[1] Discord in the Sco|tish armie. Sir Richard Lundie.There was in the same armie a knight named sir Richard Lundie, which neuer yet had doon homage to the king of England, but now flieng from his com|panie, he came to the English armie, and submitted himselfe with his retinue vnto the king of England, saieng that he ment not to serue amongst them any longer that could not agrée togither.The Scots sue for peace. The residue of the Scotishmen sued for peace, vpon condition to haue liues, members, goods, cattels and lands saued, with a pardon of all offenses past. The lord Percie vpon pledges & writings heerof deliuered, was con|tented to grant their requests, so that the king his maister would be therewith pleased, who being here|of certified, bicause he would not gladlie be staied of his iournie into Flanders, granted vnto all things that were thus required.