[1] Besides this, the prince shall (as farre as in him may lie) pacifie his brethren,Leolins bre|thren. of the which he had put two in prison, Owen and Roderike [...] the third na|med Dauid, escaping his hands, fled into England, and remained many yéeres with king Edward, who receiuing him into his seruice, made him knight in this warre,Dauid rewar|ded by king Edward. and gaue vnto him a castell at Denbigh in Wales, with lands to the yéerelie value of a thou|sand marks, in recompense of those possessions which he ought to haue had in Anglesey, the which (as be|fore is said) the king granted vnto Leolin for terme of his life, and after his deceasse to reuert vnto the king and to his heires.Dauid prefer|red in mariage Moreouer, he preferred Da|uid to the marriage of a iollie widowe, that was daughter to the earle of Darbie.