gantiners.The kyng lay the moſt part of thys winter at Gaunt, in the which mean time tyme ther chan|ced ſedition betweene the Engliſhemen and the Gauntoys, in ſo muche that the Welchmen had lette fyre on the Towne, if the king hadde not ſtayed the matter. But the Flemiſhe writers ſay, the Engliſhmen, ſette fyre in foure partes of the towne in deede, that they mighte the more freely haue robbed in other parties thereof, whyleſt the Towneſmen had gone about to quenche the fire. But the Towneſmen bente on reuenge, aſſem|bled togither in great number, and falling on the Engliſhmen ſlew thirtie of their horſemen, and of their footmen to the number of ſeuen hundred or thereaboutes. They hadde alſo [...]layn the king if a knight of Flaunders hadde not made ſhifte to ſaue hym.
[1] Indeed (as ſhould appeare by the ſame wri|ters) the Engliſhe footemen had done much hurt in the countrey, & namely one day they ſpoyled the towne of Dam, & ſlew two hundred wor|thy perſonages which hadde yelded themſelues to the Kyng at his firſte commyng into the countrey.
[1] And although the king cauſed certain of thoſe that had done this outrage to be hanged: yet the Flemings bare this and other iniuries in theyr myndes, and meant to bee reuenged thereof, be|fore the Engliſhmen departed out of their coun|treye, and therefore there drewe out of ſundrye parties into the Citie of Gaunte by ſmall com|panyes, to the number of foure thouſande men of armes, beſides a great multitude of footmen: and when they perceyued them ſelues ſtrong y|nough (as they tooke the matter) at the daye a|mongeſt them appoynted, they cluſtred togy|ther, and vnder the leadyng of the Earles ſons, Wyllyam and Roberte,The Flemyngs ſet vpon the Englishmen in their lodgings. they didde fyrſte ſette vppon the Engliſhmen that were in theyr lod|gyngs, of whome they ſlewe dyuers, and after commyng foorthe into the ſtreates, they meant to haue made ſlaughter of all the reſidue: but by the noyſe that was rayſed, the Kyng hadde warnyng in what ſtate the matter ſtoode, and therewyth getteth hym to armoure, and came forth of hys lodgyng, and ſtreyghtwayes hys people flocked aboute hym. And furthermore, the footemen, whyche were lodged in the Sub|urbes, hearyng of thys tumulte, gette them to armoure, and approchyng the gates, fynd them ſhutte, but with fyre whych they kyndled with ſtrawe, wood, butter, and tallowe, and other ſuch thynges, they brente vp the ſame gates, and ſo got in, loſing not paſ [...]e ſixe perſons, and thoſe were ſlayne at the firſt entring.
[1] Herewith the Earle of Flaunders commeth to the Kyng, and beſeecheth hym to ſtaye hys people from committyng further outrage: but the kyng as he had reaſon ſo to doe, blamed him for the outragious attempte of hys people, and bad hym goe and appeaſe them, or he woulde take payne wyth them hymſelfe to hys owne ſuretie, though not greatly to theyr caſe.
[1] The Earle went, and didde ſo much,The Earle of Flaunders pa|cifyeth his people. that at length he quieted them, and then was order gi|uen for reſtitution of ſuche thynges as hadde bene taken from anye manne wrongfully, ac|cordyng to the order and direction preſcribed by certayne diſcrete perſons appoynted as Com|miſſioners in that behalfe.
[1] The Kyng perceyuyng hym ſelfe in ſome daunger, and that withoute the fauoure of the Flemyngs he myght hardly eſcape out of their countrey, bare manye thynges, and ſpake cur|teouſlye, makyng partely amendes for the har|mes doone by his people, as well abrode in the countrey, as in the townes. And finally aboute Midlent he returned into Englande, as after ye ſhall heare.
[1] In this meane tyme by the Kyngs appoint|mente,
Nic. Triuet.
An army aſſem|bled at Yorke.
[1] The Earle of Surrey entreth Scotland.The Earle of Surrey comming to Rockeſ|burgh, and relieuing them that kept it with ſuch things as they wanted paſſed foorth to Kelſſow, and came afterwards to the towne of Barwike, which the Scottiſhmen had left voyde.
[1] Here came letters vnto them from king Ed|ward, ſignifying that hee had taken truce wyth the Frenche king, and that he mente ſhortely to [...]etourne into England, and therfore commaun|ded them not to make any further enterpriſe than the defending of the frontiers, and the recouerie of Barwike, til his comming ouer. Herevppon was a greate part of the armie diſcharged, and ſuche only remayned in Barwike as might ſuf|fice for defence therof.
[1] King Edvvard returneth home vvardes.King Edwarde hauing made an ende of hys buſineſſe in Flaunders, as before ye haue heard, returned now towards England, and came to a Towne called Ardenburg, where the moſte part of ſuche Scottiſhmen as he had broughte with him into Flanders, ſlipped from him, & wentvn|to Paris. The king being returned into Eng|lande, remoued the Barons of the Eſchequer, and the Iuſtices of the Benche vnto York, cal|ling a Parliamente thither, and gaue ſummo|nance to the Lordes of Scotland to come to the ſame:The Scottes ſum [...]ed to the Parliament at Yorke, refu|ſed to come. but making defaulte in their appearance, he ſent forth his comiſſion and letters to warne his ſubiectes to be readie with horſe and harneys at Rockeſburgh in the feaſte of the Natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptiſt next enſuyng. They obeying his comaundement,An army raiſed aſſembled there at the daye appoynted.
[1] There were in this armie nowe aſſembled at Rockeſborough together with thoſe
of the Bi|ſhopricke aboute three thouſande men of armes mounted on ba [...]ded horſes,
The number of men armed in this armye.
[1] There were alſo a great number of footmen, and yet none but ſuch as came vpon their owne good w [...]lles, the whiche were almoſt all Welch|men or Iriſhmen.VVelchmen & Irishmen.
[1] There came alſo afterwardes fyue hundred menne of armes w [...]ll apparelled, furnyſhed and mounted,Gaſcoynes. out of Gaſcoyne: of the which a cer|tayne number were ſente vnto Barwike by the king: where after the battayle fought with the Scottes, they remayned in garniſon.
[1] Nic. Triuet.The Earle of Hereford, and the Earle Mar|ſhall were preſente wyth theyr retinues amon|geſt other in thys armie here aſſembled at Roc|keſborough, the whyche vpon ſuſpition co [...]|ned of that they had hearde,The E [...] Here [...] Ma [...] ſ [...] [...] thought it not ſuffi|cient to haue the Kynges Letters patentes tou|ching the confirmation of the two Charters, and other the Articles aboue mencioned ſygnes by hym, whyleſt he was oute of the Realme, a [...] therefore required that he woulde nowe within his owne lande, confirme the ſameagaine.
[1] Here the Biſhoppe of Durham, Iohn Earle of Surrey, Willyam Earle of Warwike, and Raufe Earle of Glouceſter, vndertooke for the kyng, that after hee had ſubdued his enimies, and ſhould be agayne returned into the realme, he ſhoulde ſatiſfie them in that behalfe, and con|firme the ſame articles.
[1] This done, the King marching foorth wy [...]h his armye, came to Temple Hiſton, and ſente foorth the Biſhoppe of Durham to take certayn Caſtelles thereaboutes,Ca [...] [...] by the [...] of D [...] as Orinton (or as ſome Copies haue) Drilton, and other two whiche enterpriſe, the Biſhoppe ſpeedyly accompliſhed.
[1] The Engliſhe fleete that ſhoulde haue come from Berwike, and kepte alongſt the coaſte to haue furniſhed the Armie wyth victualls, was ſtayed and holden backe with contrarie wynd ſo that the armie beganne to be in greate neceſſitie of victuals. The Scottiſhemen were aduertiſed hereof, and ſuppoſyng that the Engliſhemen by reaſon of ſuche want of victuals, had not bene able through feebleneſſe to make any greate reſi|ſtaunce, aſſembled theyr powers togyther, and came towardes the place where the kyng with his army was lodged.
[1] The ſame time twoo of the Engliſhe ſhippes arriued there wyth victualles,
the whiche beyng beſtowed. Amongſt the ſouldeors, relieued them greately of
theyr hunger, amoungeſt other the Welchemen had twoo tunnes of wine
deliuered to them for theyr ſhare,
A fraye be|tvvixt the VVelche [...] Engliſhmen
[1] The Engliſhe horſemenne heerewyth beyng kindeled wyth diſpleaſure, got them to armour, and ſetting vpon the Welchmen, ſlew of them to the number of foure ſcore, and put the other to flight: wherevpon the nexte morning it was ſaid that the Welchemen vppon wrathe conceyued hereof meant to depart to the Scottes: but yet when the campe remoued they followed the ar|my though a farre off, and a part by themſelues,The Eng [...]men [...]nde [...] doubte of the VVelch [...] in ſo muche that many doubted leaſt if the Eng|liſhmen had chaunced to haue had the worſe at the Scottiſhe mensne handes, they woulde haue ioygned wyth them agaynſte the En|glyſhemenne.
