[1] Also, about the same time, the king of France re|quired the king of England by messengers and let|ters sent vnto him, N. Triuet. that he would banish all the Fle|mings out of his realme, in like manner as at his instance he had latelie before banished all the Sco|tishmen out of France.

Flemings banished the land, at con|templation of the king of France.

Abington. The archbi|shop of Can|turburie accu|sed by the K. Nic. Triuet. He is suspended.

The king of England was contented so to doo, and by that means were all the Flemings auoided out of this land at that season, but shortlie after, they returned againe. King Edward accused Robert archbishop of Canturburie vnto the pope, for that he should go about to trouble the quiet state of the realme, and to defend and succour rebel|lious persons, wherevpon the said archbishop being cited to the popes consistorie, was suspended from executing his office, till he should purge himselfe by order of law, of such crimes as were laid and obiected against him. The king also obteined an absolution of the pope, of the oth which against his will he had ta|ken, for the obseruing of the liberties exacted by force of him, by the earls and barons of his realme, name|lie, touching disforrestings to be made.