[1] [2] The French councell weied nothing at all these of|fers, and would not so much as once vouchsafe to giue an answer to the English ambassadors ear|nestlie requiring the same. Finallie, the French K. sent vnto the citie of Anion, which is knowne to be|long vnto the dutchie of Guien, where he there caused the king of England to be cited to make his appeerance at Paris, at a certeine daie,The king of England ci|ted to appéere to answer to the iniuries and rebellions by him doone in the countrie of Gascoigne, at the which daie when he appéered not, the French king sitting in the seat of iudgement in his owne proper person, gaue sen|tence there against the king of England,Sentence giuen against the king of England. for ma|king default, and withall commanded the high co|nestable of France to seize into his hands all the du|chie of Guien, and either to take or to expell all the king of Englands officers, souldiers, and deputies, which were by him placed within the said duchie. The king a little before had sent thither a valiant knight, named the lord Iohn saint Iohn, which had furni|shed all the cities, townes, castels, and places, with men, munition, and vittels, for defense of the same. Anno Reg. 22.