[page 833]
N. Triuet.The Kyng nowe hearing that the Scottes
were commyng towardes hym, rayſed hys fielde, and wente foorthe to meete
them, lod|gyng the nexte nyghte in a fayre playne. In the morning very
early, a greate alarme was reyſed, ſo that euery man got him to armour,
ſuppoſing the Scottes to bee at hande. The horſe appoynted for the kyngs
ſaddle that day, as the Kyng ſhoulde haue got vppon hym, afrighted wyth ſome
noyſe, ſtarte aſide, and threwe the Kyng
downe wyth ſuche violence, that hee brake twoo of his ribbes, as the reporte
went Other write; that his horſe trode on hym in the night as he and his
people reſted them, keeping their horſes ſtill bridled to bee readye the
ſooner vppon occaſion of any neceſſitie: but howſoeuer hee came by hys hurt,
he ſtayed not to paſſe forwarde in his purpoſed iourney, but mounting vppon
an other horſe,The battaile [...]f Foukirke. went foorth
with hys armye till hee came to a place called Foukirke where bothe the
armyes of England and Scotland met and fought.
The order of [...]he Scottishe [...]attayles.
[3] The Byſhop of Durham ruling in the ſe|conde battaile of the Engliſhemen
conſiſting of ſixe and thirtie ſtanderds or banners,The
bishop of Dur [...]m ledde the ſeconde vvarde. know|ing the let of that moſſe
or maris, made toward the Eaſte ſide, haſting forth to be the firſte that
ſhoulde giue the onſet: but yet when they ap|proched neare to the enemies;
the Byſhoppe commaunded his people to ſtaye till the thyrde battaile, which
the Kyng led, mighte approch: but that valiant Knyght the Lorde Raufe Baſſet
of Drayton ſayde to hym:The Lorde Baſſet of Drai|tons
vvordes to the Bishop of Durham. My Lorde Byſhoppe, you may goe
and ſay Maſſe, which better becometh you, than to teache vs what we haue to
doe, for wee will doe that that belon|geth to the order of warre, and
herewyth they haſted foorthe on that ſyde to chardge the fyrſte ſchiltron of
the Scottes, and the Earles wyth theyr battaile on the other ſide, and euen
vppon the firſte brunt, the Scottiſhe horſemen fledde,The
Scottishe horſemen flee. afewe only excepted, which ſtayed to
keepe the footemen in order. And amongeſt other, was the brother of the
Lorde Stewarde of Scot|lande, who as hee was aboute to ſet in order the
bowemen of S [...]lkirke, by chaunce was vn|horſed,
[figure appears here on page 833] and ſlaine
there amoungeſt the ſame bowemen, and many a tall mans bodye wyth hym.
[...]heir archers [...]yue. The Scottiſhe archers thus being ſlain, the Engliſhemen
aſſailed the ſpeare men, but they keeping them ſelues cloſe togyther,
[...]heſe Scottish [...]are [...]ẽvver, Gallovvaye Euerſden [...]en. and ſtandyng at defence wyth theyr ſpeares like a thicke
wood, kepte out the Engliſhe horſemen for a while, and foughte manfully,
though they were ſore beaten wyth ſhotte of arrowes by the Engliſhe archers
a foote: and ſo at length galled wyth ſhot, and aſſailed by the horſemen on
eche ſide, they begun to diſorder and ſhrinke from one ſide to another, and
herwith the horſ|men brake in amongſt them, and to they were ſlaine and
beaten down in maner all the whole number of them. Some ſaye there dyed of
the [page 834] Scottes that daye (beyng the twoo and twenty
of Iuly,N. Triuet. and the feaſte of Mary
Magdalene) aboue twentie thouſande. Other write, that there were ſlaine at
the leaſte to the number of xv.
Mat. VVeſt. hathe fourtye thouſande.
Polidore. N. Triuet.
The tovvne of S. Androvvns.
Irishe Lordes. The Iſle of Arayne.
[1] About the ſame time certaine Iriſhe lords, and amongeſt other as chiefe, one Thomas Biſet landed in the Iſle of Arain, the inhabi|tants whereof yelded themſelues vnto the ſame Thomas, who as was iudged, ment to haue ayded the Scottes: but nowe hearing of the victorie whiche Kyng Edwarde had gotten in a pight fielde, he ſent vnto hym to giue hym to vnderſtande that hee was come in his ayde, and had wonne the ſaide Iſle of Airen,Thomas Biſet requireth the Ile of Arain. and therfore beſought him that it might pleaſe him to graũt it vnto hym and hys heyres, to holde of hym and his heyres for euer. Whiche requeſt the K. graunted:The euill opi|nion of the Erles Marshall and Hereforde tovvardes the Kyng. whereof when the Earles Marſhall & Hereford were aduertiſed, they thoughte this a raſhe parte of the Kyng, conſidering that hee had promiſed to doe nothing of new wythout theyr conſentes and counſell.
[1] Therefore the Kyng beyng as ye haue heard returned to Carleill, they got licence to depart home wyth theyr people leauing the kyng ſtill at Carleil, where he remained a time, and held a Parliament there,The Kynges liberalitie to|vvardes his nobles. in the whiche he graunted vnto many of his nobles, the lands and liuings of dyuers noble men of the Scottes, as to the Earles Earledomes, to the Barons baronies, but Gallowaye and Annandall wyth certayne other counties, he aſſigned to none, reſeruing the ſame (as was thought) vnto the foreſayde two Erles, leaſt they ſhould thinke themſelues euill dealt wyth, if they had no parte beſtowed on them amongeſt the reſidue.
[1] The King after this went to Durham, and from thence thoughte to haue returned ſtreight towardes London, but hearing that the Scot|tes ment to make ſome inuaſion, hee went to Tynmouth, and remained there till towards Chriſtmaſſe.
An. reg. 27.
After the Kyng had layne a certen time at Tinnemouthe, hee departed
from thence, and drewe Southwarde,Cotyngham. and
comming to Coting|ham, a little from Beuerly, helde hys Chriſt|maſſe
there,1293. and after drewe towardes Lon|don,
where in the begynning of Lent, hee [...] a parliament,
A parliament
Abing [...]
[1] They returned as hee willed them, and had the charters confirmed according to their re|queſtes, ſauing that this addition was put in the latter end of ye ſame, Saluo iure coronae nostra. The addition put in the [...] Wyth whiche addition, the Lordes were of|fended, and tourned home to theyr houſes in as greate diſpleaſure towardes the Kyng as be|fore.
[1] The counſel doubting ſome ſeditions ſturre to ariſe hereof amongeſt the people, deliuered the charters (ſo ſealed and ſigned as they were) vnto the Sheriffes of London, that the ſame might bee redde openly before the people,The addition re [...] in Poules Churcheyar [...] which was done in Poules Churcheyarde in preſence of a greate aſſemblie there come togyther and gathered for that purpoſe. The people at the firſte before they heard the addition gaue many bleſſinges to the Kyng, for thoſe grauntes, but when they hearde wyth what wordes hee con|cluded, they curſed as faſte as before they had bleſſed. Before this parliament was diſſolued, the Lordes had warnyng to retourne agayne ſhortely after Eaſter, and then they had all thinges graunted and performed as they could wiſhe or deſire.The perambu|lations of [...]|reſt [...] The perambulations of For|reſtes were appoynted vnto three Byſhoppes, three Earles, and three Barons.
[1] Aboute the latter ende of Iune there came ouer a Byſhoppe ſente from Pope Boniface as hys Nuncio, and dyuers other wyth hym,A bishop [...] from the [...] to declare the order which the Pope as arbi|trator [page 835] indifferently choſen betwixte the twoo Kynges of Englande, and Fraunce, for the deciding of all controuerſies depending bee|twixte them) had giuen foorthe and decreed, whiche was in effect as followeth.
