[1] [2] After this the foresaid Dauid returned to his bro|ther the prince, and therewith assembling an armie,The castell of Rutland be|sieged. they went both togither and besieged the castell of [page 281] Rutland. King Edward at the same time being in the parts about Salisburie, where he kept his Easter at the Uies, sent out commissioners to leauie an ar|mie, and commanded such men of warre as he had then in a readinesse, to hast foorth to the rescue of the castell of Rutland.The castell of Lamperde|uaux taken. And in the meane time, the castell of Lamperdeuaux was taken by Rice ap Malgone and Griffith ap Meridoc. Also diuerse other castels were taken by other of the Welsh nobilitie. Moreo|uer, about this time by the labour and suit of Iohn the archbishop of Canturburie, Emericke de Mont|fort,Emericke de Montfort set at libertie. which had béene reteined in prison (sith that he was first taken togither with his sister at the Isle of Sillie by the Bristowmen) was now set at libertie and permitted to returne into France. The said archbishop of Canturburie was sent into Wales to persuade Leolin and his brother with the other re|bels vnto peace and quietnesse,Leolin and other the W [...]lsh rebels accurssed. Anno Reg. 10. but returning into England, without bringing anie thing to passe, he de|nounced them accurssed.