[1] Churches were burned, women were forced with|out respect of order, condition or qualitie, as well she maids, widowes and wiues, as nunnes that were reputed in those daies consecrated to God, and when they had beene so abused, manie of them were after also murthered, and cruellie dispatched out of life. At length, they came to the nunrie of Lamelaie, & bur|ned all the buildings there, sauing the church,The nunrie of Lamelaie burnt. and then returned backe into Scotland with all their pillage and booties by Lauercost, an house of moonks, which they likewise spoiled. So that the cruell & bloudie de|solation whereof Lucan speaketh in his second booke of ciuill warres, may aptlie be inferred here, as fit|lie describing the mercilesse murther of all states and sexes without parcialitie vnder the hand of the e|nimie: for saith he,
Nobilitas cum plebe perit,Luc. lib. 2. latéque vagaturEnsis, & à nullo reuocatum est pectore ferrum,Stat cruor in templis, multáque rubentia caedeLubrica saxa madent, nulli sua profuit aetas,Non senis extremum piguit vergentibus annisPraecipitasse diem, non primo in limine vitaeInfantis miseri nascentia rumpere fata.