[1] [2] [3] The Popes [...]cree of peace [...]etvvixt the [...]ages of Englande and Fraunce.Fyrſte that Kyng Edwarde beeyng then a widower ſhoulde marry the Frenche Kynges ſiſter named Margaret, notwithſtandyng the degrees of conſangiuinitie, for the whiche the Pope woulde diſpence. Againe that the Lorde Edwarde the Kynges eldeſt ſonne ſhoulde at conuenient tyme take to wyfe the Ladye Iſa|bell the Frenche Kynges daughter. Alſo that the Kyng of Englande ſhoulde make ſatiſfac|tion for the Frenche ſhippes whiche hys men had taken at the beginning of the warre, [...]. Triuet. and that ſundrye townes in Gaſcoyne ſhoulde bee put into the Popes handes, till it might be vn|derſtoode vnto whome the righte apperteyned. But thoſe twoo laſt articles tooke ſmall effect, the Frenche Kyng refuſing to deliuer any of thoſe townes whiche hee had gotten in poſſeſ|ſion.The Popes re| [...]eſt for the [...]leaſing to ly| [...]rtye or Iohn [...]aillol. Moreouer, theſe meſſengers in the Popes behalfe required the Kyng that hee woulde ſet at libertie Iohn Baillol ſometime Kyng of Scotland, and to reſtore thoſe landes vnto his ſonne Edwarde Baillol, whiche hee ought to holde within the Realme of Englande, pro|miſing and vndertaking in the Popes behalfe to preſerue and ſaue the Realme harmeleſſe of all hurte or damage that myghte enſue by, the deliuerie of the ſayde Iohn Baillol.
[1] King Edward vnderſtanding that ther was greate daunger in ſetting hym at
[...]ohn Baillol [...]lyuered out [...] priſon at the [...]opes ſuite. was contented to deliuer hym vnto the Pope, but
hee refuſed to make reſtitution vnto Edwarde Baillol of the landes whiche
hee demaunded. The Popes ambaſſadoures receyuing Iohn Baillol at Kyng
Edwards handes, tooke hym ouer wyth hym into Fraunce, and there lefte
hym in the cuſtodie of the Byſhoppe of
[...]e departeth [...]is lyfe.
[1] After this, according to the couenauntes of agreement made beetwixte the twoo Kynges of Englande and Fraunce, [...] Triuet. the ceptiues vpon either parte were deliuered.
The Kyng ma| [...]eth the Frẽch [...]ngs ſiſter.In the feaſte of the natiuitie of our Ladye, the
Kyng married the Ladye Margaret ſiſter to the Frenche Kyng at Canterburye
wyth greate ſolempnitie. Aboute the feaſte
of Sainct Martin in wynter the Kyng helde a parliamẽt at Yorke,
[...] parliament [...] Yorke. meaning to haue gone from thence into Scotlande, to
haue reſcued the caſtell of Strueling, whiche the Scottiſhemen had
be|ſieged, and had it ſurrendred vnto them, ere the Kyng coulde ſet
forewarde to come to rayſe the ſiege. The ſame yere died Henry Newarke
Archbiſhop of Yorke,
The deceaſſe of the Archbi|shop of Yorke.
An. reg. 28. 1300.
A proclamati|on for money.
[1] [2] In the eyghte and twentye yere of his raign in the Chriſtmaſſe ſeaſon Kyng Edwarde ſet foorth a proclamation, forbidding and prohi|biting all forraine coine to bee receyued and payde as ſteeling mony wythin his dominion, commaunding by the ſame proclamation, that two peeces of them ſhuld go for one ſterlyng, vntill the feaſt of Eaſter. There were diuers moneyes in thoſe dayes currant wythin this realme, as Pollardes, Crocards, Staldinges, Egles, Leonines, Sleepinges, and all theſe were white monyes, artificially made of ſiluer, copper, and ſulphur, ſo that it was an y [...] tyme for baſe moneyes, and muche choppyng and chaunging was vſed in buying and ſelling of thynges. At Eaſter following the King vtter|lye forbad that any of thoſe moneyes ſhoulde be currant at all,Forreyne mo|neys forbidden to go as currãt. and helde his exchaunge in ſun|dry places, and to be rydde of them, men gaue fiue or ſixe of them for one ſterling, not caring for them bycauſe of theyr baſeneſſe, and yet wythin one yeare after that men had learned the ſkill by proofe howe to trie the mettall with melted leade in the fire, they founde that twoo peeces of thoſe baſe moneys were in valewe worthe one ſterling, and many became riche by the exchange, whiche had boughte good ſtore of them, when they were ſo ſmally eſteemed: but the Kyng cauſed enquirie to be made of them that vſed ſuche exchaunge wythout his licence, and put them to theyr fines.
[1] At a Parliament holden at London in lent this yeare, the Kyng renued the confirmation of the charters, and made certain new ſtatutes concerning fines and Gaole deliueries, very profitable to the common wealth.
[1] Aboute the feaſte of Sainct Iohn Baptiſt,
The king goth vvith an armye into Scotlande.
[1] As the Kyng was vppon hys iourney fore|wardes in the Northe partes, hys late married wyfe Quene Margaret was deliuered of hys firſt ſonne at Brotherton,Thomas of Brotherton borne the firſte of Iune a place in Yorkſhire not farre from Pontfret, he was named Tho|mas, and tooke the ſurname of Brotherton, of the place where he was borne.
[1] Moreouer Pope Boniface at the ſute of the Scottes wrote his letters vnto kyng Edward commaunding hym by the ſame and by the Archebiſhoppe of Canterbury, whome hee ap|poynted to delyuer the ſame letters, by other letters to hym directed, that he ſhould not on|ly releaſe and ſet at libertie all ſuche Scottes [page 836] as he had in priſon, but alſo giue ouer his war|res which he made againſt the realm of Scot|lande: and if he ment to make any claime to the ſame, then to ſend his procurators vnto the court of Rome, and there to ſhewe what eui|dence hee coulde for hys righte thereto, where the matter (as he mainteined) was to be heard, decided, and iudged and not elſe where. The Archebyſhoppe according to the Popes com|maundement did the meſſage, and preſented the Popes letters vnto the King, who deferred the anſwer vnto the aſſemblie of the eſtates in par|liament, and hereof the Archebiſhop aduertiſed the Pope accordingly as in the letters to hym directed hee was commaunded.
[1] Euerſden.This yeare alſo on Sainct Remigius day, whiche is the firſte of October, dyed Edmunde Earle of Cornewall, the ſonne of Earle Ry|charde, that was alſo Kyng of Almayne: and bycauſe he left no iſſue behynde him to inherite that Erledom, the ſame returned to the crown,
An. reg. 29.
Mat. VVeſt. Croxden.
[1] Pope Boniface inhibiteth the king of Englãd further to vexe the Scottes.Pope Boniface beeyng ſolicited by the in|ſtant ſuite of the Scottiſhemen, and offended alſo that the landes in Englande whiche bee|longed vnto Edwarde Bailloll the ſonne of Iohn Baillol, were not to the ſame Edwarde reſtored, hee eftſoones wrote to Kyng Edward forbidding hym from thence foorthe any fur|ther to vexe the Scottes by warres, bycauſe that the kingdome of Scotlande was ſurren|dred alreadye into hys handes by the generall conſent of the Scottiſhemen themſelues, and therefore was it in hys power to beſtowe and take awaye the ſame to whome or from whome ſoeuer it ſhoulde pleaſe hym.
[1] N. Triuet.There were reaſons alledged why the King of Englande ſeemed to doe wrong in chalen|ging as then the kingdome of Scotlande: and amongeſt other, one was that ſuche homage as had bene done of auncient time to the Kings of Englande, by the Kynges of the Scottes, was onely meant for Tyndale, Penreth, and ſuche other landes as the Scottiſhe Kynges helde within England, and not for the Realme of Scotlande.
[1] [2] And whereas the Kyngs of Scotlande had aided the Kyngs of Englande in theyr watres againſte the Rebells of theyr Realme of Eng|lande, and bene preſent at theyr coronation, the ſame was done of ſpeciall fauour and not of dutie. Kyng Edwarde hauyng receyued the Popes preſcript and well conſidered the whole contentes thereof, ſent in writing his anſwere ſo at large, prouing by euident reaſons that the right of propretie of the kingdome of Scot|lande, did moſte iuſtly apperteyne vnto hym, and that the allegations were not true, but for|ged, whiche had bene by ſurmiſed informa|tion preſented againſte hym. Beſide the kyngs letters whiche hee wrote in his owne behalfe, there was an other letter deuiſed and written by all the Lordes temporall of the lande aſſem|bled in parliament at Lincolne, in which letter they aunſwered in name of all the eſtates there gathered, vnto that pointe wherein the Pope pretended a right to be iudge for the title of the Realme of Scotlande, proteſting flatly that they would not conſent that theyr Kyng ſhuld doe any thyng that might tende to the diſenhe|riting of the ryght of the crowne of Englande, and plaine ouerthrow of the ſtate of the ſame realme, and alſo hurt of the liberties, cuſtoms, and lawes of theyr fathers, ſith it was neuer known, that the kings of this land had anſwe|red or ought to anſwere for theyr rights in the ſame Realme, afore any iudge Eccleſiaſticall or ſecular. The Tenour of whiche letter be|ginneth thus.
