[1] [2] In this meane while, to wit, about the end of Au|gust, the earle of Surrey, when he saw that the Sco|tishmen would not performe promise touching the deliuerie of the pledges, and that William Waleis still mooued the people to rebellion, he assembled his armie, & with the same entring Scotland, came vn|to Striueling. Then the lord steward of Scotland, and also the earle of Lenox came vnto him, requi|ring him to staie till they might haue leasure to see if they could bring the people of Scotland vnto the kings peace. But when they could not doo it, they re|turned on the tenth day of September, promising to bring to the aid of the earle of Surrey on the mor|row after fortie horssemen, vpon the which day two friers of the order of preachers were sent vnto Wil|liam Waleis, and to the other Scotishmen lieng be|yond the hill aboue the monasterie of Scambeskin, to mooue them to the kings peace. But their answer was, that they were not come to haue peace, but to trie the matter by battell.