[1] Towards the maintenance of his warres and o|ther charges, besides the subsidies which he leuied of his people, and other reuenues comming to his cof|fers, he had great helpe,Siluer [...] by reason of the siluer mines which in his daies were found in Deuonshire, and occupied greatlie to his profit, as in the records re|maining in the excheker, concerning the accompts and allowances about the same it dooth and may ap|peare. For in the accompts of master William de Wimondham, it is recorded, that betwixt the twelfth daie of August, and the last of October,The same Wimondha [...] also receiue [...] 82 pounds [...] 26 founder [...] lead, out of [...] which [...] by his [...]|compts. in the 22 yeare of this king Edwards reigne, there was tried and fined out at Martinestowe in Deuonshire by times, so much of fined siluer as amounted to the summe of 370 pounds weight, which being brought to London, was there refined by certeine finers, that plate might be forged thereof, for the ladie Elianor duches of Bar, and daughter to the said king, married in the yeare then last past to the duke of Bar as be|fore ye haue heard.