[1] [2] [3]
TO our moſt holy father in Chriſte, Boni|face by gods prouidence high Byſhoppe of the holye Romaine and Vniuerſall Churche, his deuoute ſons Iohn Earle Warren: Tho|mas Erle of Lancaſter: Rafe de Monthermer Earle of Glouceſter and Hertforde, Humfrey de Bohun Earle of Hereford and Eſſex, and Conneſtable of England: Roger Bigod earle of Norfolke, and Mareſchall of Englande: Guy Earle of Warwike: Rycharde earle of Arundell: Adomate de Valence Lord of Mon|terney: Henry de Lancaſter Lorde of Mon|mouth: Iohn de Haſ [...]ngs Lorde of Berge|uennie: Henry de Perey Lorde of Topelife: Edmunde de Mortimer Lorde of Wigmor: Robert Fitz Water Lord of Wodham: Iohn de Sainct Iohn Lorde of Hannake: Hughe de Veer Lorde of Swaneſtampe: Wylliam de Brewſe Lorde of Gower: Roberte de Mont|hault Lorde of Hawarden: Roberte de Tate|ſhall Lorde of Wokeham: Reignald de Grey lorde of Ruthin: Henry de Grey lorde of Cod|nore, [page 837] Hugh Bardolfe lorde of Wormegayt: Roberte de Clifforde Chateſtain of Appelbye: Peter de Malowe lorde of Malgreene: Philip lord of Kime: Robert Fitz Roger lord of Cla|uerings: Iohn de Mohun lorde of Duneſter: Almerit [...]e de Sainct Amounde lord of Wide|hay: William de Ferrers lord of Grovy: Alain de Zouche lord of Aſhby: Theobalde de Ver|don lord of Webbeley: Thomas de Furniuall lorde of Schefielde: Thomas de Multon lorde of Egremont, William Latimer lorde of Cor|by, Thomas lorde Berkley: Foulke Fitz War|ren lorde of Mitingham: Iohn lord Segraue: Edmunde de Eincourt lorde of Thurgerton: Peter Corbet lorde of Caus: Wyllyam de Cantelowe lorde of Rauenſthorpe: Iohn de Brauchampe lorde of Harche: Roger de Mor|timer lorde of Penkethlin: Iohn Fitz Reinald lorde of Blenleueny: Raufe de Neuell lorde of Raby: Brian Fitz Alaine lorde of Bedale: Wyllyam Mareſhall Lorde of Hengham [...] Walter Lorde Huntercombe: Wyllyam Martin lorde of Camels: Henry de Thies lord of Chilton: Roger le Ware lord of Iſefielde Iohn de Riuers lord of Angre: Iohn de Lan|caſter lorde of Griſedale: Robert Fitz Payne lorde of Lainnier: Henry Tregoz lorde of Ga|ringes: Robert Pipard lorde of Lomforde: Walter lord Faucomberg: Roger le Strange lorde of Elleſmer: Iohn le Strange lorde of C [...]okyn: Thomas de Chances lord of Nor|ton: Walter de Beauchamp lorde of A [...]edeſter. Rycharde Talbot lorde of Eccleſwell: Iohn Butetwart lord of Mendeſham: Iohn Engain lorde of Colum: Hughe de Poynz lorde of Cornevaler: Adam lorde of Welles: Simon lorde Montacute: Iohn lorde Sulle: Iohn de Melles or rather Moelles Lorde of Candebu|ry: Edmũd baron Stafford: Io. Louel lord of Hackings: [...]tages I [...] i [...]. Edmũd de N. lord of Elch [...] [...]|kes: Rafe Fitz Williã lord of Grimthorp: Ro+bert de Seales lord of N [...]uſells: Wil. Turhet lorde of Lewenhales: Io Abadan lord of De|uerſion: Iohn de Haueringes lord of Grafton: Rob. la Warde lorde of Whitehall: Nic. de Segraue lord of Stow: Walter de Tey lord of Stougraue: Io de Liſle lord of Wodton: Euſtace lorde Hacche: Gilbert Peche lorde of Corby: Wil. Painel lord Trachingron. Rog. de Allis Moliaſterio: [...]inſter [...]ke. Foulk le Strange lord of Corſham: Henry de Pinkeny lord of Wedon: Io. de Hodeleſton lorde of Aneys: Io. de Hun|tingfielde lord of Bradenhã: Hughe Fitz Hen|ry lord of Raueneſwath: Io. Daleton lorde of Sporle: [...] farre out [...] Perkins [...] [...]ple. Ni. de Carri lord of Muleſford: Tho|mas lord de la Roche: Walter de Mũcy lord of Thornton: Io Fitz Marinaduke lord of Hor|den: Iohn lord of Kingſton: Rob. Haſtings the father lorde of Chebeſſey: Rafe lord Gren|don Wil. lord of Leiborne: Io. de Gre [...]e lord of Morpath: Mathewe Fitz Iohn lord of Sto [...]enham: Nic. de Ne [...]eſt lord of Wheried: and Io Pa [...]nell lord of Atel [...]i: with al humble ſubmiſſion.
The holy mother Churche,Out of maiſter Foze pag. 427. by whoſe miniſterie the catholik ſea is gouerned: in hir deedes (as we throughly beleue and hold) proceedeth with that repeneſſe in iudgement, that ſhe wil be hurtfull to none, but like a mo|ther would euerie mans righte be kepte vnbro|ken, aſwell in an other, as in hir ſelf. Whereas therfore in a general parliament called at Lin|colne of late, by our moſte dreade lord Edward by the grace of god the noble King of Englãd: the ſame our lorde cauſed certain letters recey|ued from you to bee redde openly and to be de|clared ſeriouſly afore vs, about certain buſineſſe touching the condition and ſtate of the Realme of Scotlande: we did not a little muſe and mar [...]ell with ourſelues, hearing the meanings concerning the ſame, ſo wondrous and ſtrange as the like we haue not heard at any tyme be|fore: for we knowe moſte holy father, and it is well known aſwel within this realme of Eng|lande (as alſo not vnknowen to other perſons beſides) that from the fyrſte beginning of the realme of Englande, the certain and direct go|uernement of the Realme of Scotlande in all temporall cauſes from tyme to tyme belonged to the Kyngs of the ſame Realme of England and Realme of Scotlande, aſwell in the times bothe of the Britaynes as alſo Engliſhemen: yea rather the ſame Realme of Scotlande of olde tyme was in ſee to the auncetours of our foreſayde Lordes Kynges of Englande, yea and to hymſelfe. Furthermore, the Kynges of Scottes and the Realme haue not bene vn|der any other than the Kyngs of Englande, and the Kynges of England haue aunſwered or ought to anſwere for theyr rights in the for|ſayd Realme, or for any his temporalities afore any Iudge Eccleſiaſticall or ſecular, by reaſon of free preheminence of the ſtate of hys Royall dignitie and cuſtome kepte wythout breache at all tymes. Wherefore, after treatie had, and diligent deliberation of the contentes in your foreſaide letters, this was the common agree|yng and conſent with one minde, and ſhall be wythout falle in tyme to come by gods grace: that our foreſaide Lorde the Kyng oughte by no meanes to aunſwere in iudgemente in any caſe, or ſhoulde bring his foreſaide rightes in|to do [...]b [...], nor oughte not to ſende any pro|ctours or meſſengers to your preſence, ſpecially ſeeing that the premiſſes tend manifeſtly to the diſenheriting of the right of the crowne of En|gland, and the plaine ouerthrowe of the ſtate of [page 838] the ſaide realme, and alſo hurte of the liberties, cuſtomes and lawes of our fathers: for the ke|ping and defence of whiche, we are bounde by the duetie of the othe made, and we will main|taine them wyth all power, and will defende them (by gods helpe) wyth all ſtrengthe. And furthermore, will not ſuffer our foreſaide Lord the Kyng to doe or by any meanes attempte the premiſſes beyng ſo vnaccuſtomed, vnwont, and not hearde of afore: wherefore we reue|rentlye and humbly beſeeche youre holyneſſe, that yee woulde ſuffer the ſame our lorde King of Englande (who among other princes of the worlde ſheweth hymſelfe catholike and deuout to the Romiſhe Churche) quietly to enioy his rightes, liberties, cuſtomes, and lawes afore|ſaide: wythout all empayring, and trouble, and let them continue vntouched. In witneſſe whereof, we haue ſette our ſeales to theſe pre|ſentes aſwell for vs, as for the whole comunal|tie of the foreſaide Realme of England.
