[1] Abington. Irish lords. The Ile of Araine.About the same time certeine Irish lords, and a|mongst other as chéefe, one Thomas Biset landed in the Ile of Araine, the inhabitants whereof yéelded themselues vnto the same Thomas, who (as was iud|ged) meant to haue aided the Scots: but now hea|ring of the victorie which king Edward had gotten in a pight field, he sent vnto him to giue him to vn|derstand that he was come in his aid, & had woon the said Ile of Araine,Thomas Bi|set requireth the Ile of Araine. and therfore besought him that it might please him to grant it vnto him and his heires for euer. Which request the king granted: whereof when the earles Marshall and Hereford were aduer|tised,The euill opi|nion of the earles Mar|shall & Here|ford towards the king. they thought this a rash part of the king, consi|dering that he had promised to doo nothing anew without their consents and counsell.