[1] Furthermore, N. Triuet. whilest king Edward kept his ca|stell at Warke, seauen earles of Scotland, as Bou|chan, Menteth, Stratherne, Lennox, Ros, Atholl, and Mar, with Iohn Comin the maister of Badenaw, hauing assembled an armie togither of fiue hundred men of armes on horssebacke, Abington. The Scots inuade Eng|land. and ten thousand foot|men in Annandale, vpon monday in Easter wéeke entred England, and putting all to fire and sword, approched to Carleill, and laid siege therevnto on each side, passing the water of Eden by a foord vnder Ri|chardston, and did so much preuaile, Nic. Triuet. that they burned [page 298] the suburbes, and assaulted the gates, at which enter|prise, a gentleman of Galloway as he ventured somewhat neere to the gate, was drawne vp by an iron hooke, of those that stood aloft vpon the gates to defend the same, and there slaine, and thrust through with speares. In the meane time, a spie, the which had béene taken and committed to prison, set fire on the house wherein he was inclosed, and so the flames cat|ching hold vpon the other buildings, a great part of the citie was thereby burned. Yet the men and the women getting themselues to the wals, droue their enimies backe, and so defended the citie from ta|king. Whervpon, the Scotish lords perceiuing they could not preuaile,The Scots raise their siege from Caricil. left their siege on the thursdaie in Easter weeke, and returned againe into Scotland.