Da|ted at Lincolne the twelfth of Februarie in the yeare of our Lorde .1301. Et anno Edwardi pri|mi .xxix.
[1] [2] The Pope when he hearde and deliberately pondered the Kyngs aunſwere, wyth this let|ter dyrected to hym from the Englyſhe Ba|rons, hee waxed colde in the matter, and fol|lowed it no farther.The king goeth into Scotlande. The [...]ice betwixte the Kyng and the Scottes beeyng once expired, the Kyng aſſembled hys armye, and wente into Scotlande, aboute the feaſte of Sainct Iohn Baptiſt, and tarrying there all the ſom|mer and winter following, his ſouldiors loſte many of their greate horſes for lacke of forrage whiche coulde not bee gotten in the colde win|ter ſeaſon. An. reg. 30. 1302. Hee kept his Chriſtmaſſe at Lith|ko, and at length at the requeſt of his brother in lawe the Frenche Kyng,A truce graun|ted to the Scots he graunted eftſoones a truce to the Scottiſhemen till the feaſt of all Saintes nexte enſuing. Then hauing orde|red his buſines for that time in Scotlande,The king retur|neth into En|glande. hee retourned into Englande, and aboute Mid|lent called a parliament at London. Alſo this yeare Pope Boniface vpon diſpleſure cõceiued againſt the French K. ſent vnto king Edward exhorting hym to make warres againſte the ſame Frenche Kyng,The Pope ex|horteth the K. of Englande to make vvarre a|gainſt Fraunce. and to perſwade hym the more eaſily therevnto, hee promiſed him great aide: but the King of England hauing proued the ſaid Pope, not the ſureſt man in frendſhip towards him, he forebare to attempt any forci|ble exploite againſt the French King, truſting by ſome other meanes to recouer his righte.
[1] The deceaſe of the Earle of Hereforde.This yere departed out of this world Hum|frey Bohun Earle of Hereforde, after whome ſucceded his ſonne Humfrey, the whiche after|wardes married the Kynges daughter, Eliza|beth Counteſſe of Hollande, after that hir [...]e huſbande was deade.
[1] Tourneyes, i [...]ſtes barriers, & other wa [...]e exerciſes, Re. T [...]. Tour [...] [...]. whiche yong Lordes and gentlemen had appoynted to exerciſe for theyr paſtime, [...] diuers partes of the Realme, were forbidden by the Kyngs proclamations ſent downe to be publiſhed by the Sheriffes in euerye countye abrode in the Realme: the teſte of the writ was from Weſtminſter the ſixteenth of Iuly.
[1] The citizens of Burdeaux could not beare the yoke of the Frenche bondage, An. reg. [...] 1302 and therefore this yere aboute Chriſtmaſſe expulſed them out of theyr Citie. Shortly after the Frenche King doubting leaſte the Kyng of Englande by the ſetting on of the Pope, ſhoulde make warres agaynſte hym for the wrongfull deteyning of Gaſcoigne, to purchaſe his fauour,Tovv [...] [...]+red to the [...] in Gaſ [...] reſtored vn|to hym all that whiche hee helde in Gaſcoigne and ſo then they of Burdeaux, alſo ſubmitted themſelues to the Kyng of Englande of theyr owne accorde.
[1] [2] [3] Nowe after that the truce wyth the Scots was expired, Polidore. The Lo [...] [...]gr [...]e [...] Scotlands. whiche tooke ende at the feaſte of all Sainctes laſte paſte, the Kyng ſent the lord Iohn Segraue, a right valiant Knight (but not ſo circumſpect in his gouernement as was neceſſarie) wyth a great army into Scotland, to haue the rule of the lande as lorde Warden of the ſame:Abyng [...] Polidor. wyth him was ioyned alſo Raufe Confrere, Treaſourer of the armye. Theſe twoo capitaines comming to the borders, and he [...]ring that the Scottiſhe men already were in armes; they entred into Scotlande, and in order of battaile paſſe foorth vnto Edenburgh, and hearing nothing of theyr enemies, whiche kept them ſtill in the mountaines, they deuided their armye into three ſeuerall battailes, twoo of the whiche came behinde the fore warde vn|der the leading of the ſaide Rafe Confrey, the thirde (that is to ſay) the fore ward, the Lorde Segraue ledde hymſelfe, in ſuche order that there was the diſtaunce of foure miles betwixt theyr lodgings. This they did to be the more plenteouſlye ſerued of victualles. But the Scots vnderſtandyng this order of theyr ene|mies, became the more hardy, and therevppon hauing knowledge where the Lorde Segraue was lodged wyth his companye, a good waye off from the other twoo partes of the army, they haſte forewarde in the night ſeaſon, and came neare vnto the place where the ſame Lorde Segraue was encamped, a little before daye, making themſelues redie to aſſaile the engliſh|men in their campe, but the lorde Segraue ha|uing knowlege of their coming, though he was coũſeled by ſome of them that were about hi [...], either to wythdraw vnto the other battailes, or [page 839] elſe to ſende vnto them to come to his ayde, he would follow neither of bothe the wayes, but like a capitaine more hardie than wiſe in this point, diſpoſed his cõpanies which he had there in order to fight, and encouraging them to play the men, immediatly vpon the riſing of the ſun, & that his enemies approched, he cauſed the trũ|pets to blowe to the battaile, & gaue therewith the onſet. The fight was ſore, and doutful for a while, till the Engliſhmen ouercome with the [figure appears here on page 839] multitude of their enemies begã to be ſlaine on eche ſide, [...]e Englishe| [...] vanqui| [...] by the [...]tes. ſo yt few eſcaped by flight, to the nũber of .xx. worthie knyghts were taken, with their capitaine the ſaide Lorde Segraue being ſore wounded, but he was by chaunce reſkewed, and deliuered out of the enemies handes, by certen horſemen, [...]byngdon. whiche vnder the leading of the lord Robert Neuile a right valiant knight, (vpon hearing the noiſe of them that fled) came on the ſpurres out of the nexte campe to the ſuccour of theyr fellows. [...] Confrere [...]s ſlayne at [...] encounter [...]byngdon [...]. Raufe Confreir after this miſ|happe (as Polydore hathe) brought backe the re|ſidue of the army into Englande, not thinking it neceſſary to attempt any further enterpriſe at that time againſte the enimyes, ouermatching hym both in ſtrength and number. This en|counter chaunced [...] the firſt Sunday in Leut.
[4] I remember howe the Scottiſh Chronicles conteine muche more of this
enterpriſe greatly to their glorye, and more haply than is true, as by
cõferring the place where they entreat of it, with this that I haue here
exẽplified out of our writers it may well apeare. The erle Marſhall hauing
ſpent largely whileſt he ſtood in contẽ|tion againſt the king who was now earneſtly called vpon to
repay ſuche ſums of money as he had borowed of his brother Iohn Bigot,
[...]e Earle [...]hall reſig| [...] his landes to the king. who was very riche by reaſon of
ſuch benefices and ſpirituall liuings as he had in his handes, the erle
bicauſe he had no childrẽ to whõ he might leaue his landes, ment to haue
left thẽ vnto his ſaide brother: but when he ſaw hym ſo impor|tunate in
calling for the debtes which he ought hym, he tooke ſuch diſpleaſure
therwith, that to obtaine the Kynges
fauour, and to diſappoint his brother of the inheritaunce, he gaue vnto ye
Kyng all his poſſeſſions, vpon condition that the Kyng adding thereto other
landes in value worthe a .M. markes by yeare, ſhoulde reſtore thẽ to him
again to enioy during his life, the remainder after his deceſſe to come vnto
ye K. and further, the kyng ſhould pay and diſcharge him of all his
debts.A Subſidie. King Edward being ad|uertiſed
of the loſſe whiche his men had ſuſtei|ned in Scotlaned, ſtreight wayes
called a par|liamẽt, wherin by aſſent of the ſtates a ſubſidie was graunted
towardes the mainteinaunce of his warres, and thẽ the ſame being leuied he
aſ|ſẽbled his people,The king goth in perſon into
Scotlande. & ſhortly after about Whit|ſontide entred into
Scotlande to reuenge the death of his men. The Scottes hearing of the Kynges
comming, fled into the mountaines, moſſes, and mariſhe groundes, not once
ſhew|ing any countenance to fight any ſet battaile with the Engliſh
hoſte,Cathneſſe. ſo that the king in ma|ner
without reſiſtance paſſed throughe the coũ|tey euen vnto Cathnes, which is
ye furtheſt part of all Scotlãd: many of the Scots perceyuing theyr lack
of power to reſiſt ye engliſh puiſſãce,The Scots
ſub|mitte themſel|ues to the king came to king Edward &
ſubmitted themſelues, wyth condition yt they ſhould enioye their lãds
whiche he had giuen awaye to his lordes, they redeming ye ſame with
conueniẽt fines,
Abyngdon. VVill. VVal|lace. which was graũted. But
Williã Walleis with cer|ten other keping themſelues in places where no army
could come to purſue them, would neuer giue eare to any conditions of
agreement:Polidore. ſo that neither with
feare,Hec. Boetius. neither with offer of
re|wardes coulde this Walleis be induced to fo|lowe or beholde the Engliſhe
King ruling the Realme of Scotland.Io. Maior K.
