[1] [2] [3] About the same time, to wit, a little before Christ|masse, the lord Robert Clifford,The lord Clif+ford inuadeth Annandale. with the power of the citie of Carleill, entred Annandale, committing all to the spoile of the footmen, of whome there was a great number. The men of armes on horsbacke, be|ing not past an hundred in all, kept togither, and fin|ding their enimies assembled néere to Annankirke,Annankirke. gaue a charge vpon them, and chased them into a marish, within the which they kept them, till the foot|men came in, and assailing them, slue 308 persons,Scots slaine. and tooke diuerse of them prisoners, and returning a|gaine to their market, burnt ten villages, and on Christmasse euen returned with their preie and boo|ties vnto Carleill. In the beginning of Lent they made an other rode,Annankirke burnt. in the which they burnt the church of Annan.