9.1. The instrument of the homages of the lords of Scotland to K. Edward.

The instrument of the homages of the lords of Scotland to K. Edward.

[1] _A Touz ceux que cestes lettres verront ou orront, &c. To all those that these present letters shall see or heare, we Iohn Comin of Badenaw, &c. Bi|cause that we at the faith and will of the most noble prince, and our dearest lord, Edward by the grace of God king ofEngland, lord of Ire|land, and duke of Aquitaine, doo vow and pro|mise for vs and our heires, vpon paine of bodie and goods, and of all that we may haue, that we shall serue him well and trulie against all men, which may liue and die, at all times when we shall be required or warned by our said lord the king of England or his heires, and that we shall not know of any hurt to be doone to them, but the same we shall let and impeach with all our power, and giue them warning thereof: and those things to hold and keepe, we bind vs, our heires, and all our goods, and further, receiue an oth thereof vpon the holie euangelists: and after all, we and euerie of vs haue done homage vnto our souereigne lord the king ofEngland in words as followeth;The forme of their homage. I become your liegeman of life, members, and earthlie honour, against all men which may liue and die. And the same our souereigne lord the king receiued this homage vnder this forme of words; We receiue it for the land of the which you be now seized,The words of K. Edward accepting it. the right of vs, or other saued, and except the lands which Iohn Balioll sometime king of Scotland granted vnto vs, after that we did deliuer vnto him the kingdome of Scotland, if happilie he hath giuen to you any such lands.

[1] Moreouer, all we, and euerie of vs by himselfe haue done fealtie to our said souereigne lord the king in these words; I as a faithfull & liege man, shall keepe faith and loialtie vnto Edward king ofEngland, and to his heires, of life, mem|ber and earthlie honor, against all men which may liue and die, and shall neuer for any person beare armour, nor shall be of counsell nor in aid with any person against him, or his heires in any case that may chance, but shall faithful|lie acknowledge, and doo the seruice that be|longeth to the tenements the which I claime to hold of him, as God me helpe and all his saints. In witnesse wherof, these letters patents are made and signed with our seales. Yeuen at Warke the foure and twentith of March, in the 24 yeare of the reigne of our said lord the king of England.