Edward retourning backe came to the caſtel of Striueling (which the
Scottiſhmen helde againſt hym) & beſie|ged it.
An. reg. 32. Striuely [...] caſtel beſieged. Abingdon.
The King hymſelfe lay at Dunferling the moſte parte of the winter:
and whileſt he lay there, the Queene which had lyen a long time at Tinmouth
came to him, and when the win|ter was once paſte,1304. the king himſelfe commeth to the ſiege, and cauſed certain
engins of wood to be reiſed vp againſt the caſtell,Engins
to caſt ſtones. which ſhot off ſtones of .ij or .iij. C. weight:
but yet woulde not they within once talke of any ſurrender: & where
the Engliſhemen filled the ditches with wood and boughs of trees, they ſet
the ſame on [page 840] fire and brent them to aſhes: at length the
di [...]hes were filled with ſtones and earthe, ſo that then the Scotts within
perceyuing themſelues in euident perill to loſe the caſtell, on ſaint
Mar|garets daye they yelded themſelues ſimply in|to the Kynges handes, as
the engliſhe writers affirme, thoughe the Scottiſhe writers recorde the
contrary. Finally, when the Kyng had or|dered all his buſineſſe in Scotland
at his plea|ſure, he retourned into Englande, leauing in Scotland for warden the lord Iohn Segraue,Polidore. or (as other writers haue, ſir Aymer de
Valfce Erle of Pembroke.
The VValſ.
The Earle of Pembroke lord vvarden of Scotlande.
N. Triuet. Polidore
The deceaſſe of the Arche|byshoppe of Yorke. VVilliam Grenefielde made Arche|byshoppe of Yorke,
Robert Bruce Earle of Car|rike departeth this
lyfe.And likewiſe Robert Bruiſe Erle of Car|rike, the fifthe of
that name, dyed this yere, that was father
to that Roberte Bruce that was after King of Scottes. Moreouer aboute this
ſeaſon the kyng ordeined certain cõmiſſioners or Iuſticiaries, to make
inquiſitios through ye realme,
Nic. Triuet.
Inquiſitions ta|ken of the myſ| [...]emeanours of iuſtices.
[1] [2]1.9.1.
dilectis at fidelibus ſuis, Radulf [...] fil [...] VV [...]|helmi, et Iohãni de Bartõ de Ritõ ſalu [...]
Quia quãplures malefactores, & pacis noſtrae per [...]|tores, homicidia, depredationes, incẽdia, & ali [...] [...]|na quãplurima nocte die perpetrantes [...]ag [...] boſcis, parcis, & alijs locis diuorſis, tã infra liberta|res quã extra, in comit atu Eboracenſi, & ibid [...] r [...]|ceptatur in maximũ periculũ tã hominũ perp [...]es illas tranſ [...]untiũ, quã ibidẽ cõmorantiũ, to noſtre [...] temptũ ac pacis noſtra laſionẽ manifeſtã, [...]ce [...]|nius: per quorũ incurſum poterunt peiora per [...]bus de facili euenire, niſi remediũ ſuper hoc cit [...] appo|natur, nos eorum malitiae in hac parte obuiare, & huiuſmodi damnis & periculis preca [...]ere voletes, aſsignamus vos ad inquirendum per ſacramentum tam militũ quam aliorum proborũ & legaliũ ho|minũ, de contemptu praedicto, tam infra libertates quã extra, per quos ipſa veritas melius ſciri poteri [...], qui ſint illi malefactores & pacis noſtrae perturbato|res, & eosconduxerũt & cõducunt ad verberadũ, vulnerãdũ, maletractandũ, & interficiendũ plu|res de regno noſtro in ferijs, mercarijs et alijs locis in dicto comitatu, pro inimicitia, inuidia aũt malitia, [page 825] Et eti [...] pro eò quòd in aſsiſis iu [...]tis, recognitioni|bus, & inquiſitionibus factis de felonijs poſiti fue|rant, & veritatem dixerunt: vnde pre condition [...] huiuſmodi malefactorum iuratores aſsiſarum, [...]|tionum, recognitionum, & inquiſitionum illar [...] pro timore dictorum malefactorum, & eorum m [...]|narum, ſepius veritatem dicere, ſeu dicto [...] malefa|ctores indictare minime auſi filerunt, & ſunt. Et ad inquirendum de illis qui huiuſmodi munera de|derunt, & dant, & quantum, & quibus, & qui [...] huiuſmodi munera receperũt, & à quibus & qua|liter & quo modo, & qui huiuſmodi malefactores fouent, nutriunt, & manutenent in comitatu p [...]a|dicto, & ad ipſos malefactores tam per vos, quàm per vicecomitem noſtrum comitatus praedicti arre|ſtandos, & priſonae noſtrae liberandos, & ſalu [...], & ſecure, in eadem, per vicecomitem comitatus praedi|cti cuſtodiẽdos, ita quod ab eade priſona nullo modo deliberentur, ſine mandato noſtro ſpeciali. Et ideo vob [...] mandamus, quòd ad certos diẽ & locũ, quos ad hoc prouideritis, inquiſitiones illas faciatis. Et aſ|ſumpto vobiſcum ſufficiẽt [...] poſſe comitatus praedicti, ſi neceſſe fuerit, dictos malefactores coram vobis ſic indictatos, arestetis, & ipſos priſonae noſtrae libere|tis, in forma praedicta: & etiam omnia bona, & ca|talla ipſorum malefactorum qui ſe ſubtraxerint, & fugam fecerint, poſtquam de felonijs aliquibus coram vobis ſolemniter indictati fuerint, per vicecomitẽ comitatus praedicti, in manum noſtram capiatis, & ea ad opus noſtrum ſaluo cuſtodire faciatis, donec a|liud inde vobis, praeceperimus. Mandamus enim vicecomiti noſtro comitatus praedicti, quod ad certos diem & locũ, quos vos prouidere duxeritis, venire faciat, corã vobis tot & tales, tam milites quam a|lio [...], quos habere decreueritis, de comitatu illo, tam infra libertates, quàm extra, per quos ipſa veritas melius ſciri poterit, & inquiri. Et quod omnes illos quos per inquiſitionẽ culpabiles inuenire contigerit, et quos vos is, ſic liberaueritis, à nobis recipiãtur, et qucrũ nomina eis ſcire faciatis aſſũpto ſecũ, ſufficiẽ|ti poſſe comitatus praedicti, ſine dilatione arreſtari, & in priſona noſtra ſaluo, & ſecurè cuſtodire faciat in forma praedicta, & communitati dicti comitatus quod ſimul cum vicecomite praedicto, vobis quocien|ſcun opus fuerit in praemiſsis pareat, aſsiſtat, & in|tendat, prout eis iniungetis ex parte noſtra. In cuius rei teſtimonium. &c.
[1] Heerevnto were annexed certaine articles by way of inſtructions, of what
pointes they ſhould enquire, as partly
aboue is noted, out of the addi|tion to Mathewe Weſt. but not ſo fully, as
in the ſaid Chronicle of Abingdon is found expreſ|ſed,
reg. 33.
[...]ce Ed| [...] cõmit| [...] ward.
[...]on. [...]an.
[1] In the 33. yere of his raigne, K. Edward putte his ſon Prince Edward in priſon, bycauſe yt hee had riotouſly brokẽ the parke of Walter Lang|ton B. of Cheſter, and bycauſe the Prince hadde done this dede by the procurement of a lewd and wanton perſon, one Peers Gauaſton, an Eſquire of Gaſcoigne, the K. baniſhed him the Realme, leaſt the prince, who delited much in his compa|ny, might by his euil & wanton counſel, fall to [...] and naughty rule.
[1] Moreouer, the ſame yere,
William Wa|lace taken and put to deathe.
Ri. South.
[1] Alſo, about the ſame time, the K. of Fraunce required the K. of Englande by
meſſengers and letters ſent vnto him, that he would baniſh al the Flemings
out of his Realme,Nich. Triuet. in like manner as
at his inſtance he had lately before baniſhed al the Scottiſhmẽ out of
France. The K. of Englande was cõtented ſo to doe, and by that meanes,
Flemings ba|niſhed the land, at con|templation of the Kyng of
The Archby|ſhop of Caun|terbury accu|ſed by the K.
