[2] Then the earle perceiuing
he should but lose his labor to staie any longer there,The earle of Lancaster de|parteth this life. vpon certeine
weigh|tie occasions returned vnto Baionne, where he shortlie after fell
sicke and died. He left behind him three sonnes, Thomas that succéeded him
in the earl|dome of Lancaster, Henrie lord of Monmouth, and Iohn whome he
had begot of his wife Blanch, the which before had béene married vnto Henrie
earle of Champaigne, and king of Nauar, by whome shée had but one onelie
daughter, that was married vn|to the French king Philip de Beau. After this
the English armie besieged the citie of Aques,
Aques besie|ged. The earle of Arthois sent with an armie to Gascoine. N.