[1] The earle of Flanders [...] the [...]rench king.This attachment made, and summons giuen, the earle of Flanders sent his full defiance vnto the French king by the abbats of Gemblois, and Sene|fles, vnto whome he gaue sufficient letters procura|torie, to authorise them thereto, dated at Male in the yeare of Grace 1296, after the accounts of the chro|nicles of Flanders, which begin their yere at Easter: and so this chanced in the fiue and twentith yeare of king Edwards reigne, the wednesdaie next after the feast of the Epiphanie.The earle of Flanders accurssed. Herevpon was the earle ac|curssed, & Flanders interdicted by the archbishop of Reims, and the bishop of Senlis comming vnto Terwane for that purpose, about the fifteenth day of Iune, in the yeare 1297. But the lord Robert the earles sonne appealed from that interdiction to the pope,His sonne appealeth from the in|terdiction. and so the Flemmings tooke themselues frée & out of danger of the same. Earle Guie also obteined of king Edward, that it might be lawfull for them of Bruges, to buy wools, through England, Scotland and Ireland, as freelie as the Italians might by their priuilege and grant.