Nich: Triuet:
He is ſuſpen|ded.
[2] This yere, Robert Bruce, contriuing wayes how to make himſelf K. of
An. reg. 34. 1306 Iohn Lorde Comin flayne by Roberte Bruce.
Robert Bruce.In the meane time, Roberte le Bruce
went abroade in the countreys of Scotlande, receyued the homages of many
Scottiſhmenne, and got togither an army of men, with the whiche, he
approched neere to S. Iohns Towne, into the which the Earle of Pembroke was
alittle before entred to defende it,Abingdon. with three hundred menne of armes, beſide
footemen. The Bruce ſent vnto the Erle to come out, & giue battell,
ye Erle ſent vnto him word againe, that he would not fight ye day being
ſunday,It was the next ſunday after Midſomer
day. but vpõ the next morow, he would ſatiſfie his requeſt.
Robert Bruce herevpõ with|drew a mile backe frõ the towne, determining to
reſt himſelfe and his people that night. About e|uening tide cõmeth the
Earle foorth of the towne with his people in order of battell, and aſſayling
his enimies vpon a ſuddaine,Robert Bruce put to flight by the Earle of Pembroke.
ſlew diuers ere they could get their armour on their backes. Roberte Bruce
and others that hadde ſome ſpace to arme thẽſelues made ſome reſiſtance for
a while, but at length, the Engliſh mẽ put them to the worſe, ſo that they
were conſtreyned to flee.Robert Bruce fled into
Can|tir. The Earle following ye chaſe, purſued thẽ, euẽ into
Kentire, not reſting, til he vnderſtood that a great number of thẽ wer
gottẽ into a Caſtel, which he beſieged, in hope to haue found Roberte Bruce
within it, but he was fled further into
the Coũtrey. How|beit,
His wife and brother are taken. The Earle of Athol taken.
[1] Fabian.But ſome write, that this Erle was taken in the battell laſt remembred, after long fighte and great ſlaughter of Scottes, to the number [...]|uen M. and alſo that in ye chaſe, the Lord [...] [...]|de Friſeil was taken, with the biſhops of S. [...]|drowes & Glaſcow, the Abbot of Scone, and [...] ſaid Erle of Atholl, named ſir Iohn Chambre [...]. The biſhops and Abbot, K. Edwarde ſente [...] Pope Innocent,Wic. T [...] with report of their pena [...] other write, that the foreſaide biſhops & Abbot [...]+ing takẽ indeede the ſame yere,Mat. [...] were brought into Englãd, & there kept as priſoners within ſundrie Caſtels.
[1] The wyfe of Roberte le Bruce [...] daughter to the erle of Vlſter, was ſent vnto the manor of Bruſtwick, & there honorably vſed ha|uing a cõuenient nũber of ſeruants appointed to waite on hir. The Erle of Vlſter hir father,Br [...] [...] whoſe [...] in the beginning of theſe laſt warres, ſent vnto K. Ed|ward two of his own ſons to remaine wt him, [...] ſuch wiſe as he ſhuld think cõueniẽt to aſſure him+ſelf of him, yt he would attẽpt nothing againſt the Engliſh ſubiects. Alſo it was ſaid, yt the Lady hir ſelf, the ſame day hir huſbãd & ſhe ſhould be crow|ned, ſaid,The fa [...] of Ro [...] B [...] that ſhe feared they ſhuld proue but as a ſommer K. and Q. ſuch as in Countrey townes ye yong folks choſe for ſport to dance about May poles. For theſe cauſes was ſhe ye more curteoſly vſed at the Kinges handes, as reaſon no leſſe re|quired.
[1] It ſhuld appeare alſo by Robert Fabian, that the Kyng was preſente himſelfe
at this battell: but other affirme, that prince Edward was there as
generall, and not his father,Polidor. and that the
bat|tell was foughte at Dunchell vppon the riuer of Tay. But neyther the
Scottiſh Chronicles nor Nicholas Triuet, (whome in the hiſtorie of this Kyng
Edwarde the firſte,Nic. Tr [...]
we haue moſt follo|wed) make any mention, that either the King or
prince ſhoulde bee at the foreſaide battaile, but that the Erle of Pembroke
with Roberte Lorde Clifford, and Henry Lord Percy were ſente be|fore (as ye
haue already heard) with an army, by whome as appeareth, this victory was
Mat. VV [...]
Met [...] The Ca [...] of Loch [...] takes, [...] Chri [...] Se [...]
[...] it.
Nic. T [...]
He is c [...]+ [...]ed.
[1] After this, was the Caſtell of Lochdore taken, and within it, Chriſtopher Seiton, that hadde married the ſiſter of Roberte le Bruce: and by|cauſe hee was no Scotte but an Engliſhmanne borne, the Kyng commaunded that hee ſhoulde bee ledde vnto Dunfriſe, where hee hadde killed one of the Kyngs Knightes, and there to be han|ged, drawen and quartered.
[1] The wife of this Chriſtopher Seiton, he ap|pointed to be kept in ye Monaſterie of Thixell in Lindſey, and the daughter of Roberte le Bruce, whyche was alſo taken aboute the ſame time, was ſente to the Monaſterie of Waton.
[2] Moreouer,His l [...] giues [...] by the [...]
the manor of Seton in Whitebe|ſtroud, he gaue vnto ye Lord Edmõd
de Manley, [page 843] and thoſe other lands that belonged vnto the
ſaid Chriſtopher Selton in Northũberlande,
[...]e lands of [...]bert Bruce [...]en away. [...]e Earle of [...]eford. he gaue vnto ye Lord Wil. Latimer. The lãds yt
belõged to the new Scottiſh K. he beſtowed in this wiſe, to Hẽry Bohun
Earle of Hereforde, which hadde maried one of K. Edwards daughters, he gaue
ye Lordſhips of Annãdale,
[...]d [...]ford. Hert & Hertnes, he gaue vnto ye Lord Robert
Clifford, ſauing alwayes ye right yet that belonged to the Church of
Durhã, Totenham, and Totenhamſhire: & the maner of Wrothell in ye ſouth parts, he gaue to other
noble mẽ, and ye Erledome of Carrike which ye Bruce had holden, as by
inheritance frõ his mother, the K. gaue to the Lord Hẽry Percie,
[...]e Lord Hẽ| [...] Percy.
[...]ufe de [...]thermet.
[1] The elect Archb. of Yorke Wil. Grenefielde, was cõfirmed this yere, by Pope Clemẽt ye fifth, at ye citie of Lion in France, where ye ſame Pope was crowned about the ſame time, and held hys court there, liuing chiefly of the money which he got of biſhops that came to him for their cõfirma|tiõs: [...]mes [...]o [...]y [...]th the [...] had of Archb. [...]k. he had of ye ſaid Archb. of Yorke within one yere, nine M. and fiue C. markes, beſides the ex|pences which he was at whileſt he lay there: and ſo whẽ this Archb. was returned into England, through pouerty, he was driuen to gather money of the perſons, prieſtes, and religious men within his prouince at two ſundry times in one yere, as firſt, in name of a courteſie and gracious beneuo|lence, and the ſecond time, by way of an ayde.
