[1] But where he appointed certeine persons as his deputies to enter into the priorie of Durham, and to take charge thereof in place of the prior,He is kept out of the abbeie [...] Durham. the moonks shut the gates against them, appealing to the pope, and pretending the kings protection, which they had purchased. But those that thus came in the bishops name, accursed the moonks, & so departed. The king héerewith was highlie offended, so that he caused them to answer the matter afore the iustices of his bench, and for their presumption in pronouncing the cursse, without making the king priuie to their doo|ings, [...]e is summo| [...]ed to appéere before the K. [...] refuseth. they were put to their fines. And whereas the bishop was summoned to appeare before the king in person at a certeine daie, he made default, and de|parting out of the realme, got backe againe to the pope, contrarie to the kings prohibition: wherevpon the liberties of the see of Durham were seized into the kings hands, and the king placed his iustices and chancellor there, and in the yeare next insuing, he ex|acted of the tenants of the archbishoprike, the thir|téenth penie of their goods, and otherwise vexed them with sundrie talages.