[1] Herevpon a knight of the earles of Lancaster, called sir Geffrey de Langley,Sir Geffrey Langley. was spéedilie sent in|to Gascoigne with letters from the French king, directed to the conestable, to call him backe againe from his appointed enterprise. And the foresaid chap|leine sir Iohn Lacie was sent also thither with the letters patents of the king of England, directed vn|to his officers there, in forme as is aboue mentioned, whervpon the lord Iohn saint Iohn the king of Eng|lands lieutenant in Gascoigne, vnderstanding the conclusions of the agreement, sold all such prouisions as he had made and brought into the cities, townes, and fortresses for the defense of the same, and depar|ting out of Gascoigne, came towards Paris to re|turne that waie into England.