[1] [2] [3] Moreouer, Pope Clement ordeined Anthony B. of Durhã, Patriarke of Ieruſalem, diſpẽſing with him, ſo as he held ſtill ye biſhopricke of Dur|ham, notwithſtanding this other promotion, and this was, bycauſe the B. was rich,The great reuenewes of Anthony B. of Durham. and the Pope pore. For this B. might diſpend in yeerely reue|newes by purchaſes and inheritances, beſides ye belonged to his miter aboue fiue M. markes, & he gaue great rewards to the Pope, & to his Cardi|nals, by meanes whereof, hee obteined in ſute a|gainſt ye Prior of Durham, ſo yt hee had ye charge & ouerſight of the Monaſterie of Durham, both ye ſpirituall gouernemẽt & temporall, through en|forming ye Pope, that the Prior was not able in diſcretion to rule the houſe. At his returning home, he cauſed a Croſſe of ſiluer and gilt, ador|ned with an Image of the Crucifex, to bee borne afore him. But where hee appointed certayn per|ſons as his deputies to enter into the Priorie of Durham, and to take charge thereof, in place [page 844] of the Prior,He is kept out of the Abbey at Durham. the Monkes ſhutte the gates a|gainſt them, appealing to the Pope, and preten|ding the Kyngs protection which they had pur|chaſed. But thoſe that thus came in the Biſhops name, accuſed the Monkes, and ſo departed. The King herewith was highly offended, ſo that hee cauſed them to aunſwere the matter, afore the Iuſtices of his benche, and for theyr preſumpti|on in pronouncing the curſe, withoute makyng the Kyng priuie to their doings, they were putte to their fines.He is ſummo|ned to appere before the K. and refuſeth. And whereas the Byſhoppe was ſummoned to appeare before the King in perſon at a certayne day, hee made defaulte, and depar|ting out of the Realme, gote backe agayne to the Pope, contrary to the Kyngs prohibition: wher|vppon, the liberties of the Sea of Durham were ſeaſed into the Kinges handes, and the K. placed his Iuſtices and Chauncellor there, and in the yeare nexte enſuing, hee exacted of the tenantes of the Archbiſhopricke, the thirtenth peny of their goodes,The conclu|ſion of the ſtrife betwixt the Biſhop and Monks of Durham. and otherwiſe vexed them with ſundry talages. The concluſion of this matter was this, that the Prior was cited by the Pope, to appeare in his conſiſtory, whether he went, ha|uing the Kinges letters in his fauoure directed to the Pope, wherevppon, when the Pope had exa|mined the matter, and hearde the Prior ſpeake in his owne perſon, he perceiued him to be otherwiſe than he was enformed (a ſober diſcrete man) and therefore reſtored him againe to the gouernemẽt of his houſe, but he remayned in ye Popes Court, til after the kings deathe, and finally, died there himſelfe, in the yere. 1207. But now to returne to other doings of King Edwarde. We finde, that whileſt hee lay ſtill at Lauercoſt,Bernards Ca|ſtel giuen to the Earle of Warwike. hee gaue to the Earle of Warwike Bernards Caſtel, the which he had by eſcheit, through forfeiture thereof made by Iohn Balliol late K. of Scotlãd. He alſo toke and ſeaſed into his hands Penreth with the ap|purtenances.
An. reg. 35. 1307 A Parliament at Ca [...]. A [...]
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[1] In the 23. yeare of his raigne, there was fined at the place aforeſaide 521. Betwixt the x. day of Iuly, & the .xx. day of October the ſame yeare. lb. and ten ſs weight of ſiluer by times, whiche was alſo broughte to London. In ye 24. yere of his raigne, ther wer ta|ken vp 3 [...]7. miners, within the wapentake of the Peake in Derbiſhire, & brought into Deuõſhire, to worke there in thoſe ſiluer mines, as appeareth by ye allowãce demanded by ye ſaid maſter Wil. de Wimondhã in his rolle of accomptes, deliue|red ye yere into ye Exchequer: & there was brought frõ thẽce to Londõ ye ſame yere of ſiluer fined and caſt in wedges 700. four pound three ſs. one peny weight. In ye 25. yere of his raigne, ther were thre C. and 84. miners brought again out of the peak [...] into Deuonſhire, and out of Wales there were brought alſo 25. miners, which all were occupyed about thoſe ſiluer mines, beſide others of the ſelfe countrey of Deuonſhire, and other places.
[1] [2] Alſo, Wil. de Aulton clearke, keper of ye kings mines in Deuonſhire & Cornewall, was accõp|tant of ye iſſues and profites of the Kings mines, [page 846] there, from the fourth of March, Anno 26. of hys raigne, vntill the eighteenth of Aprill Anno 27. and yeelded vp his accompt, both of the ſiluer and leade. But now to coclude with this noble prince K. Edward the firſt, he was ſure not only valiãt, but alſo politike, labouring to bring this deuided Iſle, into one entier Monarchie, which he wente very neere to haue atchieued: for whereas he was fully bente to make a conqueſt of Scotlande, in like caſe as hee had already done of Wales, if hee had liued any lõger time to haue diſpatched Ro|bert le Bruce, that only ſtoode in his way, it was very likely that he ſhould haue found none other to haue reyſed banner agaynſte hym aboute the quarrell or title to the clayme of that Realme. For as hee was a righte warlike Prince of hym|ſelfe, ſo was hee furniſhed with Captaynes and Souldiers aunſwerable to his deſire, who beyng able to leade and commaunde them of hym ſelfe, hadde them at length obedient ynough to ſerue him, although (as partly yee haue hearde,) ſome of the peeres ſhewed themſelues at tymes diſobe|dient and ſtubborne, whome yet in the ende, hee tamed well ynough, as the Earles of Hereforde and Northfolke, the whiche in the thirtith yeare of hys raigne, reſigned their Caſtels and ma|nors into his hands, as by the records of the To|wer it further may appeare.
[1] Nowe to followe as in other Kinges I haue done heretofore for learned men: theſe I finde to haue flouriſhed in this Kinges dayes, Henry de Henna, a Carmelite Frier: Goodwine, the chan|tor of the Church of Saliſburie: Adam de Ma|riſco or Mareis, borne in Sommerſetſhire, an excellente Deuine as hee was reputed in thoſe dayes: Gregory Huntingtõ, a Monke of Rame|ſey, very experte in the tongs: Seuall Archbiſhop of Yorke, a man ſingularly learned and ſtout, in defending the cauſe of his Cleargie againſte the Pope: Haymo de Feuerſham: Peter Swaning|ton: Helias Trickingham: Helias de Eneſham: Radulfe Bocking, borne in Suſſex: Alphred ſur|named Anglicus, Iames Ciſtercienſis. William of Ware: Robert Oxford: Thomas Docking: Iohn ſurnamed Grammaticus: Robert Dode|forde: but the more part of theſe are rather to bee aſcribed vnto the tyme of Henry the thirde, the father of this Kyng Edwarde, where theſe that followe, are thoughte to flouriſhe in the tyme of Kyng Edwardes raigne, after the deceſſe of hys father Kyng Henry: Thomas Spotte, a Chro|nographier: Peter de Ickeham a Kentiſhman borne as Bale thinketh: Iohn Beckton, a doctor of both the lawes: William Hanaberg a Car|melite Frier, prouinciall gouernoure of his order heere in Englande: Robert Kilwarby, Byſhop of Caunterburye, and after made a Cardinall, and Biſhop of Portua: Gilbert ſurnamed Mag|nus, a Monke of the Ciſteaux order: Helias Ros: Walter Recluſe: Hugh de Eueſham: Iohn Euerſden, a writer of Annales, whome I haue partly followed in thys Kyngs life: William Pagham: Henry Eſſeborne: Iohn de Hayde: Roger Bacon, a Franciſcane Frier, an excellent Philoſopher, and lykewiſe, a Mathematician: Iohn Derlingon, a Dominike Frier: Iohn Chelmeſton: Thomas Borſtale, a Northfolke man borne: Gregorie Cairugent, a Monke of Glouceſter, a writer of annales: Gregorie de Bredlington: Thomas Bungey, a Frier Mi|nor, borne in Northfolke, an excellente Mathe|maticien, prouinciall ruler of hys order heere in Englande, hee flouriſhed in the dayes of Kyng Edwarde the firſt, although there were another of the ſame name that liued in the time of Kyng Edward the thirde: Hugh de Mancheſter a Do|minike Frier, and prouinciall gouernour of hys order heere in Englande: Richarde Knapwell a Dominike Frier: Iohn Peckham, borne in the dioceſſe of Chicheſter, a Franciſcane Frier, excellẽtly learned, as by his workes it appereth, he was aduaunced by Pope Honorius the third, to the Archbiſhops ſee of Canterbury: Thomas de Illey, a Suffolke man borne, and a white or Carmelike Frier in the houſe of Gippeſwiche: Michaell ſurnamed Scotte, but borne in the Biſhopricke of Durham, as Leland hath, an ex|cellent Phiſition, and likewiſe very expert in the Mathematicals: Hugh de Newcaſtell a Frier Minor, profeſſed in the ſame Towne: Thomas Sutton a blacke Frier, that is of the order of S. Dominicke: Iohn Reade, an Hiſtoriographer: William de la Mare a Frier Minor: Thomas Wicke, a Chanon of Oſney in Oxforde: Si|mon de Gaunt: Wiliam Hothun, prouinciall of the Frier Dominikes in England: Iohn de Hide a Monke of Wincheſter: Roberte Crouche, a cordelier, or a Franciſcane Frier: Richarde Mid|delton, a Frier Minor, Thomas Spirman a blacke Frier: William Lidlington, a doctor of Diuinitie, and a Carmelike Frier in Stanford: Iohn Fiberie or Beuer, a Monke of Weſtmin|ſter: William Makeleſfield borne in Cheſhire, in a market Towne, whereof he beareth the name, a blacke Frier by profeſſion, and an excellente Philoſopher.